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Linux EScribe Suite Beta Thread

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  • 2 months later...

Hi, just my opinion but wouldn't be simple to pack escribe in a snap package that could be bundled with whichever dependencies versions you need without interfering on the host system? Installation will only require snap installed and then "snap install escribe", also updating will only require one command. Fast and simple for everyone and future proof.



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  On 4/4/2020 at 6:35 PM, Lisko said:

Hi, just my opinion but wouldn't be simple to pack escribe in a snap package that could be bundled with whichever dependencies versions you need without interfering on the host system? Installation will only require snap installed and then "snap install escribe", also updating will only require one command. Fast and simple for everyone and future proof.




I just made an account to second this request. A Snap or a flatpak version would either way be a good way to get away from the mono problem and get a reliable platform to build on.

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Would it not just be simpler to document "the chips'" interfaces - which most likely has already been done - release that documentation and let us (the community) interface our devices like we truly want to?

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hello, mine does not start escripe under manjaro
the first menu opens and when i click on escripe or theme manager everything closes and that's it.



[nordmann@nordmann-nb ~]$ "/home/nordmann/.local/opt/evolv/escribe-suite/launch-escribe-suite"
Initializing UNIX (GTK)...
Benchmark: Settings took 101,7088 ms.

Benchmark: Register took 46,5853 ms.

Benchmark: Language took 91,4573 ms.

Benchmark: Decrypt resource: Branding took 40,8689 ms.

Benchmark: Decrypt resource: Branding took 22,8673 ms.

Benchmark: Decrypt resource: Icons took 34,5872 ms.

Benchmark: Early Initialization took 339,2525 ms.

Downloader: Waiting to be asked to check
Benchmark: Tracking: Suite took 6,0974 ms.

Benchmark: Launching process for Main took 5,7571 ms.

Initializing UNIX (GTK)...
Benchmark: Settings took 107,6547 ms.

Benchmark: Register took 48,1475 ms.

Benchmark: Language took 96,5478 ms.

Benchmark: Decrypt resource: Branding took 42,2409 ms.

Benchmark: Decrypt resource: Branding took 23,449 ms.

Benchmark: Decrypt resource: Icons took 36,368 ms.

Benchmark: Early Initialization took 359,4358 ms.

Downloader: Waiting to be asked to check
Benchmark: Sending IPC for Main took 1268,2696 ms.

Benchmark: Decrypt resource: Main took 21,5772 ms.

[nordmann@nordmann-nb ~]$ Benchmark: Main Form Load Snappy took 401,2531 ms.

Benchmark: Main Form Load took 32,6289 ms.

Benchmark: Main Form Wiring took 4,6596 ms.

Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Downloader: Requesting update info
Benchmark: Decrypt resource: Welcome took 20,0234 ms.

Benchmark: Requesting resource list took 441,1416 ms.

Benchmark: Decrypt resource: Branding took 20,5811 ms.

Benchmark: Tab Configuration: Welcome took 102,1255 ms.

Benchmark: Load Features: A.RCP took 10,8713 ms.

Benchmark: Load Features: A.RCP took 3,4712 ms.

Benchmark: File->New took 17,601 ms.

Benchmark: Main Form Init End took 20,1461 ms.

Benchmark: Main Form Init took 948,4164 ms.

Benchmark: Main Form Creation took 981,3801 ms.

double free or corruption (fasttop)free(): double free detected in tcache 2

        Native Crash Reporting
Got a SIGABRT while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries 
used by your application.

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I see a few of you have downloaded Escribe for linux I was wondering if anyone has detailed step by step instructions on how to do this? I already downloaded all the other stuff the mono, certs, gtk and the other one (dont know what they're called I'm almost computer illiterate). I'm to the point where all I have to do is install the .run file and can't figure out how to do it. I'm on a chromebook running linux beta. 

Edited by Gilbertrican90
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Try Synaptic Package Manager for your dependencies.

I've been giving Linux MX a whirl lately and for the life of me or my hardware/software it will not load. No issues at all with Linux MInt.

I've tried going through a terminal, Gui Package installer...  At this point most likely I'm botching the terminal command line as I'm no Debian guru.

Edited by Podunk Steam
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  On 4/19/2020 at 3:47 AM, Podunk Steam said:

Try Synaptic Package Manager for your dependencies.

I've been giving Linux MX a whirl lately and for the life of me or my hardware/software it will not load. No issues at all with Linux MInt.

I've tried going through a terminal, Gui Package installer...  At this point most likely I'm botching the terminal command line as I'm no Debian guru.


Any pointers on how to use that?

