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Everything posted by scoopy

  1. Well that's why they have the early firmware section. ...so people can test them before there officially released. ....The auto check for updates won't show the absolute newest updates because they haven't been officially released yet......I always just check the early firmware thread because they will always be there before escribe will tell you about them.....anyways glad to help and hope u enjoy your requested settings once u upgrade to the latest escribe/firmware
  2. If you go to software and then the early firmware post and get the latest escribe and firmware they actually just updated it to remember the last window sizes and what not like you just requested
  3. Man Opus sounds like a real good company lol Trying to pass the buck on Evolv.Not cool Opus not cool.It is very apparent if u read these forums that it is indeed Opus' fault
  4. Alee132. ...I got a case off of shape ways that is a stretched version of the reference case......I have a max amps 2250 in it. ...just go to shape ways and search dna 200.....pick the slut labs ones.....Once u click on one of his products click his name and it will bring up 5 or 6 different versions of the reference case...but I agree hell ya I want an aluminium reference model but a bigger one would be even better
  5. I'm very interested in buying a squonker dna 200....It could be even as big as my 3d printed box with a max amps 2250.....If anyone would be interested in making me one for a decent price or knows of a 3d printed squonker case for this chip PLEASE Let Me know.Ive never tried squonking but have been dying to try it and have a bottom fed pin for several of my drippers.... any info or offers would be greatly appreciated(mod is one of the slutlabs 3d printed boxes off of shapeways and a Maxamps 2250mah 3s lipo and Varitube 510)as u can see it isn't THAT big compared to a IPV3 LI....sorry for the bad quality pics....I just did a few real quick snaps in bad lighting for this message
  6. Still curious and would like to see the board with the led fire button whenever possible
  7. Yea u need the fully max battery on evolv or proto vapors site
  8. @student_moses you should check out the CloudMaker Ares chip....www.cloudmakertech.com There basing it on a lot of your ideas and are supporting community input and ideas in there development....although I'd love to have those type of options on a DNA 200 for sure
  9. ahh I got it I was 5x locking the fire button instead of up n down.....thanks
  10. hmmm that aint workin for me but i haven't set up any profiles yet....shouldn't it at least go through 1 thru 8
  11. is the only way to switch profiles is in escribe or can u do it on the mod to? Does it switch when it recognizes a certain build/resistance?
  12. I agree with Vape_Like_a_boss I'm really liking my MaxAmps 2250
  13. I went with the maxamps 2250(has a lifetime warranty to)but I still got the fullymax 900 to....just deciding on cases cuz I don't really want a cheap 3d printed one,,,,,tryin to hold out for evolv to sell the aluminum reference case!
  14. ya I get 3.84 on pin 1 7.69 on pin 2 and 11.54 on pin 3....pin 4 is ground right......this reads like this on 2 different packs....I though all 3 should read the same....it seems pin 1 is reading 1 single cell and pin 2 is reading 2 cells combined and pinn 3 is the total voltage.......these readings were taken directly from the balance plug of 2 different batteries
  15. when I measure the balance lead on 2 different batteries I get 11.84 on pin 1 7.something on pin 2 and 3.84 on pin three. is that right?i thought I should get the same reading on all 3 pins
  16. I looked at all my resistors and solder joints and checked the batterys on a meter and all is good.....I just don't understand why it reads cells 2 and 3 normal but cell one is like a volt lower
  17. 2 different batteries do it.....everyone keeps saying once I connect the battery all the way and ground it that it will be fine but I'm unsure and worried
  18. Man this has me worried now......I just don't understand why all the voltages are right except cell 1....guess I'll find out if my board is bad when I get my case and everything connected
  19. The resistors look fine...... is that true that u have to have the b+ and b- connected for it to charge right ....maybe John can comment on this
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