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Everything posted by BillW50

  1. Hi smlemmon. You know when changing coils, tanks, etc. that if the coils isn't at room temperature, it throws the TC way off. If the coil is warmer than room temperature, the TC will be too hot. If the coil is colder than room temperature, it will too cool. How long do you have to wait for the coil to get to room temperature? It depends on a number of factors. But usually 10 minutes at a minimal. Although it could take 30 minutes or longer. I just threw this out there in case you didn't know this.
  2. Hi smlemmon. And your Ni200 coils does the same thing? I can see SS316L having this problem, but Ni200 too? And does it act up more when you left it alone for 10 minutes or longer? One thing that might help with each tank. Whether it is working or not, write down what it says the cold ohms is for each. Now when it changes, recheck to see if the cold ohms stays the same.
  3. Yes you can lower the charge speed (or turn it off) if you want through EScribe. The secret is in the Device Monitor and that Diagnostics button. See where it says Set USB Current Limit. To reset it back to default, select Reset USB Current Limit.
  4. Or if you swap batteries with your DNA200. If you do, you might want to leave the resistance locked. As the DNA forgets what the cold resistance is the instant you remove power. Having it plugged into the USB power would be ok unlocked swapping batteries. And if you lock it just before swapping batteries, that doesn't count. Those of us who knows about this never figured out how long it has to be locked before it will remember. But it seems like it must be hours before the battery swap.
  5. FullyMax Pack 3 of 3 (black) Charged at 10.8v @ 1A 55 minutes finished charging, reported capacity is 796mah. (charged to 4.10v per cell) Before charging unloaded Pack = 9.80v After charging unloaded Cell 1 = 4.08v Cell 2 = 4.08v Cell 3 = 4.08v Pack = 12.23v
  6. You must have read the same article that I did. http://cleantechnica.com/2014/09/19/recharging-lithium-ion-batteries-rapidly-harmful/ Also Professor Jeff Dahn (Dalhousie University) also mentions this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxP0Cu00sZs
  7. Charging at lower rates is considered to be fine, just takes longer. It will draw 5v @ 1A if the USB source can supply it. Otherwise it will only use what it can supply. Usually connected to a computer, it will draw more like 500ma. At the battery end, drawing 5v @ 1A will give you about 12.6v @ 300ma. So it will take about 3 hours to charge up one 11.1v @ 900mah lipo. And yes, the DNA200 is perfectly safe to charge with.
  8. They are using the box as ground. Sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn't. You could loosen the 510 and clean up where the nut grabs the box. Then check the screws on the board. At least one should have a good ground to the box. Or you can add a ground wire to the 510.
  9. Sounds like Chinese manufactures are where the problem is at. Even protovapor has many DNA75 in stock.
  10. Courtesy of VapingBad Looks good to me.
  11. As for forcing cold resistance read... while I haven't changed mine, but you might want to play with EScribe's Mod (tab) Manufactures Settings (button). There you will find the Ohm Lock Range. The default is 25%. I would think if you set that really low like 1% or even 0% (if that will even take), it will ask you if it is a new coil or not virtually every time.
  12. You can show the charging screen differently than not. In EScribe under the Screen tab, you can select what shows while running or when charging. Also further down see that charging slider? Make sure it is set high enough to see it. Probably 40% or higher should work fine.
  13. Really? I see plenty of DNA75s. ecig.com - HCigar VT75 (in stock) focalecig.com - SMY SDNA 75W TC VW Box Mod (in stock) angelcigs.com - Vapecige SD Mini 75W DNA75 (in stock) 101vape.com - HCigar VT75 (in stock) vapenw.com - HCigar VT75 (in stock) myvaporstore.com - HCigar VT75 (in stock) vapordna.com - HCigar VT75 (in stock) vapordna.com - SMY SDNA75 TC DNA 75 (in stock) gearbest.com - SMY DNA 75W TC Box Mod (in stock) gingervaper.com - Boxer Mod V2 DNA75 (in stock) And there are plenty more.
  14. Oh no! Groundhog day all over again!
  15. Oh okay retird, that makes sense.
  16. Hahaha... I started vaping back in Nov'14 and I never had any desire to purchase any Evolv product. Well in January I bought two Reuleaux RX200. I kept hearing more and more good things about the Reuleaux DNA200. Ok so I bought one in February and I figure I would play around with it and then loose interest and go back to the RX200s. Well that never happened. I was so impressed with the Reuleaux DNA200, I bought a second one two weeks later. I thought I was done and happy. But I was hearing more and more about these two 18650 powered DNA200s. What the heck, I'll just buy one VT133 and be done with it. Wrong! I loved that one so much I bought three more (easiest mod to swap batteries of any mod I ever owned - you could probably do it one handed). Yes they last 2/3 of what the Reuleaux lasts for. Which is still a long time and the VT133 actually lasts a few ml of juice longer than a Reuleaux RX200! Well then the Lost Vape Triades came out and I bought one. Just like the Reuleaux DNA200, but better. Got a second one before ecig ran out of them (ecig just got new stock of them in today). Then ecig had Hotcig DX200 for 55 bucks, bought one at that price and I could kick myself now for not buying more of them before they sold out. That quick swap lipo is very nice. So in four months time, planned on buying one DNA200 and ended up with nine of them. What a ride.
  17. Wow that doesn't sound good Mordeth. And why they told you that you need a battery when you don't doesn't sound right either. They shouldn't be charging you anything, the screen is covered under warranty. Hearing HCigar and other Chinese manufacturing companies not honoring their warranty doesn't surprise me one bit. Those warranties are completely worthless IMHO.
  18. You could loose your warranty. If you think you might send it back, I would leave it alone. Everything is soldered in anyway and you just can't unplug the battery (at least not the one in the video).
  19. Here is a video (8 min it shows the inside and shows it back together at 12 minutes into the video). There is one screw under the label on the side of the box. And it looks like all of the wires are soldered in as they didn't use plugs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dp6ACHWnOLY
  20. I too like my two Reuleaux DNA200 mods for the same reasons. I also like my two Lost Vape Triade mods. Very much like the Reuleaux. And my four HCigar VT133 are my favorite two 18650 DNA200 mods. My Hotcig DX200 v2 is also kind of nifty for a lipo DNA200. As the battery compartment part just pulls right off and you can pop a fresh recharged pack right on.
  21. Well the thick black and red wires from the battery should read 9.0v to 12.6v. If that is what you have that is a good sign the battery is probably fine. If it doesn't. There is another plug with four smaller wires. Two wires should also be red and black. And they should read the same voltage. Those four wires, the black one is GND, then pin 1, 2, and lastly 3 which is a red wire. GND (black) 1 = cell 1 (read from GND and 1) 2 = cell 2 (read from 1 and 2) 3 = cell 3 (read from 2 and 3) [red]
  22. Oh okay. That should go well. But I am sure they would want a video of the problem before they accept taking it back.
  23. If you got it at a store, you can return it. If you bought online, well you can call or email them.
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