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Everything posted by Wayneo

  1. To be clear for the entire community we should all remember and probably post both the software version, and the firmware version. I'm running 1.0.56 on the software side. I'd have to fire up VMware to see my firmware version. At that version of software there was no firmware update for the DNA200.
  2. Only if it's not been documented. Old programmer's joke. 30+ years here also. Started with languages like Fortran, C, Informix 1.0. The good old times. I can still remember buying an HP 404Mb (Megabyte) dishwasher size HD for $28K.Good conversation.
  3. Escribe allows you to run your own Device monitor and set it up, custom to your mod.
  4. With all respect, escribe needs drivers and a connection to plug into. So you'd think it's worthwhile to invest in mobile OS's such as IOS where you can't make a connection to a phone or ipad, or android, same thing? Uploads/downloads. I think the closest thing to satisfy your platform independence would be an html5 browser based solution.
  5. Here's a swap out to a fat daddy 510. No animals were harmed, just a little on the battery sled/holder. To me, it makes the mod look sweet. I'll attempt this once my loose wobbly 510 on both the DNA and RX gives up. https://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/threads/replacing-the-510-in-an-rx200-fairly-easy-actually.727725/
  6. Manfred, the materials curve must always be increasing like the message states. If you check all your materials, they should look similar to your top jpg. Find the offending material curve and delete it.
  7. Those were created by Jacquith. He did the hard lifting, I just posted the link.
  8. Holy smokes there Jamie. Now that's what I call coil porn. I don't know if I'd even wick that baby. Probably just show it off to my friends.
  9. I believe from Daniel's (DJLSBVapes) testing with his thermocouple found that just going by the TCR value, the actual temperature was closer than using the fancy curve generated. That's why I want to use his method. Can anyone comment if the setting of .00102 (for 304SS from steam engine) is the proper format?
  10. @wingsfan you said "430 because of it's relatively high TCR (.00138) for SS". So as an example from Steam engine, just using the TCR for 304SS, I should enter .00102? in the materials tab Thanks in advance
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