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Everything posted by retird

  1. Amen.... as I said earlier....FDA...yuck.... But my main reason for this post is I saw this post on ECf and felt it needed to at least be seen here:
  2. http://sfata.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/SFATADeemingReuglationsAnalysis.pdf
  3. I understand that a couple of VS's Evolv has do not display this bug and they found another VS that did display the issue. It may very well be firmware or it could be something else also I think. No I've not tested a VS nor have I looked at the code of the firmware and compared it to the older firmware. I'm also not sure if any hardware changes of the board have been made over the life of the VS200. One thing for certain is that whatever it is it needs attention...
  4. Assuming is kinda like guessing..... James and crew will find what it is....
  5. Fill out a "Contact" form for Evolv.... explain your issue.... let them respond back to you: Link: https://helpdesk.evolvapor.com/index.php?a=add
  6. Cell soft cutoff for the 75 is set to 2.75 volts. You can check the settings in EScribe....
  7. Probably battery sag would be my guess. What does it show in Device Monitor?
  8. Is your charging mode set to maximum puffs or maximum recharges? Set my DNA200 reference mod to max puffs to fully charge battery...
  9. Didn't intend to post this.... edited out....
  10. There is a small screen option for the DNA60...
  11. hum.... are you guys saying you are going to retrofit a DNA200 enclosure with a DNA60? The DNA60, as I understand retro-fits into an enclosure of DNA40's. Boards are tiny compared to a DNA200. Unless I am missing something...
  12. Vapor Shark has traditionally been pretty good honoring their warranty I think. Your VS is/was DOA so why would they not replace it under warranty? And, it may not be a firmware issue but something else causing the DOA.... They won't know for sure until they look at yours....
  13. Unless I missed something the DNA200 and the DNA133 are the same board and use the same firmware but the settings are configured a bit different for the battery and balance charging and wiring of the balance connector is a bit different for 2 cell configuration. Are they not having firmware issues with the DNA133?? Getting more puzzled..... If it were me and I liked the DNA200 VS, and Vapor Shark is still selling new ones, I would have them give me another new one. If it comes and works great then you are done, but if it still is DOA then you are still in the same position you are now in... just my thoughts.... again good luck...
  14. hum..... puzzled why they show them in stock and for sale if they say another one will have the same issue??? oh well, good luck....
  15. I don't recall it being a general firmware issue with Evolv boards but then again it may be a general firmware issue with the VS, as they use special boards built for them by Evolv... My thought is you should get it replaced by VS.... ASAP....
  16. You really don't have to scroll thru the profiles. Just use the up and down buttons to move up or down from the current profile.
  17. For years Evolv has brought new things and even as the latest is being marketed Evolv was/is already working on one or two newer things. Even as the DNA200 and DNA75 is being marketed the DNA60 has become a reality and a DNA250 is rumored. Escribe is ever changing and being updated. It was updated to accept the DNA75 and will need to be updated to accept the DNA60 and the rumored DNA250 if the rumor is true. EScribe has had many updates since November of 2015. I just checked and May 5, 2016 was the digital signature of the latest EScribe software. Firmware updates are given only after they are "debugged as best as can be" to the public. Firmware must be compatible to the hardware. The TC curve in the DNA75 is the exact same curve shown in the DNA200. The hardware and technology is different between the two DNA's thus the difference in operability with SS316. I feel that we may see a firmware update (within the limitations of the hardware) in due time as Evolv always strives to provide the best in vape technology and customer service. Alot of folks have been able to and are running EScribe on their Mac's. Can you not do this? And we can plainly see that the FDA Demming Reg's are now severely impacting the vaping industry. It seems to me that businesses must prioritize and address the most significant challenges of which the Mac software, in my opinion, is on the list but not that high on the ''To Do" list when you read the FDA Deeming Reg's. I ask that you read them. Hopefully these comments are beneficial as they are not given for debate purposes and will be my only post on this subject. Have a great day all. EDIT 3 hours later: Evolv just announced the DNA250............. AND I QUOTE WHAT IS SAID ABOUT THE DNA250: Smoother control system for Stainless Steel wire with Temperature Protection (This is a firmware update and is also available for the 200, giving it a similar control structure to the DNA 75) Link: /topic/66401-topic/?do=findComment&comment=896976
  18. Take it back to them.... for one thing current doesn't flow thru the DNA board mounted fire button like a mech mod so you shouldn't be getting a hot button. Something is going on with your device if you get a really bad hot button. Surely they didn't wire a line switch between the battery and the board?????? If you are vaping 80/90 watts then I think the battery longevity is about right. Since you just got it just have them replace it or refund.
  19. Mine broke exactly where yours did and I also e-mailed Hana @ hanamodz1@gmail.com and never got a reply so I e-mailed them again and still no reply. What a bummer.
  20. From my understanding the batteries charge to 100% and the charger stops charging. If the device is left plugged in to charge the batteries have to discharge to a certain level before the charger circuit activates again. So you will see a 99%. 98%, etc. charge level when left to charge overnight. Normal operation as I understand it.
  21. So you vape at the same temps/wattage, and boost profile settings no mater what wire material you use?
  22. Work around.... using EScribe Go to Materials Tab and click on the “cross” (new material) icon. You now have a wire type naned “unnamed”. Click on “unnamed” and type in “Name” and “on screen name”. (name the new material maybe something like “Empty”). Un-check Temperature Sensing. Now add the new material to the “ Materials on Device” list (click on the arrow to add the new material to the right hand material list).Go to the General Tab and select a profile you want to change. Type in the Name and On Screen Name. Select the Coil Material (the coil material you added in step 1 above). Now change the Power under Settings to 1 watt. Upload the profile.Repeat (or copy) for each profile you are not wanting to use and upload.You should now have 8 profiles with those not being used shown as “Empty”.
  23. Can you take a screenshot in Device Monitor showing a vape. Would like to see graphed the "Pack", "Power" and "Power Set", "Temperature" and "Temperature Set" THANKS....
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