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Everything posted by mactavish
I’m using the English basic blue theme. I have not tested charging, but I don’t believe a theme has anything to do with charging at all. As you mentioned that’s an Escribe setting, or a battery, or USB problem. Thanks, look forward to seeing where that dam little .5 setting is hiding. I hope someday the Theme Editor is updated, it’s fairly crude at this point and lacking documentation especially with the conditions one can set. I get about 80% of it right now.
No luck, I’m on a Mac, so “command click” I think is similar to “right click”. That was good to know as there is so little documentation on Theme Editor, but no matter what I tried, I’m stuck on 0.5 watts, just in that screen. I’ll keep trying, these overlays in the software are very lame, I’ve even tried moving them to get to the lower layers on some complicated themes. Not a big deal, but thanks for the response.
Great work, so far the only one I’ve tried that has Replay set up properly for both wattage and TC. My only note is just my own preference, and I was able to change it. I personally use temperatures in steps of 5 degrees F, and watts in single degrees. Not sure there are any users that in a blind test could tell the difference in their vape with single temp degrees or in half wattages! Easy enough to change in Theme Editor, though there are several places one has to edit both those settings. I’ve succeeded for the most part, except one, so ..... QUESTION: I have a separate profile setup as “Replay”, with Watts as material in Escribe. In your theme the WATTAGE setting is right below the “Replay Ready” field, but it’s adjusting in .5 half watts, and I can’t find where to change this to full 1 degree adjustments in the theme editor. Where is this last one hiding? THANKS!
Glad to help. Except for #8, I’ve kept my other profiles in NON Replay mode, since they are all TC related. I also noted that besides that odd temp display field, that when in the PUFF INFO screen, the TEMP “red line” is showing, which I have selected to be ON. along with the POWER “green line”. I assume even while using in Replay mode, that this still allows one to see the temp graph that Replay is using?
Great theme! I’m using the latest, V. 1.1.0. Just trying out the new REPLAY on a Lost Vape Mirage, DNA75C. I setup profile #8 as Replay, with Replay enabled, and coil material as SS316L. Temperature = OFF, Peheat = OFF. Yet while on Mod screen when in the #8 profile, Replay working, next to the OHM field, is a TEMP field. I’m CONFUSED, I know you can use Replay with TC profiles, but from what I’ve read from various Evolv staff messages on this forum, it’s not recommended and adds unneeded complications. I still have my other profiles for using TC if I like. So as I’m new to Replay feature, why would temperature be something you can change in your Theme under a REPLAY profile? And how would this effect REPLAY in general, like a saved Replay vape, are these on mod user changed temperature settings saved to Replay. Something odd here, or I’m still not getting all the Inter-relationships between Replay and TC. Thanks!
OK, So WHEN is this NEW software for the 75C coming out?
mactavish replied to Joe M.'s topic in General Discussion
OK, So WHEN is this NEW software for the 75C coming out?
