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Everything posted by scoopy

  1. My bad...I guess I misread somewhere.....I thought u could still lower the wattage enough for a single cell to work but then it just hit me that they just in the last few weeks added the option to drop to 2 cells...I wonder If the chip Is actually capable Of running 1 cell if implemented into escribe...I hear that though...I to am spoiled as hell with this chip and am absolutely loving it.Im still hoping something pops up on shapeways that allows me to build a squonker and still have a decent sized 3s so I can still have the full power. ...I run real low resistance fused and alien Claptons as well as intricate nickel builds that require lots of wattage to get the vape I like.I just don't have the equipment to build my own boxes. ..Again I love your mods uve made! They are so good looking and compact
  2. Do u have the 200 in the flask? OK I see the pic now I thought u were using the flask charge board with the 200 in a different mod at first
  3. Ya I see that......I knew it was somewhere real close to 0.04......but ya I love this mod for so many reasons including this reason....I like to build fused and alien claptons and other intricate builds that come out very low in resistance and require lots of wattage.....It really helps out in temp mode since nickel builds are so low in resistance....I always thought the only thing temp control lacked was power and being able to build low.....This chip takes care of both and not only has it made my kanthal and nichrome builds so much better by being able to build even lower but it has completely changed my mind about temp control and has made a very satisfying warm vape but with all the benefits and safety of temp control
  4. If u don't feel confident cutting them out you can always just order mamus faceplate/chip and screen holder and build it that way.....u just cut out one big rectangle and the faceplate fits inside and over the cut....They actually look very clean and nice....u can see some pics of some mods with it in the general/let's see your 200's thread.Hope this helps
  5. I'm pretty sure it goes by the COLD resistance......I know what u mean though because of the resistance jumping up when using nickel but I think it goes by the cold baseline reading......I'm like 99% sure u can not fire 200 watts below 0.04.....actually I think anything below 0.08 u cant......looking at the graph in the data sheet it shows that .....but after the resistance jumps up its possible IF and only IF it doesn't go by just the baseline reading.....maybe John can comment on this but like I said I'm pretty positive it cant
  6. BobC.....yes I've seen his work...remember I was the one that told you about them in this thread...Like Turbo said it is very easy to change them but also like he said the T shaped battery could be a little awkward in your pocket but still very easy to change.....I hope u haven't thought I've been trying to be argumentative. ..I've just been trying to help and show u that u can get the features u want in the size u want without losing the full power by dropping down to a 2 cell configuration. I love Turbos work and am hoping he does a 3d print squonk model so I can get one of them beauties..I don't really see a point in making a 60 watt DNA when like John said all u have to do is limit your settings in escribe and BAM u can have any size DNA mod u want with as many (up to 3s) or as few (dual 18650) as u want.....hence making the mod anything u want and still having all the benefits of escribe and all the features of the 200.....I'm sure this is one of the reasons that it's not a top priority for John atm.......Hope u decide on something that makes u happy and fits all your needs.....I'd be glad to answer any questions and help in any way I can.
  7. RIPs wasn't running that low....It was either 0.08 or 0.06 I think BUT it WILL go that low but the lower u go the lower your watt limit will be.....I think if I'm not mistaken u r limited to 50 watts when running a 0.04 build.....technically you can build down to damn near a dead short but like I said The lower u go the lower your watt limit will be.The 0.08 limit is the lowest u can go and still have the full 200 watts...Hope this helps and good luck with your shark!