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  On 4/19/2020 at 4:50 AM, Podunk Steam said:

Copy and paste each dependency to the search of Synaptic Package Manager, check the box of each found dependency, tap the  apply for each dependency one at a time.

After that we're going to have to know your Linux Distro as command lines can differ a little.


I mean how do I find the Synaptic Package Manager? How do I download? I'm completely in the blind when it comes to computers Haha

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First page of this thread has download links for both Intentional and U.S. versions of the software. Click on either and it will download. If you have already clicked on the download links check your download files or search your files.


Synaptic Package manager is usually  in the system programs of linux. Tap your start button and you should have a search included to find it.

Edited by Podunk Steam
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  On 4/19/2020 at 5:05 AM, Gilbertrican90 said:

I'm on debian does that make a difference


As I've mentioned I'm no Linux guru, I'm trying to install on Linux MX and it's Debian based so maybe?


it seems the terminal is where I keep bumping my head. IDK, I input "apt-get install SetupEScribe2_SP19_INT.run"

and I get this

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package SetupEScribe2_SP19_INT.run
E: Couldn't find any package by glob 'SetupEScribe2_SP19_INT.run'
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'SetupEScribe2_SP19_INT.run'





Edited by Podunk Steam
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It has been a while since I used escribe on Linux, but if I remember right the *.run file is a script to install. 

You wont use apt. (Unless something has massively changed) It can be used for any missing dependencies, but not for the actual install. 

Try using "chmod +x" on the file then running it as an executable. 


Edit: I used minus x instead of plus x.

Edited by Ak89
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  On 4/19/2020 at 5:34 AM, Ak89 said:

It has been a while since I used escribe on Linux, but if I remember right the *.run file is a script to install. 

You wont use apt. (Unless something has massively changed) It can be used for any missing dependencies, but not for the actual install. 

Try using "chmod -x" on the file then running it as an executable. 



I've given the file executable permission but I'm just not doing well with the command verbiage and such.  I've tried a few conbinations with your suggestion with no luck as of yet.


Edit: I'm also logged in as Superuser at the moment.

Edited by Podunk Steam
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As long as the file does have executable permission it should work to run it. 

If you are in the directory that the file was downloaded to, try "./SetupEScribe2_SP19_INT.run" (If that is what it is called: Linux is case-sensitive with everything. Not sure if your disto supports it, but tab-complete usually helps avoid simple typing mistakes)


If that doesn't work, log out of the super user account. 

I know early on with the Linux releases there were issues and the script will error if it has superuser (or sudo) rights. 

As an alternative, if you are running a desktop environment, navigate to the folder (with dolphin or whatever file manager exists) and simply double click the "SetupEScribe2_SP19_INT.run" file. If executable permissions are set, it should start a gui of some form. 

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  On 4/19/2020 at 6:12 AM, Ak89 said:

As long as the file does have executable permission it should work to run it. 

If you are in the directory that the file was downloaded to, try "./SetupEScribe2_SP19_INT.run" (If that is what it is called: Linux is case-sensitive with everything. Not sure if your disto supports it, but tab-complete usually helps avoid simple typing mistakes)


If that doesn't work, log out of the super user account. 

I know early on with the Linux releases there were issues and the script will error if it has superuser (or sudo) rights. 

As an alternative, if you are running a desktop environment, navigate to the folder (with dolphin or whatever file manager exists) and simply double click the "SetupEScribe2_SP19_INT.run" file. If executable permissions are set, it should start a gui of some form. 


Tried "./SetupEScribe2_SP19_INT.run" again and got

bash: ./SetupEScribe2_SP19_INT .run : No such file or directory

Logged out of su and clicked on the file and it just asks which application I'd like to open the file with. I gave GDebi Package Installer and it can't load the package. Gave a message about possible file corruption or I'm not allowed to open the file which I did leave executable so checking file permissions seems mute but I did it anyway and found the file is now root.  Not sure how that happened. 

I'm thinking a fresh download from my desktop transferred by way of SD might clear something up, maybe.

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You may be fighting a losing battle. Linux beta on chrome book may not support usb devices. 

See:  https://support.google.com/chromebook/answer/9145439?hl=en

@Podunk Steam

Linux MX has a desktop environment so terminal may not be needed at all. 

Right click the escribe file. Look for a permissions tab, and check for a box (or something) referring to making it executable. 

My earlier post about chmod requires "+x" not "-x", I mistyped and didn't catch it until I posted. It was edited immediately, but you may not have been notified... 

The notes you are seeing are due to permissions on the file. If it was downloaded with a su account it requires root permissions. Download the file in your standard user account to give yourself permissions to the file, and make it executable in whatever way you find easiest. (permissions can be changed as it is but it would be tricky to type everything required on my phone)

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