mactavish replied to Joe M.'s topic in General Discussion
"replay" rumor mill's already turning
mactavish replied to Podunk Steam's topic in General Discussion
Indeed, image how folks feel being on a waiting list for 1-2 years might feel, I know of two friends in that situation, I doubt Elon answers his emails regarding release dates anymore, since they don’t mean anything in reality. While I look forward to playing with REPLAY, I don’t think it’s going to change my life dramatically, and the downside is, I already don’t like using any of my now “older” DNA’s with trying to remember what button combos do what. After using my one DNA75 COLOR mod, it’s almost painful to use the old ones. -
"replay" rumor mill's already turning
mactavish replied to Podunk Steam's topic in General Discussion
If you ordered a Tesla based on CEO Musks statements over the years, you are most likely , walking, biking, mass transit, or bought a different car. -
"replay" rumor mill's already turning
mactavish replied to Podunk Steam's topic in General Discussion
Well said, as every other LOGIC based post here about being patient. But the KIDS, are going to post every day on why they can’t have the newest feature, that was NEVER promised or even mentioned when the first DNA75C boards were available. I’d rather wait till a feature is close to rock solid, then be a beta tester, for free, which is what a lot of products force us to do these days. I no longer update anything when new firmware releases come out, like I did when I was a kid. I use Apple iPhone, and iPad, and now that I’m older and a bit smarter, I wait and read, and wait, on each and every Apple IOS update, and really glad I do. Glad Evolv ignores these constant calls for “when will I get my new feature”. I know it must be extremely hard to check back here when REPLAY is ready for our DNA75C mods, but suck it up, literally nothing is stopping us from being able to vape in wattage mode or TC as I like to use. Now if a firmware update ever came out that broke our ability to use the device to vape, then that would be worth bitching about. But of course posts like mine will mean little, just adding my opinion once again to this silly thread, which I guess is here mostly for venting. So please, keep on venting, it won’t change anything, especially asking for a definitive release date, DUH! And for those that claim they bought a DNA75C, mostly for a REPLAY feature that was not included to begin with, blame yourself for not doing your HOMEWORK, and be grateful that when it’s ready, you’ll have access to it. -
Most electronic devices, not just ecig mods, can and will pull the amperage they are limited to. Let’s say in this case the DNA board is capable of drawing up to 1 amp, if you connect it to a 2.5 amp charger, like a USB iPad charger, the mod will STILL ONLY draw 1 amp. Most phone chargers like iPhones have 1 amp chargers. If you really want to limit the charge to .5 amps, some older laptops with older USB ports, only put out .5 amps. Now keep in mind for the future, a fair amount of new mods are coming with the ability to charge up to 2 amps, non DNA boards, but the same thing applies, you can’t charge at that higher rate unless the wall USB charger can deliver 2 amps, but it will be happy to pull the 1 amp out of a smaller charger. One exception to the DNA charge limit, was some DNA mods sold by VaporShark, like my VS DNA75 Switchbox, it can charge at 2 amps, because they paid Evolv a few to get customized DNA boards. I recommend buying a cheap USB meter, that will tell you voltage, and AMP draw, then you will know for sure what any device and charger is doing. And it will also help you diagnose potential problems. Here is a TIP, that many are not aware of. We get caught up in what the device can pull in amps, and what a charger can deliver in amps, but many forget, or don’t know that CABLES have amp limits too! So you buy a mod that claims it can charge at 2 amps, connect it to a 2.5 amp charger, and it seems to take forever to charge, and you don’t know why. You plug your USB meter inline, and it shows, let’s say 1 amp, or even just .5 amps being delivered. At least know you know the real numbers, but not the solution. Well it’s the CABLE limit!!! When I bought my first 2 amp charge capable mod, I had to source some better USB DATA cables, so it could deliver the full 2 amps, some cables can even limit the current to .5 amps. CABLES ARE OFTEN OVERLOOKED! That’s what’s great about the very inexpensive USB meters, you can diagnose everything in the chain. There are tons of these on the web, the link below is just for an example: https://www.amazon.com/Eversame-Multimeter-Chargers-Capacity-Banks-Black/dp/B01D9Y6ZFW/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1524270789&sr=8-4&keywords=usb+voltage+meter
Oh, I didn’t realize this new thread was about sub-ohm tanks that take pre-built coils, my mistake. That of course opens up a world of other issues as I’m sure you know, as many of these tanks have multiple options for their coils, some not being TC compatible to begin with. To be truly useful, folks that post here should be very specific as to what pre-made coils they are using.
Google failed me, good catch. I will say you should consider adding the full name, OBS DAMO SUB-OHM TANK, these days sub-ohm means prebuilt coils, as opposed to RTA, up to you. Good work!
Are you sure there is an atomizer called “OBS Damo”, couldn’t find it to online. I’m thinking you meant OBS NANO, I own two of those, which work fine in TC, but until the firmware for DNA75c’s is released, I can’t check it for REPLAY.
