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Everything posted by VapingBad

  1. Yeah, it indicates that a reading was not be taken, IIRC it is probably a safety limit on current for the test being triggered when the resistance is extremely low. You can also see ? sometimes when there is nothing in the 510.
  2. ? usually means it has hit the current limit for the test, so the res it at the low end of the range, I use 0.002 when I get this.
  3. To see what I mean, the metal disc and contacts can get dirty, check which way up the disc goes so you put it back correctly.
  4. Try setting your mod res to 0, then hard reboot, then download setting to check it has saved, it sounds like a connection issue, but then it would be similar with all fw versions.
  5. None of the official releases will brick the board. What is your issue with SP3?
  6. All the firmware Evolv release (on this forum posted by James or at evolvapor.com) is safe. There is not a fw update for the 200 in SP4 though.
  7. I was going to suggest just that: taking the bottom cover off and giving it a clean in IPA.
  8. It should work, is is giving a message saying something like charge current was not above 0.899 A or something else? Short USB cables tend to allow more current and USB3 sockets will provide more than enough current, although I believe the hub set up you have should also be good.
  9. I remember checking the settings because I vapped the tank dry more than once I started using all steel tanks with the origin genesis V2 because I could with DNA 40s but it tooks some getting used to.
  10. I thinks it's happened to many of us, the heat cycles cause the metals to expand and contract, Ti is springy as well, so sometimes the connections loosen with time and we look at the settings to fix a fault that isn't there, it's in the atty.
  11. I put USB power, voltage and current on the charge screen and the lowest voltage I see is 4.25 V does your USB voltage drop much below that when it happens? I will put a 200 on charge now for a while and see if it drops after a time, I have occasionally seen them charge at lower current than I expect before and just put it down to cables. I'm sure you know they will slow during the last part of charging, the constant voltage stage, but mention it for others that may be reading who wont.
  12. You want the Maximium puffs setting in EScribe to charge to 4.3 V, it is the default. ETA that was meant to be 4.2 V not 4.3
  13. Try very short USB cable Hybrid, I get far better results using 220 mm 0.5GBP eBay USB cables than 800 - 1000 mm branded ones (8 W vs 5 W with a 2 A load), it could be your cable has too much voltage drop. I know that doesn't explain why rolling back worked for you, but I have only had resetting with my 5 200s with powerbanks and than only when supplying other loads at the same time. The power gradually rises until it hits around 9 W total from all outputs and the powerbanks resets to zero, rinse and repeat. In my case I imagine the powerbank does not isolate the loads and trips a safety cut out on the main regulator circuit rather than supplying what it can.
  14. 1 The Max recharges option in EScribe only charges to 4.1 V, which could double the life of your battery, IIWU I would check that first. 2 Are you running the latest FW? V1.2. I don't get it with any of my 200s, there was a pre-release fw that did drain the battery that was well over a year ago. You say it drains 8% in 7 hours, I would worry if it continued at that rate EG 25% in 24 hours, but it could be a tired battery's voltage stabilising after charge, at least partially. Liquid on the board is another possibility and of course a fault board, but it is not a common fault. 3 Sounds like you are running V1.2 as that is a know issue, it is only the battery meter affected and not doing any harm, it normally comes back by waiting, soft reboot or uploading settings.
  15. If that is an 18650 Mxjo it is not surprising, the board is rated at 28 A max, 32 A pulse current and that battery is only 10 A https://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/threads/mxjo-20a-3500mah-18650-bench-test-results-just-another-rewrapped-10a-battery.737524/ If it is the 26650 https://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/threads/26650-battery-bench-test-results-and-new-ratings-table.725452/#post-17227385 then the IR with 26650s tends to cause high sag, but I would expect better than your result.
  16. There is no right or wrong answer it is personal preference, I prefer the V1 and V2 and they will vape well from 20-50+ W. I use temp dominant at the same temp as most other tanks for that liquid, the only one that I have that needs a vastly different temp are the Serpent Minis (need +30-40 F to get enough flavour, then I burn my lips).
  17. If the fullymax 900 mAh Evolv sell will fit they do cheap international shipping, $19.99 + $5 anywhere in the world.
  18. I am no expert, but I would expect to see one or more cell at a low voltage and one or mores voltage sag excessively when you press fire, but if it's bloated I would just replace it anyway.
  19. It could be a low/bad battery, I would look in device monitor, check all the cells.
  20. There is a diagram here /topic/66226-topic/?do=findComment&comment=895166
  21. The wiring is the same as the 200, there are a few diagrams on here I will have a search. Look up the wiring gauage in the spec sheet on the product page, I like to use the recommended gauges. You don't need thick wires for the balance connections, the thickest is for the 510 and the battery ones are a little thinner, though still thick. If you mean the thin orange tape it is called either Kapton tape or polyimide tape and you can get it from all good electronics supply outlets or eBay, eve fasttech sell it.
  22. If you guys think it is the fw why don't you load an earlier version and compare?
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