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Replay on 75c


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Has the new replay feature been released for the 75c yet?.I have heard people talking about the function on their 75c. I have just re installed the latest Escribe and when i connect my 75c there is no mention of an update!!.Am i missing something? Thank you

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Hi, I've updated today my two DNA75C devices with latest service pack featuring Replay mode. Evolv did a wonderful job and I'm really enjoying the stuff . I only have a question about it: in Escribe there is a chance to select Replay mode both with a Watts profile and a temperature sensing material profile. I thought that Replay had a meaning only selecting Watts and then saving a satisfying puff, which the chip would then replicate according to recorded parameters, without knowing or caring about the material, as long as it is a temperature sensing material . What's the reason about allowing to select a TC mode in combination with Replay mode. And what the chip will care about then? The curve of material, as it does in regular TC mode, or it will keep working like Watts were selected?

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  On 4/29/2018 at 9:04 PM, nagaraka said:

Hi, I've updated today my two DNA75C devices with latest service pack featuring Replay mode. Evolv did a wonderful job and I'm really enjoying the stuff . I only have a question about it: in Escribe there is a chance to select Replay mode both with a Watts profile and a temperature sensing material profile. I thought that Replay had a meaning only selecting Watts and then saving a satisfying puff, which the chip would then replicate according to recorded parameters, without knowing or caring about the material, as long as it is a temperature sensing material . What's the reason about allowing to select a TC mode in combination with Replay mode. And what the chip will care about then? The curve of material, as it does in regular TC mode, or it will keep working like Watts were selected?


I'm trying to figure all this out also, I've tried using replay mode without temp control, with temp control, with temp protection & without... Bit confused what replay mode is actually doing at the moment !!

I was initially under the impression I could use replay mode in a "wattage" like mode and it would automatically prevent dry hits & cotton burn... replicating the last puff - simple temp control it has been sold as.

If I'm using SS316 in a wattage mode with replay enabled can I assume I won't get any dry hits or cotton burn after replaying a puff? Or should I be using temp control with temp protection still ?  @James any idea ?

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@ruckus, your initial impression is correct.

Replay will play back whatever the original puff was. If the original puff was Watts mode, it will do that. The original puff wasn't a dry hit, so Replay will try to make sure the new puff isn't either.

(If, on the other hand, you really like dry hits, you can Save Puff on one, and it will be happy to repeat that for you too. ;))

Our default theme uses Replay in a Watts material profile. If you vape power controlled this is an easy step up to temperature protection.

(Yes, you can play back a temperature mode puff if you want, but then it's not as easy to use. Some people find it works better for finicky temperature-sensing coils, but it's a big gain for power controlled vapers mainly.)

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  On 4/29/2018 at 10:01 PM, James said:

Your initial impression is correct.

Our default theme uses Replay in a Watts material profile.

Replay will play back whatever the original puff was. If the original puff was Watts mode, it will do that. The original puff wasn't a dry hit, so Replay will endeavor to make sure the new puff isn't either. If you Save Puff a dry hit, it will be happy to repeat that for you too. ;)

(Yes, You can play back a temperature mode puff if you want, but then it's not as easy to use.)


So whilst using replay in the watts material profile, if you continue to vape would you eventually burn your cotton ? Or does replay mode also include temp protection ?

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  On 4/30/2018 at 12:46 AM, sykesy13 said:

Hi, because they give you the option to use the replay in TC should you choose to, although it is much easier to use in wattage (power) mode 🤔



I just re-watched the interview with evolv by djlsb vapes, they were using replay mode in wattage mode and running the RDA's dry.. so that must mean there is some sort of temp protection built into replay mode. They mention the wire type is irrelevant while using replay mode..

I will try the same when I get home from work today and see if replay mode does indeed prevent dry hits as advertised.. if it does I can see the appeal to it as this would simplify things tremendously.

I encourage you to watch the interview if you haven't already.. has cleared up a few of my questions for me. I also encourage you to try running a RDA dry while using replay mode!



Edited by ruckus
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@ruckus , I can tell you now that using Replay in wattage only , with no reference to wire type does not seem to result in burnt or dry hits .


I took my Therion BF with Dead rabbit SQ and SS3316L coil to our poker game on Saturday night . I ran it on Profile 8 , Replay in wattage, and to show the lads I vaped the cotton to what looked like dry . No dry hit, and no browning of the cotton .

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  On 4/30/2018 at 1:39 AM, Jonski said:

@ruckus , I can tell you now that using Replay in wattage only , with no reference to wire type does not seem to result in burnt or dry hits .


I took my Therion BF with Dead rabbit SQ and SS3316L coil to our poker game on Saturday night . I ran it on Profile 8 , Replay in wattage, and to show the lads I vaped the cotton to what looked like dry . No dry hit, and no browning of the cotton .


Fantastic.. I finally see the benefit of replay.

Thank you for taking the time to reply !