I have never needed to bother with battery CSV files, as I only used all 18650 batteries, and used the stock Escribe battery setting for 18650 batteries. I now own a Lost Vape "Mirage" mod, that can take 21700 batteries. I read all the reviews, mostly the "Battery Mooch" and his tests, and decided to buy the newly released VapCell Gold 30A 4000mAh 21700, which is reported to be a genuine REWRAP, of the "Sanyo 40T", same specs. Wondering how to transpose the tests results from the Mooch tests to Escribe to create a CSV file? Below are his test results: mAh: 3900 CDR: 30A ENERGY TO 3.2 volts: 11.4Wh @ 10A 10.0Wh @ 20A 8.1 Wh @ 30A Any help, or advise is appreciated. THANKS!
Tried adding a field set to temp protect. I must be missing a lot, doesn’t work. If anyone knows of a theme for a DNA75C that has this working, I could download it to see how it’s done. Thanks
I believe you can only turn it off, while connected, for that session, which is a problem for you if your crashing as soon as it’s connected. You could try going to an older version of Escribe, not sure that would help. Maybe someone else here with that mod and a Mac, can jump in here. If more then one person has the same problem, there is a thread here to report bugs.
Not sure, are you coming connecting to a laptop? In my case I like to turn OFF USB charging in Escribe when connected to my laptop, so I’m not draining my laptop battery as I play. My mods are all single battery, but yours is 2 or 3, and maybe the current draw is too high for the computers USB specs. That’s all I can think of. I believe Escribe defaults to charge mode each time it’s connected.
The only thing I would suggest is to load the default 18650 battery curve in Escribe. That’s all I use, never imported any battery profiles myself.
Well, we can assume your charger is accurate, batteries come off my Xtar VP2 charger at approximately 4.17-4.18, but I can confirm this with a digital multimeter. Do you have more then 1 battery to test this behavior. Perhaps the battery profile is not correct. I’ve heard folks change the curve in the battery profile, I have never done this, but a search on the forum may show those posts. It’s always possible with electronics that it’s the mod itself.
I am using Sony VTC4 18650 batteries with adapter, shows proper charge. Did you check in Escribe what the battery profile is set for? Oh course, make sure you first check your “fully” charged batteries with an accurate DMM.
OK, So WHEN is this NEW software for the 75C coming out?
mactavish replied to Joe M.'s topic in General Discussion
Now that’s the way to approach LIFE. I doubt REPLAY is going to dramatically change my vaping life, so why stress about when it’s coming out. For those newbies here, you can choose to monitor threads so you will get an email notification when a new message is posted, so you don’t have to constantly keep looking for an update. -
OK, So WHEN is this NEW software for the 75C coming out?
mactavish replied to Joe M.'s topic in General Discussion
Yeah, you’ve been on board since the ship set sail. We all want the latest TOYS ASAP, and unfortunately it’s only when you get OLD, like me, you only begin to learn what patience is. By that I mean, what I’ve come to learn, as soon as we have REPLAY, most of us will crave the NEXT BEST THING! Ah, the carousel of life. -
OK, So WHEN is this NEW software for the 75C coming out?
mactavish replied to Joe M.'s topic in General Discussion
Evolv is NOT Apple. A small company with a small staff. While I look forward to trying “Reply” on my new Lost Vape Mirage DNA75C, after waiting approximately over TWO YEARS, for Escribe on MAC, I guess I’ve learned to be EXTREMELY patient with Evolv, they did make good on that Mac version promise! I understand folks wanting more company feedback, but I’ve always excused them, by figuring hopefully they spend more time working on these demands, then answering every “where is my new toy” question. If you spend any time on this forum, you will see it’s mostly unpaid user supported folks answering questions. Feel free to ask 10 times a day, where is REPLY for my DNA75C? But in the end, you’ll learn the hard way, it will be ready, when it’s READY!