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Everything posted by VapingBad

  1. I think the underlying system takes a little time after your membership is activated before you can download, give it a few minuets and try again.
  2. Remember the display on the mod is a rolling average of IIRC 250 ms, you can see what the power delivery is in detail in device monitor, don't read more into the device screen than it actually shows. The larger the coil or coils are the longer it takes for the heating energy (watts) to bring them up to temperature and start to vaporise your liquid. The Reuleaux dies not have the thickest wiring or the best 510 either. The board has not been neutered by refining TC modes, for one thing there are not any TC modes, it is a single mode device using the same hard and firmware for power regulation for both temp limited and non temp limited operation. The temp limiting is like another layer of control put on top of that which is just skipped when temp limiting is disabled. There have been adjustments that affect atty analyser causing some of us with 200s, me included to get a ? when the mod resistance is very low since V1.2. You can step back firmware to any previous version if you want to compare performance between them. Some other mods are differently. Pulse width modulated Mods will seem harsher and hotter. Some give an arbitrary power boast at the front of the puff (I had an IPV that did this), while that does heat a cold coil faster, it overcooks a warm one more often and is a flavour spoiler IMO. Many don't even do real power control, but only set the voltage at the beginning of the puff according to the selected watts and the current resistance (I had an SX Mini M Class that did this) so you can get SS coils running at lower power after they heat and increase res, so DNAs will give you fixed wattage with SS and temp limiting disables while many mods will give you decreasing power. You will also get reduced power if loops short between each other. Many will deliver more power down low to inaccuracy and less at high watts due to poor wiring, measuring power at the board and hiding the drop due to weak battery. The only one of these that DNAs do is sometimes hide that weak batteries are causing a weaker vape, more so since the changed the battery earnings in response to customer demand.
  3. IDK if it is the same, but there is one here /topic/65848-topic/?do=findComment&comment=891370
  4. Check the cells are reading 4.2 V in device monitor when they are fully charged and double check you have entered the correct Wh on the mod tab (the mAh of a single cell * 7.4, the calculator will do this for you).
  5. The DNA 75 will run fine on one cell, the fault is probably mechanical (some part not making contact) or wiring, I don't have that mod, but I very much doubt it is how it is meant to work.
  6. [Edited as the op changed the post completely after I replied]
  7. Tested and it's working now for me. BTW have people noticed the new good stuff in device monitor V1.2: ability to load saved recording, measuring bars (click the plot, hold down shift for more than 1), plot stays if you change time-scale. I'm sure you also know you can launch more than dm for separate devices at the same time and can launch it without launching EScribe.
  8. The silicon covers that come with cartomizers (carto condoms) work with a lot, but not all, drip tips.
  9. I don't have any 60s so can only go by the spec and as I understand it for the 60 charging board it's just straight 1:1 connections, just hooking up to a socket you would add the resistor and using another charge board, if the data lines are not hardwired together and you can get to them measure the resistance on V Detect, probably 0 then add a resistor as needed.
  10. Just an enthusiast, although I don't really like that word, I joined the forum the day it opens and have probably read all the posts here so it is knowledge from the community or Evolv that I regurgitate.
  11. No probs, that's sounds spot on, great batteries, but they do loose their punch with age. I run old VTC4s in my rolo, but I vape at half the power you are.
  12. It is in the datasheet, you need to add a resistance in one of the connections, sorry I forget which, if not using the Evolv DNA 60 charge board.
  13. If you look at the voltage sag in device manager, your batteries voltages are bottoming out under load, can not supply enough power without the voltage falling below the soft cut-off. This could be a connection issue, but tired batteries are the more likely cause. If you clean and check your battery connections and are still having the issue you could reduce your soft cut off to 2.8 V to squeeze a little more run time out of them or ideally replace the batteries.
  14. As I understand it you are getting a smooth vape and your issue is the wattage reported on the device screen is other than you expected. If you could post a device manager screen shot or recording of it doing this with pack, voltage, current, power and live ohms selected we may be able to explain it better. Also what sort of coils are you running?
  15. Then try different USB cables, not all do data & power, then if that doesn't resolve it it is worth unplugging other USB devices in case there is a conflict.
  16. It is a connection issue with the build by the sound of it, if you really can't fix that then lock the ohms, that is why the feature is there, but I always prefer to fix the connection issue myself if possible.
  17. Do you have the latest version of EScribe V1.2SP3, you can rerun the installer and check that the drivers option is checked in the install options.
  18. It is just they way it works, for really looking at your vape in real time device manager will give far more information than you will ever get on a mod screen. So you have all the tools to check out a new build, new atty or and issue at the PC and once you have that sorted you don't really need it day to day IMO, but have a smaller set of info available through the device screen
  19. Yeah I try, I mean the programming of the chip updating the screen more than necessary. The chip or central processor can do a fixed number of operation every second, redrawing the screen needs to processor to convert text to pixel on and off values which takes a lot more time than doing math or reading sensors. At some point that will get in the way of the other functions, although I'm sure they are nowhere near that, it is just good practice. I think the display rate is far more to do with what is comfortable for a human to read than performance or resource usage.
  20. The displayed values are a rolling average by design, IIRC the average for the last 250 milliseconds, because some values would change so fast the display would be hard to read and it would also use some processor time to redraw the screen each time, so you don't want to do it more than necessary.
  21. Since it's labelled a cathode screw it's forming a ground connection, I imagine it between of the battery tube and the case judging from the position, so affects the resistance at the 510 if that uses also uses the common ground. IDK the specifics of the wiring in that device, but it is possible for the board, 510 and battery to all use the case as a ground/negative.
  22. Check the screw mentioned in this post /topic/66601-topic/?do=findComment&comment=898810
  23. I think the guide you read has sent you in the wrong direction and not explained the basics of how DNA's work. Ever since the 40 they have used refinement to get an accurate resistance reading that compensates for environment and some internal resistance, so there is no need to manually adjust resistance. After you have taken a few puffs on a new build let it sit for a bit (5-30 mins, normally 5 is enough), the board will monitor how the coils cools and with a estimate of room temperature from a sensor on the board and calculate the base resistance. Because it takes temperature into account, a range of temperatures, it is probably the most accurate resistance reading possible. Those mod resistances seem far too high, 0.24 is ridiculas I can only imagine that is a mistake in the guide, even my highest reading mod a Reuleaux is 0.0036 ohm. Better to set it to 0 than a value that is too high.
  24. What does the mod read the cell/pack voltage as in device monitor? if it is 4.19 or more what are your battery settings on the mod tab (you need display options - advanced to see them)
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