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About This File

If you like a lot of information on the home screen, and want to adjust preheat / boost settings from the main screen then you might like this! 

All the features present on my previous themes, Gauges and the Material-ish themes, are available on this one too.

Please let me know if you find any bugs / issues. Happy to take feature suggestions too! 



Check out my other themes

gauges.png  m-fire.png  m-ocean.png

What's New in Version 1.0.1   See changelog


Fixed the glitch reported by @Redman2u. You won't be seeing replay elements when your profile has a non temp sensing material selected.

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   4 of 4 members found this review helpful 4 / 4 members

This has been my theme of choice for months now.

I made a few modifications to improve readability and usability, feel free to roll them into an update if you wish.

  • Brightened everything up to use the full range of the display. It was just too dim to use in sunlight, even at full brightness.
  • Added USB current to the main screen in place of profile icon. Click the T/F/R icon to edit the profile
  • Added reference (coil cold) temp adjust to the profile screen, because the DNA will get this wrong at times.
  • Profile can be changed from the edit and new coil screens.
  • Replay can be enabled on non-TC materials, because it will work if the DNA detects resistance change.
    • For example: SS mesh does not work properly in SS316 profile, you have to use Watts, but it does work properly in replay.
    • Support for Boost on Replay Preheat screen (when Replay is used with a non-TC material)
    • Main screen will display "Replaying" on preheat/boost line if replaying as changing P/B during replay will have no effect.
  • Top info line show Last Puff time in non-TC modes
  • Bottom info line shows and Last Power or Last Temp when playing.


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   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

First off, absolutely awesome theme. love your work. Clean, clear. and really classy.... could go on with the compliments...

Just found one small issue, on the the main page.  there is a hidden replay icon for "can replay" / " can replay now" that shows under  the boost bar... there is also another bar like the boost bar that looks like it should not be there just left of the replay icon.  Just thought I would bring it to your attention.

Thanx once again for such a awesome theme

IMG_20190725_185151 (1).jpg

Response from the author:

Hey man thank you so much for the kind words!

That's a great catch! I was able to recreate the glitch by turning on replay on a profile with a non Temp Tontrol (Kanthal) material. Are you using a non-TC material as well?

I haven't been around here much in the past year so I'm not sure if there's been an update regarding replay. As I understood it, replay needs a temp controlled material to work. It's essentially a TC mode  that sets the temperature for you. 

In this version of the theme it offers the preheat option when it's a TC material, and the boost option when it is not. You can also enable/disable replay in the profile if you choose a TC material. I did not account for a scenario when replay might have already been activated, and the material would be changed to a non-TC material.

I'm pushing an update (1.0.1) now. If the material is non-TC you won't see the replay boxes on the main screen anymore. Please let me know if it fixed it. Also please let me know if I'm going about replay wrong. 

Thank you so much for catching this! Really appreciate you reporting it :)

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· Edited by SplashPuddle

   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Wow Sir Timmy, this is a fantastic theme! Definitely my favorite of the 30 or so I've tried. Very slick and clean and such a cool old school effect with that background. Major points for originality. Most of the themes here are tweaked versions of someone else's work but this is totally new and different. I can think of only 2 others that are as unique and this one is cleaner and prettier than either of those. I love that the file size is small enough I was able to add 2 wallpapers and a custom main screen. If you like Gauges or Materialish you'll like Digital. I predict this will be the next theme with over 1,000 downloads. Fabulous work sir, many thanks.

The one issue I found (other than mentioned by Redman2u) is with the battery level field on the main screen- there are 2 conditions- the default doesn't show units (%) but the other one does and at 100% wont fit in the box . Easy fix but worth a mention. For future updates consider adding a color background option or 2 since you've got ample space. I added a fire and a water background (fire and ocean, hmm, where have I seen those?) both of which look great.

