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Everything posted by niandra3

  1. @s3r thanks for pointing out the version thing, I have it fixed for version 1.9 which is coming soon. This is why I need all you guys!
  2. Try my theme if you want: https://forum.evolvapor.com/files/file/488-clean-black-and-blue-75c250c-wreplay/ It's got a really simple and easy way to use replay. But it also has a replay menu so you can go in and see if it's even enabled. You HAVE to enable Replay in the profile you are using. You also have to use the INTERNATIONAL version of EScribe and the right firmware. All those details are in the description of my theme above.
  3. @James thanks you so much! And Error? I thought it was for the status dispay objects, but you choose and insdividual color for each of these. Where does Error come in? And Normal? Since you also choose a color for all regular text labels individually
  4. I missed @Frank65's reply, but I did find the answer for anyone who is curious. I was using user toggles to show/hide stuff on the main screen. I figured out that you need the make the toggle HIDE the object, rather than make the toggle SHOW the object. This way by default, the toggles are off and the objects are shown on the home screen. Then only if the user deliberately wants to hide the object they can do so by clicking the toggle. Of course you can do the opposite if you want things hidden by default.
  5. So this little box is the bane of my existence: I have figured out through trial and error how some of it works, but what's the difference between say highlight read-only and highlight selectable? And selected? I get error, opacity, etc. But does anyone know exactly how this all works?
  6. Hey all, thanks again for all your support making this theme the best it could be. I'm going to keep working on it (in fact, v1.8 is around the corner), but this theme throws in everything and the kitchen sink. So I wanted to make a second theme that is much simpler. Maybe for your friend who is new to vaping, or your grandma, or anyone that just likes things simple. It's got the same architecture as this one, just pared down (a lot). Here it is if you're interested: https://forum.evolvapor.com/files/file/512-plain-and-simple-75c250c-wreplay/
  7. Version 1.2


    This is a theme for those of us that want something simple and easy to read that just works. There's no endless graphs or settings to tweak, just a simple vaping experience. It still supports Replay, temp control, wattage mode, etc. Just less of the extra junk. Check out my other theme if you want something more full-featured. Versions: Plain and Simple: standard theme with menu, info, data etc. (see screenshots above). Replay ready, as well TC/wattage modes (4 colors available) SUPER Simple: Just the main screen (Replay ready, can change profile) (4 colors available) Note: The battery icons only show lightning bolts when the device is charging. See screenshots below for what it looks like normally. ---------------------------------------------- Replay info: This theme works with Replay for 75c devices (250c can do Replay by default). BUT you need to have the International Edition of EScribe 2.0 SP15.1 or later. Your 75c needs to have the right firmware as well (at least 1.1 SP33.2 - that one works for me), once you update ESscribe and connect your device it should prompt you to update firmware. You also MUST enable Replay in your EScribe profile for it to work. Using replay: Once the above has been completed, load this theme and switch to a replay-enabled profile. There should be a "NO REPLAY" button seen on the main screen. This means there aren't yet any puffs to save. So take a few puffs, until you find one you like. Then the button should change to "SAVE," and you can click that to save that latest puff. Once Saved, the button changes to "PLAYING." Click that if you want to end Replay. ---------------------------------------------- Let me know what you think! Please leave suggestions, improvements, or bugs in the comments or reviews. Thanks! Available colors:
  8. @Jetro thanks, glad I could help. Now if only there were some central repository of all this information.. in say.. a document.. that we could all refer to. We could even call it "documentation." No, that's just crazy talk!
  9. Oh man, this is huge. I had no idea. Thanks!! I still don't think there is a way to change the automatically generated screenshots that are posted when you upload a theme. I guess I could be wrong...
  10. @Jetro It's both actually. It generates two images when you upload a theme, one of the lock screen next to the main screen, and then another image of all the screens together (like you see on the theme pages). Now you can additionally upload images if you like, though it's difficult to take screenshots since if you take a screenshot of what is in the Theme Designer, you get all the ugly outlines and editing junk. My workaround has been to take a screenshot of the screens as they are listed on the right side of the Theme Designer, but those are the same that are auto-generated. You can see on my theme page, the batteries are normally white but are green in the automated screenshot. I have been able to get hidden objects to appear in screenshots following the guidance I provided above. And on my theme page, since I offer two variations, I also uploaded my own screenshot of the two version I make side by side (by taking a screenshot of them in the theme designer): https://forum.evolvapor.com/files/file/488-clean-black-and-blue-75c250c-wreplay/
  11. Check out my theme. TL;DR: on the main screen, switch to a Replay enabled profile, take a puff or two, and hit "SAVE." There's also a Replay settings page in the menu with more info. ----------------------------------------- I've got quick and easy Replay on the main screen.. when in a PROFILE that is replay-enabled, take a couple puffs then you can save the one you like best. There will be a "SAVE" button. Until then it will probably say "NO REPLAY" because it isn't ready to save a puff (e.g. if you haven't taken any puffs yet). When you find a puff you like, click "SAVE" and it will be in replay mode. To end replay, hit "STOP" But there's also a replay submenu that gives you a bit more info (e.g. "Replay available" (your device/profile supports replay); "Replay ready" (you have taken a puff that you are now able to save); and "Replay active" which means it's replaying the puff you saved (you can click that toggle to turn on replay once "Replay ready" is enabled). One note, in EScribe, you don't want to check the "Puff saved, playing" check box on your profile. You only want to make a (watts) profile and check "Use replay on this profile". If you check the "Puff saved" box it will turn on Replay but there is no puff to save. Also, you need the right firmware. You need International EScribe, and the latest 75c firmware. Check the description for my theme above for the links/details on this part. As I said, watts mode works best, but you can use kanthal or SS, I'm not sure about others. This Replay works great on my 75c (Lost Vape Mirage) and my 250c.
