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Everything posted by James

  1. You can get the most recent firmware for your DNA 75 Color by downloading EScribe Suite 2.0, from https://www.evolvapor.com/products/dna75color Alternatively, here are the links: EScribe Suite 2.0 US Edition EScribe Suite 2.0 International Edition Once you install it and connect your device, if you are not running the newest firmware, it will offer it.
  2. If you are feeling adventurous, try the attached firmware (Tools -> Apply Service Pack) and see if it helps your Cold Ohms measurement. DNA 75 Color v1_1_SP22_Beta1.sw-service
  3. It's a very good idea. The most recent version has a number of bug fixes, some of which are important. Download EScribe Suite 2.0 from the DNA 75 Color page, and it'll offer the firmware when you connect (near the top of the screen).
  4. The board should retain the clock for about 30 seconds after a battery is removed, so that it won't lose the clock for a quick battery swap. Hmm. What is the battery voltage reading? Does it start charging again if you go to Diagnostics -> Disable Charging and then Enable Charging?
  5. Hi @ndb. Mod resistance... When you measured with a copper plug and Atomizer Analyzer, did you have your mod resistance set to 0? The measurement you get there incorporates the current mod resistance setting (for example, if the whole mod resistance is 0.016 and your mod resistance is already set to 0.004, it will read 0.012). I need to make it show the raw resistance as well, for mod resistance use. With your 0.800, does it stay fairly consistently near there in Atomizer Analyzer? Or does it bounce around? (I am wondering if certain resistance ranges are less consistent on their cold ohms measurement, and/or if there is a grounding issue.)
  6. Hello @ndb! This has been fixed in the newest Service Pack.
  7. Hello @eucalyptus.! This has been fixed in the newest Service Pack.
  8. EScribe Suite 2.0 SP13 For US-based customers (Windows): https://downloads.evolvapor.com/SetupEScribe2_SP13_US_ServicePack.exe For US-based customers (Mac): https://downloads.evolvapor.com/SetupEScribe2_SP13_US.pkg For international customers (Windows): https://downloads.evolvapor.com/SetupEScribe2_SP13_INTL_ServicePack.exe For international customers (Mac): https://downloads.evolvapor.com/SetupEScribe2_SP13_INTL.pkg For customers using Linux, see the beta thread. --- DNA 250 Color (firmware 1.2 SP33) --- Corrected the battery voltage calibration. Fixed low-battery charging issues with earlier Service Packs. Fixed a bug that made USB Power Bank mode not work. --- EScribe Suite --- Minor bug fixes.
  9. The underlying code already works on Mac and Linux, actually (the Downloads section's theme previews are being generated by EScribe running command-line on Linux, for example), but the graphical interface needs to be ported over. As of today I've converted the last screen from Microsoft Windows Forms to our platform independent windowing layer. I work on it when I need a break from other code, so don't hold your breath, but I have been making progress.
  10. Hi @gogo. I've updated the theme previews to show all screens. Hope it helps you. James
  11. Spot on, it's an EScribe bug with odd numbered profiles. Looks like a remnant from something we were testing a while ago. This should be an easy fix. Thanks! By the way, I notice that Ohms in Atomizer Analyzer doesn't use a comma (the separator for your locale). Definitely let us know if you run into localization issues like that.
  12. We've found the bug. It was theme related, and will be fixed in SP21. Thanks Andersen for finding it!
  13. The Cold Temperature is the estimated room temperature when the Cold Ohms were acquired, yes. It may not be a perfect estimate, but as long as it's pretty good, you should be fine. By splitting Cold Ohms into two values in this way, instead of storing a 70F Cold Ohms, a Theme can have a Material selection (separate from Profile) and let Material be changed *after* sampling Ohms. The current themes don't do this, but the option is there. If it does not update, it might be having an error sampling. Does Atomizer Analyzer show ? on those profiles instead of an Ohms? If so, please send me your .ecig settings and I will investigate.
  14. This is a firmware bug. Looking at the code, if your theme uploaded correctly but something about the theme makes the firmware crash or freeze, the Error Press Up screen might not wait for a button press. Tomorrow I will message you a custom firmware to try.
  15. Interesting! "Error Press Up" seems to go away very fast. Are you pressing Up? If so, instead of pressing Up, could you download the settings when it is at that screen, and send me them? It looks like it is crashing. I'd like to find out what settings could cause that. Also, what Service Pack are you running?
  16. Hmm. If you get the message "The firmware is starting, it may take a moment." the screen should come on in about 1 minute. That happens if the firmware had crashed. Alternatively, you can get it to start immediately with Tools -> Diagnostics -> Reboot Device -> Hard Reboot. Does the screen appear white (no text) after this, or does it show something else? Could you take a video of what it is doing?
  17. For those interested, I've created a C# (.NET) client library for the ECigStats API. https://forum.ecigstats.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=24 Enjoy James
  18. Is the resistance consistently wrong in Atomizer Analyzer? If so, definitely make sure your case grounding is good (are the grounding screws loose?). The measurements used to sample Ohms (for Atomizer Analyzer or New Coil) are done at very low power (otherwise the atomizer would heat up while measuring, which would ruin the measurement), so grounding issues can be more significant than at full power. This is true for other DNAs as well, incidentally.
