If you look at the last Device Monitor screenshot you posted, you will see that your cold ohms were at .203 & when you fired it, the ohms dropped...to the true cold ohms... and slowly rose back up to the .203 ohms again...meaning that your cold ohms in the device were actually set at the hot(max) ohms...you need to get the correct cold ohms into the device, because the device needs to see a rise in resistance that equates to 185f temp rise...with the cold ohms set so high, its never gonna see it...you can try leaving the setup alone for a little while & let the refinement reset the ohms....or remove the atty from the device for a little bit & when you reinstall it, if it ask if it is a new coil, select yes... the coils HAVE to be cold in order to get an accurate reading of the cold ohms