  8. GM11 just meant that BEFORE Yihi upgraded their firmwares to allow the use of TI u had to run a different temp for it to work ......But no you don't have to run a higher or lower temp for TI to work on the DNA 200....Just download the TI .csv onto the DNA and everything should be kosher...@ Twisted Wicks you should.double check your coil connections again and also check that u have good connections on your OUT to 510 connection....Also make sure u have a good ground.....If it's grounded just by the board screws try grounding it to the outside of the 510 connection....your connections on EVERYTHING are VERY important in the use of every kind of wire in temp control mode.....Most problems can usually always be fixed by checking all the connections I stated above.... hope u get it lined out
  9. Josh.....that is not the newest firmware... .try the 8-21 early firmware ....its under the software and firmware/early firmware thread. ...I agree with VapingBad to check your solder joints and all battery and balance connections....also have a look at all the resistors around the balance port....see if any are missing or loose
  10. Hopefully John Brandon or James can shed some.light on this part of the issue....I've never seen or even heard of that message
  11. John I just want to say thank you for being one of the companys to represent the community in this development. I also want to say how proud I am to have you and Evolv involved in developing a standardized e-cigarette especially if it comes down to having to have a standardised one.If I am gonna have to have a government regulated e-cigarette then I am so glad that it could potentially be from you guys.I know you don't like the "G" word John but I know I am not speaking alone when I say you are a genius when it comes to to e-cigarette board development.Your products continue to amaze me and the community.Your developments keep setting standards that make the vaping community better and better!Your work and involvement in this is so very important to this community. Congratulations on being a Finalist in the program! I am hoping you win so bad! This is so important.I encourage everyone to support John in this 100%.Im sure u will come up with something satisfying that is able to give the NIH the answers they need. Thank you John and keep up your fantastic work!
  12. Lol I hear ya Turbo....I seen VapenFagans review and immediately noticed the battery wiring lol...If not for the 510 coming out and the battery wiring and the writing all over it I actually think it's a nice mod lol
  13. BobC I seen where u said something about it being difficult to change a 3s. ...like Turbo said it's easily changeable. ....as easy as an 18650. ....It just plugs in....u could have as many extras as u want....simply unplug dead battery and plug in the charged one.....
  14. Check your fuse to see if it looks blown. ..check your ground and 510 connection. ...check your battery and balance connector
  15. I responded to one of us other posts about this.....check and see if u r fuse looks blown... Check your ground and 510 connection. ...check your battery and balance.connector
  16. Have u checked the battery tab on escribe to see if u have maximize battery instead of maximize puffs..... I've never heard of that error screen though..weird......It does sound like the maximise battery is checked though so take a look in escribe under the battery tab
  17. Thank you Brandon.....what watts should I run the test at
  18. Have u checked ur fuse to see if it looks blown? Opus has been having a lot of this going on .Check your ground and 510 connections...check your battery and balance connector
  19. Try checking your ground and 510 connections and battery connections. .....look at all the resistors around the balance port
  20. Turbo I've been dying to get into squonking except most are.all just way to underpowered (dna40) What I really would love to have is a dna200 squonker. ..I've been following ur posts hoping for a 3d print of a squonker for this chip....If u end up making one metal or 3d print please let me know!
  21. @Brandon....So I need 4 of the power resistors John linked? What wattage do I need to run the test in? Can u tell me exactly what I need to do after I build this setup uve shown.....and why are u running 4.....I thought John just meant one of them? Is there any benefit to running 4 in parallel? I am wanting to place my order so I can do the test just waiting on final instructions from John or Brandon....Thank you very much
  22. The USB is built onto the main board so it's gonna be wherever u mount the chip.....u can get a.sled/screen holder off of shapeways
  23. The LG HE2 is a 2500 mah...The Fullymax 900hp 3s lipo is a little bigger than an 18650 but probably smaller if the 18650 is in a sled....3s lipos have 3 cells so that would be 2700 mah. ...but...that is kind of an inaccurate way to rate them and techs say to go by the actual watt hours to rate them which I know that lipo is like 10.2 watt hours.....the dna 200 uses buck instead of boost so ur getting way better battery life than an 18650 being boosted..the dna 200 has onboard charging and charges the 900 lipo pretty damn fast at 1a so really no need to swap batteries unless u really want to....anyway just sayin that u can make a squonker with a lipo about the same size as one with an 18650
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