  19. If you are receiving DNA 60 boards directly from Evolv, they have the Big Screen firmware loaded onto them. You need to go to Tools->Apply Firmware and select the Small Screen firmware. (If you are producing them in quantity, Tools->Production Utility can help reduce the hassle.) If you bought the device from a manufacturer, they ABSOLUTELY should have done this for you.
  20. The functionality Device Monitor exposes can all be done directly through serial commands. If you are building a smoking machine or similar and want to write a program to automate your DNA, this command list should be useful to you. To access the serial port, on Windows, install the drivers that are included with EScribe Suite. DNA serial ports are standards-compliant USB CDC, so you do not need a driver on Linux or Raspberry Pi. On Windows, we use a custom driver because Microsoft's USB CDC driver is of poor quality. For the commands below, # indicates a number. This can be any decimal, with a period as the separator (1.2, 3.4, 5.6, etc.). The basic commands are: F=# S Fires for # seconds. P=# W Sets the power setpoint to # watts. T=# F T=# C Sets the temperature limit to # Fahrenheit or Celsius. T=? Turns temperature protection off. M=# Sets the current profile to # (1-8). Common queries are: P=GET Gets the power measurement. P=GET SP Gets the power setpoint. T=GET Gets the temperature measurement. T=GET SP Gets the temperature setpoint. T=GET MATERIAL (1.2 SP3+) Gets the name of the material being used. M=GET Gets the current profile number. B=GET Gets the battery pack voltage. B=GET CELLS Gets the number of cells in the battery pack. B=GET CELL # Gets the voltage of a particular battery cell. R=GET Gets the resistance, as displayed on the device. This is the cold resistance on temperature-sensing coils, or the live resistance on non-temperature-sensing coils. R=GET LIVE Gets the live resistance measurement. R=GET COLD Gets the cold resistance. (DNA Color) Diagnostics include: V=GET Gets the voltage measurement. V=GET SP (1.2 SP3+) Gets the voltage limit. V=# V (1.2 SP3+) Sets the voltage limit. This setting is not retained on power cycle. (Only really useful if you want to imitate the smoking behavior of a voltage-limited device. To do this, make sure your power setpoint is high enough to hit the voltage limit.) I=GET Gets the current measurement. I=GET SP (1.2 SP3+) Gets the current limit. I=# A (1.2 SP3+) Sets the current limit. This setting is not retained on power cycle. U=GETV Gets the USB voltage measurement. U=GETI Gets the USB current measurement. U=GETP Gets the USB power measurement (USB voltage X USB current). U=# A Sets the USB current limit. 0 disables charging. T=GET BOARD Gets the board temperature. T=GET ROOM Gets the thermally modeled room temperature. As for statistics... For (what) below, substitute MEAN (mean), SD (standard deviation), or blank (total). For DNA Color, the standard deviation divides by N (population standard deviation). For earlier DNAs, the standard deviation divides by N-1. For (when) below, substitute LAST (the previous puff), DEVICE (lifetime), or blank (since statistics have been reset). MEAN and SD can't be combined with LAST. The statistics queries are: S=GET RESETS Gets the number of times the statistics have been reset. S=GET (when) PUFFS Gets the number of puffs. S=GET (when) TEMP PUFFS Gets the number of temperature-protected puffs. S=GET (when) (what) ENERGY Gets the total energy of the last puff. S=GET (when) (what) POWER Gets the mean power over the duration of the last puff. S=GET (when) (what) TIME Gets the time of the last puff. S=GET (when) (what) TEMP Gets the mean temperature over the duration of the last puff. S=GET LAST PEAK TEMP (1.2 SP3+) Gets the peak temperature over the duration of the last puff. Lastly, for identifying the device: E=GET MFR Gets the manufacturer name. E=GET PRODUCT Gets the product name. E=GET VERSION Gets the firmware version code.
  21. Yes, this is a bug in the DNA 75 Color Case Analyzer in 2.0 SP2. I've fixed it for SP3. As a workaround, if you replace the 0 in USB Connect Temperature Rise with 0.0, it should work.
  22. What is your actual room temperature, and what Cold Temperature does the DNA Color show? If it is overpredicting your room temperature, that would certainly cause the vape to be colder. (Cold Temperature is the temperature at which the Cold Ohms measurement is taken.)
  23. DNA 60 can't really use Thermal meaningfully, because the charging is off-board and it doesn't know much about it. The defaults should work well enough. How good is the heat sinking on your mod? The DNA 60 is a small board (half the size of DNA 75), so it gets hot, so it needs good heat sinking. Also, do you run into this in normal usage? It should be fine with how people typically vape. Certainly in testing it can get very hot. Your screenshot shows 132F, not 200F?
  24. Fixed. It was a bug in the preview generator. It did not work if you had attached more than one file.
  25. Mm. Instead, I will make it work how you might expect in the next Service Pack. It really ought to derive from the device setting.
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