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Everything posted by giz_60

  1. Hi & welcome to the forum... PM sent with .ecig file attached
  2. Ok...SP5a vs. SP5.2....SP5a was a much earlier version...newest version of the 'Software' is the SP5.2...
  3. Device monitor is showing 'Firmware' version (device) & Escribe is showing software version (Escribe)
  4. Sorry...See if you can get the idea with this picture...as Wayneo stated,if you search 'Battery Analyzer' on this forum, there is a lot of info about it...
  5. Here is a link to an interactive tutorial, produced by Evolv, that may help ya out...https://downloads.evolvapor.com/escribe/guide/story.html
  6. See response in your other post..../topic/65835-topic/#11
  7. Can you post a screen shot of the 'Mod' tab in Escribe?
  8. See response in your other post..../topic/65835-topic/#11
  9. The battery profile is not going to help you to get better battery life...it will only help the battery indicator estimation on your device to be a bit more accurate
  10. If you were to set up a TC profile & filled in the screens you are wanting to see on the screen tab, under temperature sensing coils, you could change profile to see the info & then change back to Power Mode...That would give you 3 extra screens of info..
  11. [QUOTE=Vilhelm55] . Is there a way to add an addition display screen that I can switch too? No... Or, is there a shortcut to displaying the voltage of each cell? No... Are there any future firmware updates to implement anything like this Don' think there is... is there any way to change the board temp to Celsius? No
  12. Try closing all Escribe's windows & try again...
  13. [QUOTE=Wayneo]OP did mention 'batteries' but the Therion 75 also came as a single battery squonker. So me not seeing multiple individual cells, made an assumption. Understandable...I didn't even think about the Squonker...
  14. I own a 166, so knew it was a 2 cell setup ...same case...different battery config...
  15. TC, .068?, 3.45v in battery at approx 20% Edit: cell was an LG HG2 Edit Edit: Why not just run the battery analyzer, so that you have an accurate data set for YOUR device?
  16. Agreed!! With the extensive test that Mooch performs on batteries, for the purpose of vaping, I would not even consider anything not on his recommended list..https://batterybro.com/collections/moochs-recommended .
  17. The Therion75 is a dual cell... Dual 18650 Platform Parallel Configuration
  18. Agreed...manufacturers are known for over rating the mah's of their cells...any calculator you input the manufacturer's mah ratings into will give you the same results as Escribe's Wh calculator will... thankfully, Evolv gave us the battery analyzer, to help to achieve a more realistic value...
  19. Depends on the amount of voltage left in the batteries...fully charged should have no problem...
  20. The discharge profiles are only going to aid in the battery indicator to be more accurate...I use all the batteries you listed with a dual coil build, clapton wire at .07?, with no major issues... even on my Skar 75 with a single cell...
  21. ??? ???????, ??? ?? ???????? ...
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