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preheat kanthal dna75 (2022) Just use Boost Punch

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hello community, hello evolv! i'm using gormans trick on my dna75 (thanks for sharing sir) to give my larger builds a little kick without becoming too hot in the end of the draw. its really improving my experience but just functions ~ 4/10 times (the other times the chip recognizes its a non temp sensing wire, punch 11, diff preheat watts). as the community knows about it for a couple of months and as it would be great to have this as a stable feature i wonder if evolv is able and willing to implement it. thx, brgds

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Hi there

Im using the attached material csv and the ecigprofile for Kanthal preheat on my Therion 75 and on the Finder 75 for my Clapton coils to cut down the ramp up time. Its working 100% so far

But appart from this I would appreciate a option to set a preheat punch in non TC profiles too.

kanthal_Preheat.ecigprFetching info...

Kanthal_A1_preheat.csvFetching info...

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Hello! It is an urgent implementation Evolv must do. I have been using it from another manufacturer and it is a pleasure to use those big fancy coils with an enormous ramp up time in "no time".
This cheat works sometimes, not always and it is something doable with FW update. Please, EEvolv!!!

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  Pajomota said:

Hello! It is an urgent implementation Evolv must do. I have been using it from another manufacturer and it is a pleasure to use those big fancy coils with an enormous ramp up time in "no time".
This cheat works sometimes, not always and it is something doable with FW update. Please, EEvolv!!!


i asked to evolv for kanthal preheat and this is their answer.

"Hello Mehmet,

We have chosen to not offer Kanthal preheat for safety reasons, and it will likely not be available in the future.

Eric D
Evolv, LLC"
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thx for posting this statement. I really appreciate that evolv cares about our safety. I can imagine that preheat with a non temp sensing material would be quiet dangerous.

Maybe somebody can help me (pls don't test it):

I was thinking a lot about how to accelerate the ramp up of my stock kanger dual 0.8 ohm coils (2x 1.6) used in my evod tank without the option of a time based preheat. In the end I thought about buying a dna 200 mod.

Would it help to pump the max wattage (based on the ohms of the coil it should something around 101 watt) in the f*?!%#g tiny coil to get a faster ramp up? Would it affect the lifetime of the coils or the lifetime of my mouth? Would it be dangerous???

I have another question regarding preheat in tc mode:

I'm too lazy to tick the preheat option for temp sensing coils in escribe. How can I solve to get a preheat of 70 watts without using preheat?Would it be nearly the same if I set my powerlevel at 70 watts and the temp at my preferred level?Guess I should get 70 watts for ramp up and then the chips sets the watts to just hold my desired temp – or am I wrong?

Owning a dna 75 mod but just using a joyetech device which I bought after they released preheat for kanthal – it's really a shame. evolv, make an effort and give us preheat for non tc.

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  abraxas said:


I'm too lazy to tick the preheat option for temp sensing coils in escribe. How can I solve to get a preheat of 70 watts without using preheat?Would it be nearly the same if I set my powerlevel at 70 watts and the temp at my preferred level?Guess I should get 70 watts for ramp up and then the chips sets the watts to just hold my desired temp – or am I wrong?



Just use EScribe Device Monitor and set the device to no pre-heat and set the wattage to 70 watts @ the temp you desire and then you can see in real time what it produces.  Nothing like hands on experience and you can answer your own question...
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  • 3 weeks later...
  Vaperkarloz said:

Dont forget to lock ohms at 20c. Then go on escribe the .000X number is crucial. Better than the chinesse chips having a hard time to .000 not fsk ohm slice .0000001atty resistance but as long as u have the 4th digit right it should work, works for me.


Don't lock ohms it stops the mod working out the coil resistance properly and can make using ss very difficult.
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i think vaperkarloz suggests locking ohms when using kanthal to get an accuracy of 15°c with the se-cvs in tc-mode (he mentioned ss later). of course you a right with not locking (guess you mentioned this advice already 50 times). but nevermind... in my opinion every single post of him in this topic is nonsense or offtopic. i hope to mention my opinion is ok with the rules, but to be on the safe side... vaperkarloz: no offense... i'sure u r better than me and of course prettier.

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appreciated, thx. did this too, but after vaping ka1 with preheat i realised that its much better and fits my needs better. it also had some negative side effects in my case eg. sometimes it caused leaking. i also think the technical potential of our products should be used and i'm glad that a dna has more possibilities than a mm although i still have two mechs as my "iron reserve".

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