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Everything posted by giz_60

  1. If you used the 'Restore Defaults' under the 'General' tab in Escribe, then your battery settings are probably incorrect...that resets everything to the Evolv defaults, which are configured for a 3 cell setup..Do you see the 'Mod' tab in Escribe? If so, open it & make sure that the battery setting is set for 2 cells. If you don't see it, go to 'Options>User Interface' & select 'Manufacturer'...then you will have the 'Mod' tab available
  2. Need more info....What kind of device? Can you post a screen shot of the 'Mod' tab & 'Device Monitor' from Escribe?
  3. So, now you have to keep count of how many times you have 'fast clicked' during the day to get a realistic idea of how much you are vaping? Wait... I know...we can add a counter to keep track of how many times the re-set has been performed... Placing the puff counter on the display will give you a real time, actual count of how much you are vaping. I can understand where you are coming from & your point, but there are already features on the device that will give one the same info, so why duplicate them. Puff limit, a true limit, is a feature that is already available on the device.
  4. But...wouldn't the '3 fast click to reset' kind of defeat the whole purpose of setting a puff limit...the puff limit setting in the 'Research Tab' is there for this purpose, along with other useful limits. If user is wanting to track puffs per day, or have an increased perception of the quantitative level of vaping, you can always put 'Puff Count' on the devices display, which can be reset in Escribe or ecig stats...if the puff limit can be reset on the fly..that's no longer a limit
  5. Thank you, much better info.... Anytime you see a cell voltage as high as #2, then there is an issue with the battery management...as @ChunkyButt200 suggested, you need to contact the vendor you purchase the device from about a warranty replacement , or if that fails, Lost Vape at...http://www.lostvaperepaircenter.com.....Lost Vape warranties their mods for 6 months...
  6. Being a squonker, it's possible that there is some juice between the center pin & ground on the 510 connector on the mod...try cleaning it out really good with some iso alcohol...even could blow it out with some compressed air too...
  7. Was the device working prior to making the changes? Edit: What is you 75 device?
  8. You may want to try this...in Escribe, go to Device Monitor>Diagnostics>Reset USB Current Limit...if the USB has been inadvertently disabled, this will re-enable it...can't hurt to try...
  9. You may want to try this...in Escribe, go to Device Monitor>Diagnostics>Reset USB Current Limit...if the USB has been disabled, this will re-enable it...can't hurt to try...
  10. You might want to try & contact the vendor who you actually bought the device from as well....most vendors have at least a 30 day warranty period....
  11. Of my 8 mods, I think only 1 came with the case thermals set at other than the default...Triade....
  12. I would start with the vendor you bought your device from...if no luck there, contact Hcigar...http://service@hcigar.com If all else fails, you can try contacting Evolv, but they are going to probably want you to remove the board from the device & ship it to them, in the U.S. & this will probably void your warranty as well...https://helpdesk.evolvapor.com/?a=add
  13. Have you tried a different USB cable...different USB port on your computer...or even tried charging via USB wall adapter? I had a USB cable that came with my 250 that I had to replace due to problems...
  14. Can't tell what is going on by your pictures...a screenshot of the 'Device Monitor' in Escribe will give a better insight as to what the problem is!!
  15. Could you vape on it for awhile to discharge the batteries some & then post another screenshot of device manager & possible one of the 'Mod' tab...
  16. You don't HAVE to...it just makes the indicator a little bit more accurate...has no effect on battery life...
  17. Any battery on Mooch's recommended list works good..personally am using VTC6's & HG2's...
  18. There have been issues with other devices that utilize the same type of battery setup as yours, screw on cap on the bottom, where the ground is transferred to the board via the device case & loose board mount screws are causing problems...
  19. The lowest I have ever seen my Therion amps drop to was .005...at least now ya know what the full charge condition looks like in Device Monitor...
  20. It's all about personal preference & having your device set up properly...I haven't had a TC wire or build that didn't work, once all the settings are correct...wires of the same materials will vary from supplier to supplier....finding what works best for oneself & getting the device properly setup is the key...
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