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Everything posted by giz_60

  1. And...what kind of atty are you using?
  2. You have one set of displays for 'Temp' normal & one for 'Temp' charging...one for 'Power' normal & one for 'Power' charging...You only have 3 'fields' that are settable....By setting the profile name as one of the fields, it will change from profile to profile...The 75 can be set up this way as well...
  3. You can try here...http://lostvape.com/contact/...or try sending them an email here.. lostvaperepair@gmail.com
  4. Kudos to Flawless!! Awesome customer service...
  5. Cell #2 is showing 5.10v...there is a problem with the device & there are no settings to change to fix it... you can contact lost vapes at...http://www.lostvaperepaircenter.com or via their Facebook page...https://www.facebook.com/lostvape.wholesale/
  6. How about a screenshot of Device Monitor, to see what your batteries are showing...
  7. There could possibly be an issue with that USB port on your computer... intermittently loosing the data path
  8. Improvements over the last time you ran Device Monitor...less battery sag, etc...
  9. You betcha...better connectivity, better performance....
  10. The one available in Escribe, 'Restore Defaults' in the General tab, is the stock file from Evolv for that board...a factory Flawless file would be based on that file, but may or may not have some minor custom changes, but nothing major... Evolv_Default_DNA_75.ecig Evolv_Default_75.ecig
  11. Ok...being it's the weekend, gonna have to just sit tight & wait for someone to answer...
  12. Great...will be interesting to learn what you discover...
  13. Thanks for the screenshot...helps alot...appears something strange going on with board or a bad battery connection...and seems I can't get your issue so show up on my 75, I doubt loading the wrong .csv into the battery settings caused it....As CB suggested, contact Flawless
  14. If you have a meter & seems you will have it open, if you screw an atty onto the 510 connector, check for continuity between the 2 wires where they connect to the board...if no continuity is present, then the issue is on the 510 connector side....if continuity is present, then the issue is board side...
  15. You didn't mention if it will connect to Escribe or not...if it will, can you post a screen shot of the 'Mod' tab & Device Monitor....
  16. Have you tried contacting Hcigar via their Facebook page? I have found that most manufacturer's are a bit slow, if ever, responding to emails, but tend to respond quite quickly on their Facebook page... http:///www.facebook.com/Hcigar/
  17. I have tried to duplicate your problem on one of my 75's...loaded a wire .csv into the battery settings & got the eeprom error..reloaded the battery .csv...check the external charger setting, but I can't duplicate the problem you seem to be having. Can you post a screen shot of 'Device Monitor' & the 'Mod' tab?
  18. Can you post a screenshot of the 'Mod' tab in Escribe as well as a screenshot of 'Device Monitor'
  19. I've seen that message before. I believe the way I got it to work again, and it took a few tries, was to close out all of Escribe, unplug device, open Escribe & select the correct version for device & then reconnect the device & let Escribe find it...IIRC, it took 3 tries before it worked...
  20. I was looking over your screen shots & notice that you are using the Advanced User Interface...have you done any calibrations on the device yet? Go to 'Options>User Interface' & select 'Manufacturer' & then post another screenshot of your Mod tab... I don't think LV sends out those mods with the 'Mod Resistance' set & it is really important for proper TC...
  21. Where are you getting .21 from? Edit: are you using spaced or contact coils?
  22. Close out all Escribe windows & restart...sounds like something in Escribe was connected to the device...
  23. If you look at the last Device Monitor screenshot you posted, you will see that your cold ohms were at .203 & when you fired it, the ohms dropped...to the true cold ohms... and slowly rose back up to the .203 ohms again...meaning that your cold ohms in the device were actually set at the hot(max) ohms...you need to get the correct cold ohms into the device, because the device needs to see a rise in resistance that equates to 185f temp rise...with the cold ohms set so high, its never gonna see it...you can try leaving the setup alone for a little while & let the refinement reset the ohms....or remove the atty from the device for a little bit & when you reinstall it, if it ask if it is a new coil, select yes... the coils HAVE to be cold in order to get an accurate reading of the cold ohms
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