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Spector NS5 RD

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Everything posted by Spector NS5 RD

  1. sounds to me like it's RMA time. is the board still under warranty? with no battery connected at all, no jst and no main pos and neg, does the board connect to escribe via usb? if it does try a hard reboot (even tho disconnecting the batt is a hard reboot), force a new firmware update, in device monitor see what the cell and pack voltages are, if the the board will function when you plug the pack in while in escribe.
  2. ridiculous vape bans. you'd think governing bodies would support vaping and not do the complete opposite. i hope you get your mod sorted out quickly. the board may have been damaged during assembly. and now after a week the problem is presenting itself. it happens. you gotta think how many mods are assembled in an assembly line in china, a few bunk ones are bound to make it past QC. don't give up on the dna board, it's the latest and greatest board out. i have four and all work as intended.
  3. ever get the "warranty service" message? sounds to me like you're going to need a new board. can you RMA the device to the vendor you purchased the vtbox from? still under warranty? if not, you can desolder, or have a friend desolder the board from the mod and send it to evolv, since they offer a six month warranty to the original owner with their boards. if you go the evolv route, open a ticket with them, be patient for a response and they'll send you an RMA form.
  4. is your fuse blown on the board? what do each of the cell voltages read in device monitor? what is the entire pack voltage in device monitor?
  5. what type of rda u using? have you gone into atty analyzer in escribe and checked you atty's ohm stability? im running 316 in a subtank mini with .00092 tcr. and it works ok. make sure all your connection are secure, a decent atty for tc, try a hard reboot, make sure your mod resistance is set correctly (.003 is what mine is). turn your preheat off. lock your resistance with a cold atty.
  6. yep. when the test is completed it will ask you something like "do you want to use these results?" click yes and bingo bango it's all set up, curve and all.
  7. ^^^^^nice Foggatti! now that's what i consider a nice looking non mass produced dna 200.
  8. TCR adjustment from device, not escribe. so people w/o a computer can run other wires than ni200 correctly, without a temp offset.
  9. when it comes to computers and software, i am lacking in skills. maybe try and reinstall the escribe program. as long as your mod connected with the same usb cable last week, there's no reason why it shouldn't connect now. can you try and connect from another comp? a friends, a spare, or even go to best buy or walmart and download escribe onto one of their computers and try to connect your mod lol. i've done it. just to see what escribe was like when it was first released.
  10. when i run batt analyzer, along with the correct size loops of kanthal, i have a pc power supply fan i gutted from an old pc rigged up and i aim it at the mods battery and vent holes to make sure my batts and board receive some airflow. that's how i do it.
  11. so if you ordered a screen from CDV it's the wrong one? so there's packages going out to people who ordered with incorrect screens? CDV gave evolv cutsomers addresses? so evolv is going to ship the correct screens? that post raises more questions than answers.
  12. does your mod at least charge via usb? does your comp alert you when you plug your mod in to it? as in "device found" or sumpin like that. i'll try and help, maybe someone who had this problem and found a solution could chime in?
  13. john from evolv did say that if bluetooth modules continue to get smaller it could be a possibility in the future.
  14. maybe try a hard reboot from escribe first, under the tools option at top of escribe. if you have a multimeter you could check each individual cell through the balance balance lead. this is done by removing your battery from your vt200 first and checking each cell voltage through the balance tap connector . if all three cells read somewhat equal and above 2.8 volts, or there abouts, your lipo's good and most likely you have a connection problem somewhere at the board, where the balance leads join the board (the jst-xh connector). of your mutlimeter confirms a dead cell or cells, you can buy a replacement from a few onlone vape shops. www.myvaporstore.com being one of them. this is all under the assumption your device is out of warranty. obviously, if your vt200 is still under warranty contact your vendor. that's the safest way.
  15. make sure you use that cable that worked last week. usb cables are finnicky, some work and some don't some do charge and data, some only do charging. try a bunch of different usb cables.
  16. whoops, missed that. ya VB is right. with cell 3 being basically nothing that says bad lipo, or a bad connection from cell 3 tap, maybe a bad solder joint. this is if you are running your dna in 3 cell and not 2 cell mode. 200/133 watts.
  17. 6k? nice! now we just gotta snipe these ridiculous spam posts.
  18. in device monitor, try something for me. where it says diagnostics, click "reset usb current limit". then check the "usb current" box in device monitor, with your device plugged in and see if it climbs to roughly .5 amps. if not post back.
  19. Screens with the green tabbed film on them will work with the DNA40 and 200. Screens with the red tabbed film will only work on the DNA200. No components from any manufacturers other than Evolv are compatible with our boards, or have been tested.[/QUOTE]so if the new red tab oled works with only the dna 200, what separates it from working with the dna40? and what makes the green tab compatible with both dna's? you've peaked my interest with that little tidbit of info. you'd think if the red works with the 200 it would work with the 40, considering the green works between both. Weird i tell ya, weird.
  20. ^^^^^what won't work on the dna 40? the dna 40 and 200 share the same screen.
  21. looks like a sliding batt door. could be wrong tho.
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