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  On 4/29/2018 at 10:01 PM, James said:


Our default theme uses Replay in a Watts material profile. If you vape power controlled this is an easy step up to temperature protection.

(Yes, you can play back a temperature mode puff if you want, but then it's not as easy to use. Some people find it works better for finicky temperature-sensing coils, but it's a big gain for power controlled vapers mainly.)


I still do not get it clear...is the inner working of Replay reliable in TC mode as it is in Watts? In Watts is completely up to the chip determining the various parameters of our chosen puff. If we choose TC and Replay with let's say a T limit of 220°, will Replay let you go over that limit when you save the puff? Or it will keep staying below that limit?

Edited by nagaraka
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  On 4/30/2018 at 7:57 AM, nagaraka said:

I still do not get it clear...is the inner working of Replay reliable in TC mode as it is in Watts? In Watts is completely up to the chip determining the various parameters of our chosen puff. If we choose TC and Replay with let's say a T limit of 220°, will Replay let you go over that limit when you save the puff? Or it will keep staying below that limit?


Here is what I have found with both the 75c and 250c

forget temp control totally..............

forget wire types.............

I have tried replay by  just changing the watts set with stainless 316L wire diy coils, vaporesso cCell coils and titanium eleaf ec coils, just use what ever you like as long as it is a  TC wire. I did not change the wire type at all just the watts. The material tab in escribe is set for watts. Get the vapour the way you like it by changing watts and select "save puff" that's it, simple, as long as replay recognises a TC wire

Edited by clivy
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Perhaps I did not succeed clarifying my question...I indeed use Replay mode in combination with Watts profile and I'm happy with it. What I do not understand fully is why Escribe gives you the opportunity to select a TC material profile with Replay.  And given the fact that it does, what are the consequences and the differences in behaviour, if any, when you save a puff.

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  On 4/30/2018 at 9:37 AM, nagaraka said:

Perhaps I did not succeed clarifying my question...I indeed use Replay mode in combination with Watts profile and I'm happy with it. What I do not understand fully is why Escribe gives you the opportunity to select a TC material profile with Replay.  And given the fact that it does, what are the consequences and the differences in behaviour, if any, when you save a puff.


I have been a TC vaper, well, forever.
TC material is needed for Replay, unless you want to choose odd parameters in EScribe. Most don't, so TC capable material.
I have vaped TC Replay and Power Replay. In TC Replay, I never exceed the set temp, so more like straight TC vaping. I see little point in it.
In power Replay, the temp continues to rise just like regular power mode (it's why I don't use it). But, after vaping that way for a day, I will say the vape is the same from puff to puff. I may tweak my settings a bit more and stay with it. Who knows.
I use only SS430, rarely some NiFe52. Works great in straight TC, TC Replay, Power, and Power Replay.

My question for you is, why shouldn't Evolv allow TC material and TC to be used in Replay mode?

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  On 4/29/2018 at 10:01 PM, James said:


(If, on the other hand, you really like dry hits, you can Save Puff on one, and it will be happy to repeat that for you too. ;))



I KNEW it.... James have invested in cotton fields, for his retirement plan. He just made the replay mode to make it easier to get dryhits, thereby forcing us to change cotton, and use larger amounts than usual...

So now we vapers aren’t just up against Big Tobacco, but also Big Cotton...

James, we are on to you... time for the class action suit...:yum:


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  On 4/30/2018 at 2:24 PM, ShowerHead said:

My question for you is, why shouldn't Evolv allow TC material and TC to be used in Replay mode?


I'm not really saying at all that Evolv shouldn't allow TC in Replay mode! I would only be glad if someone explained the difference between Replay in Watts and Replay in TC. As far as we know Replay works only with a temperature sensing material and not with Kanthal or Nichrome. Replay it is still doing TC, but in a different fashion. If we select a Watts profile that involves the chip does not know what kind of coil we threw on it; but, on the other hand, if we choose a material it does know its characteristics. Based on this I suppose, but I may be wrong, that Replay behaves differently between Watts and TC. In all the videos I've seen, I always remember that Watts was selected to work with Replay. So it was a kind of wonder when I saw that Escribe would let you select a material and not forcing Watts with Replay.

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For me, I put in a SS coil and get the vape I want using power adjustment. After I hit replay, I get the same exact vape every time. Much better than TC ever was to me. No muss, no fuss, it just works. I don't know what "magic" they are doing in the background and I don't care. I works awesome and I'm getting the best vape experience I've ever had.  Trying to use regular TC or power only mode after this is never going to be "right". Stock up SS wire and it's a new era, IMHO. Job well done Evolv.

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So far...

We know that Replay makes natural sense with Power Mode. OTOH, it seems it could work with TC Mode as well, and here is where the conundrum lies...! nagaraka was wondering what the difference/s between these TWO OPTIONS was/were, TECHNICALLY; whether there were pros and cons to each, etc...

