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Spector NS5 RD

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Everything posted by Spector NS5 RD

  1. if you run both at, lets say, 75 watts and the same batts, the dna 133 would last longer. by how much, not sure. not whole crazy amount. but would definitely last longer than a parallel batt dna 75. one tidbit of useful info, the watt hours of the two batteries would be equal when using series or parallel configuration, but only when using two of the same battery (same mah, nominal voltage). that's where the board's efficiency comes into play, how well the board uses the batteries.
  2. is this a Vaporshark dna 200 or a regular dna 200 board? if it's a VS they're completely different buttons soldered to the board compared to the regular 200 boards and are harder to clean out. if it's not a VS board, the button actually comes apart so you could clean it out with some alcohol or an electronics grade/safe cleaning solvent. depending on how bad your situation is you could just set the number of clicks to lock the device higher ("7x or 10x to unlock" basically makes it harder for the device to auto lock itself) if you're uncomfortable taking the button apart. or open a ticket with elvov from their website.
  3. please post back if the board fails again and is only woken up by inserting a usb cable. i'm curious as to how long your alcohol cleaned board will work. hopefully for a long time, right?
  4. dwcraig is giving you an example of what will most likely be a direct replacement for the stock hana lipo. higher mah = bigger in size lipo. you'll have a very hard time finding any 1300 mah lipo that will be a direct drop in, do to limited space. not impossible, just get ready to remove a lot of aluminum. i have seen people dremel out their hcigar vt200's to cram a larger lipo inside. you have to weigh what's practical/doable and how bad do you want it.
  5. "the low battery voltage bone is connected to the.......weak contact bone......the weak contact bone is connected to the....weak battery message bone." sorry, bored.
  6. LET ME JUMP UP ON IN THIS......YA DIG?! a big reason people are getting the weak batt message isn't always from what battery or batteries they are using (50/50 crappy batt, crappy connection). a lot of the time it has to do with battery CONTACTS. if there is insufficient surface area of the contact to make connection with the ends of the battery this will make the dna 75 "think" the battery is incapable of providing the necessary current. also the amount of tension/pressure that is applied from the contact to the battery also plays a role in how well a battery will perform. weak contact spring = "weak batt" message. here's a helpful link...... /topic/66816-topic/ one more tiny edit.......my preference.....dual batt dna 133. a little more efficient than the 75 and who wouldn't like the extra headroom (wattage)
  7. looks real good. on the silo 1300 where you able to keep the jst plug and xt connector? or did you have to hard wire the lipo to the board to get it to fit?
  8. i did hear from evolv, that smy is opening or already has an open US based warranty center. i know, no fun when your vape just.............dies. i managed to blow out two dna 200 boards within 2 days. however, it was my fault. i was running unapproved firmware. just the same, evolv replaced both boards under their warranties. they honestly bend over backwards when it comes to making things right. that has been my experience when dealing with evolv RMA's. wouldn't hurt to check the lipo for cells that are out of balance and also check for swelling. that's if you decide to open it. but i'd wait for the responses you receive from cigabuy, smy and evolv before tearing into it.
  9. this poor kid/guy is going to be so confused when he returns to post pics of his board and reads all these derailed posts about usb port windows applets jigga dos nfjfhhdfbusnwn, lol. english isn't his first language.
  10. if the mod will only power on via usb inserted, it's most likely an rma situation. contact the vendor and drop evolv an email as well. i did hear that evolv won't repair the smy's due to them having to peel the carbon fiber sticker off (which ruins the sticker) to get at the screws underneath. but all the same, send out those emails to the vendor, SMY themselves, then open a ticket with evolv. then go from there. if your soldering skills are good and you can somehow manage not to destroy the carbon fiber panel stickers to get at the screws, that's up to you.
  11. yes that's normal. no batteries when plugged into escribe creates sporadic battery readings. ok, post some pics when you can tomorrow.
  12. is it possible for you to take some close up pictures of the board, mainly the lower bottom half of the board, both front and back? maybe you have some missing board components or a problem with the balance taps and/or battery wire soldering somewhere.
  13. as long as you're positive your wiring looks like this, then it's correct. did the mod ever charge? try a few other usb cables. you could also double check what you input for your watt hours, make sure you typed it in correctly. try a soft and a hard reboot.
  14. never noticed it. go into device monitor and try what i said. set your usb current to 1 amp. what is your battery's watt hour? total. anyone else feel free to chime in with any ideas.
  15. i have never seen this screen before when using escribe, lol. where is this particular "functional tests" page? is this somethiñg you made?
  16. welcome rsrider...........do you have everything correctly selected in escribe regarding two cell operation? will the mod charge with a wall usb charger? if you select diagnostic in device monitor, select "set usb current limit" to 1 amp what happens
  17. are you reaching the 6.2 volt limit of the dna 75? if your coils are .5 and above and you're trying to run them at the upper wattage limit you'll get that message.
  18. i was gonna say, i have the pico as well and can confirm there is no kanthal anywhere on that device, lol. start building some bigger rta's i can get pretty big dual SS coils in my 25mm VCMT. thing has good flavor and hits like a dripper. don't give up on the most comprehensive board on the market yet!
  19. No you will not need to increase the wire gauge when running a parallel setup. Just go by evolv's recommended wiring size. It will be perfectly safe to charge via USB. Will take twice the amount of time but safe. Balancing is not needed when using a parallel setup. The batteries will balance themselves do to them being in a parallel configuration.
  20. Welcome Winky! There are no DNA csv files for kanthal, nichrome or any other non TC wire available. You just use those types of wire in wattage mode. When using a non TC coil the DNA will drop out of TC within the first second or so and default to regular watts mode.
  21. i'm really curious as to why you think screen charging brightness affects the balancing cycle. what happens at other brightness percents? you're saying it will fully balance all cells ONLY if you can't see the charging screen (0%)? i don't see how screen brightness determines whether the cells get fully balanced or not.
  22. i remember reading smy has a US warranty service center. i would find out how to contact that specific place. you could email evolv asking them for info on this new warranty center. either way, don't tear into it yet. you have a warranty, i would use it.
  23. chunky likes ss430 over 316l purely for the smoother regulation on a dna 200. no weird wire taste. rocky mountain peaks and dips reduced to grassy knolls when watching the temp line in device monitor. chunky is happy, much thanks to dwcraig1
  24. if the board only wakes up when the usb is plugged in, that is more than likely an RMA situation. i have not seen a fix that the end user can do correct this particular problem. i have seen this problem mentioned a few times in this forum and usually ends up needing a new board. i would contact the vendor. case analyzer results will vary do to ambient temp, if there is air blowing across the mod etc. a lot of variables that will come into play. nothing to worry about.
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