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Everything posted by dwcraig1

  1. After charging, about 8 hits on it after charging completed. Can you post a screen shot of Device Monitor with yours when problem is occurring?
  2. No problems here, I fired it more 10 times, the last 5 without air. The last three short ones was to catch the voltage reading.
  3. Yes, be worried. Try here: https://support.svsupport.co.uk/
  4. This is the only diagram that I have access to.
  5. Are you making the adjustment in EScribe? And uploading the settings? I doubt if changing the screen will help. Could the problem be theme related?
  6. If you have not got it figured out yet here's how: Leave device connected via USB and restart your computer, open EScribe and you should be back in business. Post your results if you would please.
  7. Did you put the first one back in or is a 3rd one?
  8. Well the theme on a 60 is just a bunch of images with no control. What about session mode, is that off. Pretty unusual problem. DNA60's is what I mostly use. Any little strands of wire sticking about?
  9. Under the "Help" tab on top left of EScribe choose "Back Ups" and choose your file and upload settings.
  10. As Ni80 isn't a wire for use with temp control just use "Watts" A lot of good information here: https://www.steam-engine.org/
  11. Take a good look at where the pins from the JST connector are soldered to the board,perhaps just go ahead and re-solder them.
  12. Can you measure the main power to the board with a meter while firing. Is the a plug on the main power leads?
  13. Measure the main power leads too while your at it. (on the board)
  14. Just a question, are you using the same cells to power the test setup as used in the mod? My 250C dropped 7% in just under 3 days just sitting which I expected.
  15. So I deceided to try to duplicate this problem. Here is what happens for me. I'm using a profile and change it to another and select it with the fire button. But if I don't fire that new profile and remove and replace the battery it reverts back to the original profile. Now if I fire the new profile and remove and replace the battery the new profile stays put.
  16. Here is one of mine firing dry. Don't expect to see the temperature message on the screen as that isn't going to happen on a color board. On yours and my dry fire power starts at 25 watts and drops to 1.25 watts, temperature protection is working as it should.
  17. Is that with a wet wick or no wick at all? Preheat looks to be high, turn it down or off.
  18. I suggest that you contact Evolv Help Desk for this one. https://helpdesk.evolvapor.com/index.php?a=add&category=1
  19. Please show us a screen shot like this of Device Monitor to see the voltage of each cell.
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