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Everything posted by giz_60

  1. You have the power in your profile set at 70.20 watts...that is limiting the board to only 70.2 watts...raise that value up to 100 or 150 watts & try again... Edit: The board will throttle back the wattage once it reaches temp... Edit Edit: And if you want to see the temp on the device's display, check the 'Temperature-Dominate' box & be sure to upload to device!!
  2. Top of screen in Escribe is...'File' 'Edit' 'Internet' 'Options' 'Tools' 'Help'....Click 'File>Open' the pick the .ecig file...
  3. In Escribe, go to 'File>Open' and choose the .ecig file & it will load into Escribe. Then click 'Upload To Device' Edit: Read post #2 above...??
  4. Here is the factory .ecig file for the VT Inbox75... Hcigar_VT_Inbox_75.ecig
  5. Not broken at all...very common with SS316L...can you post a screen shot of your profile settings...'Mod' tab & maybe a screen shot of the Device Monitor while firing the device. SS is kinda tricky & your mod & profile settings need to be right!
  6. Looks like your 75 has the latest version...you can try re-loading it...
  7. First, check all your connection & make sure everything is clean & tight...maybe try the Steam Engine 316L .csv... Edit: Can you post a screen shot of Device Manager while firing? What is your 'Mod Resistance' set at under the 'Mod' tab? SS316L can be a bit tricky if your mod isn't set up properly... Edit Edit: And maybe even a screen shot of your profile settings & 'Mod' tab... as much info as possible is very helpful
  8. Glad to hear you have your Therion working the way you like.......but @Wayneo is correct, if you change the number of clicks to '3' in Escribe, when you upload to your device, it will show '3' instead of '5' even though Escribe still show '5'
  9. Did you try contacting them through their Facebook chat? I have gotten fairly quick response from them there!
  10. Yes, you can overwrite existing profiles. You will have to move the material to the device in the 'Material Tab' and then you can overwrite the T1 profiles using the 316L for the material & set the pre-heat, etc. where you want it...In the materials tab, click on the 316L .csv on the 'Available Materials' side, and the click the little arrow to send it to the "Materials On Device' side, then you can build your profiles using the 316L
  11. Honestly, i find myself changing batteries daily anyways, and with the weight difference, I prefer the 18650...I have both the Ijoy & Efest 26650's, and the battery life isn't much better than the 18650's, but they are heavier...
  12. You can copy one profile to another...say you want to move profile 7 to the profile 2 slot...open profile 2, go to 'Copy Profile' and select profile 7...is that what you are asking?
  13. If the material is in a profile, you can't erase it...
  14. 'Main Screens Only' will only show the battery indicator on the main screens only...where you adjust the watts/temp & see the other 3 fields...'Default Screens' will show the battery indicator on any screen that still has the Evolv default screen assigned...and I think 'All Screens' is pretty self explanatory...
  15. At the bottom of the themes tab in Escribe, you can set screens to show the battery indicator on Default Screens Main Screen Only All Screens
  16. There is to much grays, etc. in that logo to get a really good image on the device...
  17. He's gonna try a different set of batteries...
  18. I believe sagging to 85 watts at 50%
  19. Opps ???? ... ??? 3,8 ?????, ? ?? 4,1 ... ?? ??????? ???????, ????
  20. ?????? ????????? ... V = ? (W * R)
  21. .13 ?? ??? 115 ???? = 4.1v ... ???????? ?????? ???????...?????????? ????? ?????
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