Response from the author:

Thank you so much man :) Really makes me happy to hear you like it so much! Yah I love those old school LCD screens too, too bad you don't see too many of them around often. Hopefully the small file size will help with the performance issues that were/are present in Gauges. 

The two conditions in the battery level field are actually there by design. The battery field can only show 3 digits without wrapping. That means 99% of the time the theme can display the battery level with the unit (%), and the rare times when the battery level is 100 it just drops the unit so the field doesn't wrap! Even though the field shows a wrap in escribe you'll never see it in practice due to the condition. 

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Awesome hard work brother💯 If you have a free time I hope that you can make like this for dna60c😊

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· Edited by Igor Yol

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Sir Timmy, please, update this best of the best themes ! We really need it!

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

I usually dont leave reviews, but this theme for the DNA-C chipsets is amazing, it looks and works awesome on my Odin DNA250C.   Thanks 🙂 

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

I've been using the same theme for a couple years because most can't meet my comfort level but thats changed today!!  THANKS for giving me a wonderful visual change to my day.  I've changed over all my DNA devices to your theme.  Well, I did actually change again to the one that the guy a few comments down edited your theme to make it brighter and make the Replay work the way i'm used to.  That being said you created this theme and did a Kick A$$ job!

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

This theme is sick , 

I´m new to DNA devices , just got an Rebel Vape 75C JaiHaze Edition . I´m in love with this theme , 

All the information is there , easy to get used to . 

I love the powerbank option, i can charge my phone or my vape in those especial scenarios.

Big thanks to the dev. 


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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Эта тема, действительно очень интересна и выглядит совершенно по новому, Вы по прежнему удивляете дизайном!

Но, мне интересно, по чему Вы используете в условиях включения Реплей (экран Главный профиль)  Temp sensing detect, мне кажется, что интереснее использовать Temp sensing material. Это даст возможность переключаться на Реплей в любом профиле, где используется термо контрольный материал.

Я не  нашел отображения температуры холодной катушки, мне кажется этот параметр важен для понимания насколько корректно мод определяет параметры новой катушки, ИМХО.


Response from the author:

Hey thank you so much for the compliments! Really appreciate it :)

I am not too sure what the difference between "Temp Sensing Detect" and "Temp Sensing Material" is. I have to look this up tonight, please let me know if you have any insights into this. I assume they're nearly identical, I've just found "Temp Sensing Detect" to work more reliably. 

You can still turn replay on/off by going into Atomizer Profile screen, provided you have a temp control material assigned to that profile. 

I'm using Google Translate and it's telling me that you can't find the atomizer resistance? Both the main screen and the atomizer profile screen display the resistance via the Coil Cold Ohms field. Are you suggesting to use another field instead?

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Nice work! I can't even imagine how much time you had to put into it. It looks really amazing. Thanks for that, I'm sending greetings from the Czech Republic, Have a nice day. (Translated by Google)

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Привет. Классно выглядит. На DNA 100C будет работать?

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· Edited by gremlinn


This thing is just awesome… a throwback to the likes of old camera LCD displays, some digital wristwatches and, strangely, Zyxel modems. 

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Just got a Centaurs in (Gun metal and Pearlfish/Stabwood) and this is downright the best theme I've came across.. This is a must download, feature rich and basically adds ALL the features Escribe offers on the downloadable engine, right into your mod. So there is no need to hook it up constantly to tweak the settings. Amazing!

Priceless  😗👌

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Great theme, love using it.

I also made some slight modifications:

- added date in metric format on the lock screen

- changed battery percentage on main screen for clock, bar at the bottun is still there

- fixed graphics for replay mode by changing in 25x26 pixels

- changed colored checkboxes in record screen for monochrome ones


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Love the theme, but what the heck is "throttling"? How do i get passed that? Thanks!

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If its possible I wold like the option to reverse the colors (black screen and white charatcers), I find it a little hard to read in this color configuration,

the layout is perfect, very easy to use and very confortable overall,


Awesome work!

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