  12. @Ronbon172 thanks, you have actually been a big help and have found a number of bugs for me, so I'm grateful. As for this counter, I'm going to leave it in the theme for now since it might be useful info for some people (I like knowing how many times I've reset the data, but that might just be me). But I'll redesign the page in such a way that it makes it more clear what the reset number represents. Thanks!
  13. Thanks @hawk256! Yeah i think it is at a pretry stable place at this point. The stats thing is a non issue, just miscommunication (though there is a small error I'll fix soon). Thanks for your guidance!
  14. @Ronbon172 though you have just pointed out another bug, the puff Time is incorrect (looks like it's set to puff energy). THAT I can definitely fix in the next release.
  15. I tried to add a label there to make it more clear, but there isn't a lot of space. I'll move stuff around in the next version, so there isn't any confusion.
  16. @Ronbon172 lol i feel like I'm going insane. Ooooooooohhhh I think I finally get it. That bottom number next to"Reset" is not supposed to be a puff counter. It counts how many times you have reset the stats. The puff counter is the number up top, directly under "puffs" . They should be two different numbers. Is there something else wrong with the reset counter (that bottom right number)? For me it increases by one each time I reset the Current stats, which is how I designed it. Do you want it to behave differently? Sorry that I misunderstood you for so long
  17. @hawk256 I don't know if you get notified automatically or not, but I just pushed out version 1.7. I liked your suggestion about the replay on the main screen so I totally revamped it in this version. It's not exactly the same as the default theme, but I think it works well (and is possibly a cleaner look). Let me know what you think if you give it a try. Thanks!
  18. @hawk256 do you know if the official theme you are talking about is available for download? I don't think I could find it in Theme Park apge.
  19. @hawk256 thanks for the feedback! that's how I make the theme better. I've heard people ask for higher AND lower wattage increments, so I figured 5 was compromise that most people could live with. I'm also a low-ish wattage vaper (usually 30-40w) but I never find the need to dial in like 33.5 for instance rather than 35. But I also use temp control so that's makes the exact wattage less important. But I could see how it becomes important if you are vaping at like 12w or something. As for replay..sigh.. I'm working on it. The theme designer is tricky when you've got a lot of stuff that is being hidden on a screen (e.g. hiding the Replay stuff when not in that mode). But I hear you, and I'm putting your request at the top of my list. The next release (today or tomorrow) should be much better in that regard. I also feel like I want to improve on the default theme's implementation, but you're right, as it is now, theirs is definitely cleaner. Anyway, thanks again!
  20. @Sara Turner Nice. I also forgot to mention firmware. I'm almost positive you have to be using the International Version of EScribe (link here, you want EScribe Suite 2.0 SP15.1 For International Customers, or later versions if this post gets old). Then in that version of EScribe, it should prompt you to update your 75's firmware (I'm using 1.1 SP33.2 which DOES work with 75+Replay). So convoluted lol...
  21. For anyone else wondering, you have to take a puff first. That's what Replay is.. you keep hitting your vape until you get that "perfect puff." Then you hit REPLAY to save that puff and it is supposed to re-create it every time.
  22. @Sara Turner Have you adjusted the Warmth value in the Replay settings? (shameless plug but) I've got a theme that has a Warmth slider on the Replay settings page.. that might help. TBH I don't use Replay a ton, I've found regular old TC to be more consistent. That being said, I have gotten Replay to work on my 75c and 250c with a Pulse RDA (also with Stainless). You doing contact or spaced coils? I've found spaced works better with TC, so that might also be the case with Replay.. not sure.
  23. @Doyle4 I'm a little late, but DJLSB put together the best guide I have found. Doesn't cover everything, but gets you started: Also, as it's been mentioned, just grab a theme with the feature you want and reverse-engineer it.
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