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Everything posted by retird

  1. How about a screen shot of Device Monitor with device plugged in....and screenshot of Mod Tab
  2. No problem....... We are here to try to help where we can.... The decision makers on DNA board design, device functions, software and firmware features and etc. are the employees (Engineers and Software guys) and the owners of Evolv. Over the years they have taken suggestions from the public, and beta testers, and they decide what they want to implement. Many features of the DNA were once just suggestions. Thus my suggestion of submitting your thoughts and concerns to Evolv's Help Desk. We are not employees and we just volunteer our time, and limited knowledge, here in this forum. If you know of any comparable board with all the features of a DNA and related software (similar to EScribe) that gives more functionality, monitoring, analyzers, real time monitoring, customizable settings, and etc. please let me know.... I want to kick-the-tires on it.... Oh, and welcome to the forum.... (just noticed your registration date)..
  3. hum...... guess you need to RMA it again...... Nick is very good and Evolv's Customer Service is top-notch. As you know Evolv's warranty covers the DNA board only and they went above and beyond what is required by actually working on your device. If I recall the first time you sent it in was because the device took-a-tumble and died (usually not a warranty item). The second time it went to Evolv was for a button that was stuck when you got it back. So when you got it today, at some point, it would not turn on. I know it is a frustrating day today but "stuff happens" so I wouldn't be too upset with Nick, or Evolv. Give Nick a shout out by "Opening your Ticket" again. The Ticket you used for the last RMA should have been closed so you can open it again and add your comments for another RMA request. Or you can start a new ticket... Let us know how it goes....
  4. We've not established that 18650 LiIon have disappeared from the menu options with DNA200&250. Why? The 18650 LiIon option did not disappear from the 200's and 250's as it was never there to start with. If the point you want to make is that you would like a LiIon option be added to the 200 and 250 boards via EScribe then you might drop a suggestion and state your reasoning using this link: https://helpdesk.evolvapor.com/index.php?a=add&category=5 If you have a concern as to whether the DNA 200 and 250 safely charge batteries you could also add that to the suggestion form. Evolv folks are pretty good at replying back from their help desk. As a side note: Updating firmware and software prior to August 8, 2016 wasn't much of a thing but the FDA Deeming Regulations are now in effect and the process gets complicated and expensive. At least that is what I have read.... Overview of Deeming Regulations: http://sfata.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/SFATADeemingReuglationsAnalysis.pdf
  5. The post you mention references the DNA75. The DNA75 and DNA60 have a choice to select "18650 Li-ion". Both devices are single battery configured. The datasheet from the DNA60 says: "The DNA 60 runs from a single lithium polymer or lithium ion battery, and features battery monitoring." The datasheet from the DNA75 says: "The DNA 75 runs from a single lithium polymer or lithium ion battery, and features battery monitoring and integrated 1A charger." From Evolv's description of the DNA200 and 250 shown on the web site it says: "The DNA 250 runs from a 2 or 3 cell lithium polymer battery, and features cell-by-cell battery monitoring and integrated balance charger." "The DNA 20 runs from a 2 or 3 cell lithium polymer battery, and features cell-by-cell battery monitoring and integrated balance charger." From the Datasheets: The datasheet for the DNA200 says: "The DNA 200 runs from a 3 cell lithium polymer battery, and features cell by-cell battery monitoring and integrated 1A balance charger." The datasheet for the DNA250 says: "The DNA 250 runs from a 3 cell lithium polymer battery, and features cell by-cell battery monitoring and integrated 2A balance charger." The DNA 166 and 133 came about as folks wanted to have a 2 cell configuration thus the 250 and 200 can be configured that way by the mod makers. As far as I recall there has never been an EScribe option of "18650 Li-Ion" available for the DNA200 or 250 board.
  6. Contact the vendor you got it from first. Surely they warranty it for 2 weeks..... What is broken?
  7. Work-around for Preheat in Power Mode Topic is here: /topic/65540-topic/ I don't recommend this work-around but folks are using it..... You could offer suggestions here for future product/firmware/etc.: https://helpdesk.evolvapor.com/index.php?a=add&category=5
  8. 0.004 is within reason..... if you want you can search this forum for MOD RESISTANCE and search on that as a "Topic".... you will find many answers there....
  9. Can you connect the device( no atty attached) to EScribe and do a screenshot of Device Monitor?
  10. As was posted earlier: .....sometimes it will take a little while for the forum's system to allow you post or download attachments, even though you have received an email stating that your account has been approved. Wait a bit and try again. When I first signed up, took a couple of hours, but you will eventually be able to download the .ecig file! PM'ed
  11. Need more information.... Pictures of the device, batteries, and the atty please...
  12. What coil build are you using and wire type? Dna75 is a boost circuit and the DNA 200 is a buck....they work different and you are wanting to use the 75 at full throttle thus as the battery voltage decreases and being asked to provide for 70 watts then output will decrease and you also have battery sag to various degree based on several factors effecting the results also.... Maybe the 75 is not for you. I use a Switchbox also but nowhere near 75 watts..... Post a screenshot of Device Monitor(while firing) your device at 70 watts.....
  13. Maximum output volts is 6.2 volts on the Dna75..... 1.8 ohm's @ 70 watts = 11.22 volts..... 0.7 ohms @ 35 watts is 4.95 volts.....
  14. See the Output Power Section in this pdf (page 4).... max output depends on coil ohm's resistance being used... https://downloads.evolvapor.com/dna75.pdf Your device should not be charging to 4.4 volts..... should be about 4.2 volts. Send it back to Vaporshark....they have proprietary 2 amp charger.
  15. That Section is for Evolv's Internal Office Use. You fill out nothing in that section....
  16. Can you post a screenshot of Device Monitor while the device is hooked up?
  17. Have they hooked up to EScribe on that computer prior to this?
  18. How about a picture of the board close up? And the 510 connector wiring....
  19. So, when atomizer is attached it says Check Atomizer? It is normal for a Check Atomizer message with no atomizer attached.,.,..., Since you have it open check the screws that hold the board in for tightness and make sure you have a good ground at the 510 connector. Then see if it will connect to EScribe...
  20. I don't think they work weekends at Evolv on the help desk. Are you certain that the issue is board related? Hang tight as Evolv will reply to your ticket and guide you....
  21. https://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/threads/26650-battery-bench-test-results-and-new-ratings-table.725452/
  22. Oh well..... it is a sweet looking mod that only needs a functional usb port.... can't believe Lee Ash (Lash Creative) didn't address the usb port.... http://www.lash-creative.com/
  23. I guess someone with the talent and equipment could carefully remove the usb and reposition it and make the necessary customized extended connections without damaging the board but it wouldn't be something I would want to do...really tiny solder points for the data runs.... and, by the way, where are the up/down buttons and display on this mod... pictures please...
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