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DNA 200 suddenly locks itself when firing

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Your not the only one this has happened to. The only real fix is to RMA the chip. One work around that has help some people is to increase the number of clicks to lock the device.
My Vaporshark does the same thing. It will lock mid puff and the 5 clicks do not show up in device monitor. I feel this could be fixed by firmware, by telling it that there must be X amount of milliseconds between clicks.

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unfortunately this is happening to my recently repaired Vaporshark dna 200. i had it set to 3 clicks but out of necessity i had to change it back to 5x. still auto locks now and then. i'm debating whether or not to send it back for a second time.......

my guess is, when i sent my mod into vaporshark for a new board, they replaced my bad board with a new board that had a fire button that was made on a monday or friday. my luck.

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Unfortunatly they got used up very fast. Lol.. seriously though for a few seconds. 1.2.3.. there thats better... No realy, ive seen a few of thoes with a wiered up button conversion, theyve looked bit of a bodge job, but still a repair, what i would do, like i said earlier i would strip the old one out, and get one of the little domed tactile buttons, tape it in place of, and pack it from behind, centred up and then just infill around with some araldite, then just tidy it up with a dab of black or silver paint, (no drilling or fileing involved)

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I have no VS but have been giving this some thought the last couple of days. Keep in mind this is just something i'm pondering, here goes.
Now I'm not talking about mashing down the fire button excessively hard but could this problem stem from pushing it too lightly?
Maybe someone that's having this problem can give it a try and report back.

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my 'auto locking' issue has seemed to clear up, i hope. i just now set my VS 200 back to 3x click to lock and unlock. we'll see if it behaves. i pretty much did what dwcraig1 mentioned in his post. i gave the fire button about 20-30 hard pushes. not crazy hard, but pretty forceful. my thinking is by pressing the button harder a bunch of times it might force the contacts to make better connection, by reshaping the wafer thin metal dome contacts inside the switch or clearing any debris. since my device still is under warranty, i was not too concerned if the fire button broke or got worse. if the button starts acting up again, i'll just send it back for a second time. i'm not saying do what i did. i'm not even sure it's remedied. will report back

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I have experienced this on the 3d printed case I first used. It was a clearance issue causing the fire button to constantly be pushed in. So just chain vaping and taking two drags in a row caused the board to go into "locked" mode sometimes even happening mid-hit. I fixed it by lightly sanding the back of the buttons. This should not be the cause in a manufactured box but I thought I should share my experience anyways. Can you try loosening the board mount screws slightly? Just as a check to see if this is a clearance issue.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm also having this issue after not using my mod for a month.  It was doing this occasionally before and I thought maybe I was accidentally hitting the button and didn't notice but now when I do manage to unlock it it locks itself again next time I press the button.

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wantron said:

I'm also having this issue after not using my mod for a month.  It was doing this occasionally before and I thought maybe I was accidentally hitting the button and didn't notice but now when I do manage to unlock it it locks itself again next time I press the button.

is this a Vaporshark dna 200 or a regular dna 200 board? if it's a VS they're completely different buttons soldered to the board compared to the regular 200 boards and are harder to clean out. if it's not a VS board, the button actually comes apart so you could clean it out with some alcohol or an electronics grade/safe cleaning solvent. depending on how bad your situation is you could just set the number of clicks to lock the device higher ("7x or 10x to unlock" basically makes it harder for the device to auto lock itself) if you're uncomfortable taking the button apart. or open a ticket with elvov from their website.
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I had the same problem. Turned out to be a flaky fire button. VaporShark repaired my mod, replacing both the fire button as well as the board. Worked like a charm after I got it back (no more locking problems). Only now the screen has died. Mod still fires, I just can't see or change any settings, so it's on its way back to VS for another repair (still under warranty). Glad to have my Sigelei 213 on hand.

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