I guess this is indeed interesting...!

Nevertheless, everyone is getting side-tracked here and either trying to clarify he SHOULD go Power mode, or maybe he COULD go TC but mmm... Bottom line, he knows his options BUT he is wondering what the (technical) reasons behind the magic are..!

Me too... I guess we all are!!!

I know it comes as a natural thing to instinctively try to fill him in, sort of calling him off, along the lines of: You shouldn't be asking that question, and it is this or that way.. It is human nature after all to go under the impression we have everything figured out, but I guess it would be more constructive to FOCUS on the fact that, despite getting the gist of it as we try it, it still is mysterious to ALL OF US... And something that needs to be further explored...!

Thus, instead of trying to explain something none of us fully make sense of yet, maybe @James could fill us in a bit more on the backdrop... For instance, some interesting questions:

1. How is The Replay System working as to replicate the overall features of a given drag? Which are its main mechanisms? It seems experience-oriented, so to speak, is that right? And is so, how come...!?

2. We know it is very different from TC but how would you, temperature-wise, conceptuallize such difference?

3. If paired with TC, how would this be different from its Power Mode use, for the most part, in light of what one could achieve...?

4. If one has Boost feature on in Power Mode when Playing, how does Replay Mode integrate the Boost level; will it take into account this 'indirectly', based on its effects in the sample-drag or would both features (Boost and Replay) work at a similar priority level, in the sense that one could even change the level of boost for pre-heat during Playing? 

4 Bis. Along these lines, if one changes the level of Warmth during a Playing session, say on-the-go, how will this affect the overall experience compared to having started off at the new level to begin with? Meaning, I have a value of 5 for Warmth but during Playing I change at some point to 7... Will this be to practical effects, virtually as if I had started with 7 or having started 7 may translate into a different replicated form of a drag compared to selecting 7 later on?

I know that Replay is a plug-and-play ready-to-go type of feature, but some of us are still curious on some details to it and what the secrets behind its black magic are...! So, let us go for a peep...! Pleeeeease, James! ;)

PS: Just to further clarify, and avoid any misconceptions: I know that Replay is thought of and indeed works as a very easy to use feature. Very simple in practice, yet, its overwhelming nature must be complex, and thus many of us are surrounded by doubts... Not because it is tricky to use, yet for its paradoxical nature... After all it seems to be doing something impossible...! Again, how come it is even possible to begin with; not even the occasional virgin sacrifice many of us old school vapers  offer to Vaping Gods of Consistency has ever paid off in such a crazy fashion, what is your secret Evolve...? SPEAK! =)

Edited by Revolver
PS added and typos
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With the 2 days Replay vaping session i had, i think Replay Mode in VW is not really TC (we have no temperature references while vaping). It’s just a very simple way to get a similar vaping experience. And it works. It’s crazy how good is the vaping experience! Unbelivable!

But it’s not TC! You can’t know the real temp of the coil (using coils/wires with very high TC precision is helping to get a very, very accurate results. Very close to the real temp). Using materials  with tcr not certificated has probably got no sense anymore because my impression it’s the vaping quality it’s much better with Replay mode/power mode.

But using a wire (with high Tc precision and an accurate and certificated  .csv to use with it) with a tc profile in replay mode has got a sense for, at least, 2 reasons (imho):

-you will have Temperature references in your puffs data sheets. Quite important for me to know how the coil is working with the atty i’m using and to understand what’s wrong with that set up (you know, there is always sothing wrong, something we would  try  to get a batter vaping experience with next set up!)

-the replay mode is not a tc mod. In a tc mode we couldn’t get always the same kind of vaping from all puffs! Expecially with squonking mods it was quite hard to get because the puff result was influenced by the quantity of juice into the coil (hard to control just wit a squonk!) and the temperature settings!

Now we can get same kind of vape with every puffs using the TC ad well!

That’s the Replay in TC! That’s it.

And it looks working fine as well (very much influenced by the tc settings of the saved reference puff and by the material used) and i’m glad Evolv added it because i use to study my coils basing on reaults i got in tc mods! 

I would like to have a bit more infos about how to use correctly the warmth settings and i’ve the impression they are changing automactelly if we are using the replay with a tc profile. Is that impression correct?

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My thoughts on Replay:

Replay records the resistance and you select the puff you like then that resistance is  played back and controlled by various, and many,  variables built into the Replay function.  The recorded resistance of the coil you selected is played back consistently.

Yep, you can use Replay in Temperature mode.  If your Replay Perfect Puff is the set temperature and you have a smooth regulated temp (flat line in DM) then it’s a wash but if your Replay Perfect Puff is somewhere before the set temperature is met (your Perfect Puff is less than the set temperature) then it will still  only top out at the temp limit you have set.

But I think Replay has 2 main attributes,  is easy to use and mainly gives a more consistent flavor, for folks that use wattage mode (Power) with their temp wires. 

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