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Everything posted by KTMRider

  1. It needs hardware (accelerometer?) for orientation.
  2. Lipo's can swell 5 - 15%. Cheaper quality batteries will swell more than higher quality cells.
  3. 99.9% sure it can't. Probably the only thing I like about the SX350j board.
  4. I used a wooden toothpick on one of the holes by the contacts to gently push it in.
  5. BlueRidgeDog's design from Sculpteo (also on Shapeways) This was the initial test fit and the display moved a bit. The display fits perfectly now.
  6. I'd be happy with a DNA40 that works with Escribe. I sold off one DNA40 I built just because I have 2 DNA200 chips and plan on buying a Vaporshark DNA200 when it's available. I don't vape more than 30w and usually 20w with Ni200 and 24w on my drippers with .75? dual kanthal coils. I'm down to only 5 DNA40 mods
  7. I've had at most a .01? fluctuation in resistance in any of my DNA40's (VS rDNA40, VS DNA40, Hana V4, 3 built with VT 510's) and I know it's my atomizers (KF v4's). If it moves more than that, it's your build, atomizer or 510 connector.
  8. The only thing I like better about the SX350j is the auto orientation screen. Otherwise, my DNA40's are way better in every other way. I can't wait to get my enclosure for my DNA200's.
  9. You might be better off looking for a 1800+mah lipo. It would be cheaper.
  10. About 25 yrs ago, I used to build my own battery packs with sub-c's for r/c cars. If you have a good soldering iron and not heat the battery too much, soldering on the contacts is fine. Use flux to tin the contact, tin the wire and then solder them together.
  11. It's for the reference case so you'll need a small 3S lipo. 3 x 18650 won't fit. The Duke is a great bike. Make sure you have proper gear.
  12. I posted these on this thread before: E-Flite LiPo Battery 11.1V 800mAh 3S 30C 18AWG JST EFLB8003SJ30 Flight Power FP30 11.1V LiPo 800mAh 3S 30C FPWP3083 Both very good batteries (as good or better than Turnigy) and both under $30 shipped. The Flight Power has a 2 yr warranty.
  13. Don't get too hung up on the capacity rating, they're mostly guesstimates. Some companies are more optimistic than others.
  14. Protovapor is a very well regarded vendor on ecf. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend them just from the reviews I've read about them. What I want to know is if/when they're coming out with a DNA200 device
  15. Here's a couple of more batteries that should fit the beta case. E-Flite LiPo Battery 11.1V 800mAh 3S 30C 18AWG JST EFLB8003SJ30 Flight Power FP30 11.1V LiPo 800mAh 3S 30C FPWP3083
  16. 4 posts up, I have a link to the files in my dropbox.
  17. Looks fairly straight forward to replace the wires if you're comfortable with a soldering iron. Otherwise, yes, look for the right lipo pack.
  18. Duh. They are a hardware company. Take your ball and go home already. You're just embarrassing yourself.
  19. Inumerous problems? Can you name more than just the screen glitch issue? I have 7 DNA40 mods and only one has a screen glitch and that only occurs very, very infrequently. It has absolutely no affect on the vape and it resets the screen after the fire button is released. What you're reading is butthurt people trying to exaggerate the "inumerous" problems of the DNA40. There are none other than the screen glitch that affects less than 5%. I also have a SX350j. It's crude but it does just what you tell it (nothing more) so people think it's better. Personally, I much prefer my DNA40 mods over the SX350j. I'm sad to see Evolv cater to the lowest common denominator by replacing Power Lock with Atty Lock in their latest boards. Atty Lock masks problems with your mod or atomizer and is a useless feature.
  20. 412g = 14.5oz!!! Almost a pound just for the battery.
  21. Heh. It's way more useful than my old cheapie 3rd hand. Less than $20 in parts and a few mins to build. I couldn't find a steel plate easily so I went with a bamboo cutting board. The DNA40 should look familiar too. It's one of 4 from your co-op . I built 3 of them and the 4th was sitting in a box. I'm selling it to another DNA40 convert on ecf for a few bucks less than what I paid for it (awesome deal!).
  22. I used 2mm connectors (not very short though) and adhesive lined heat shrink wrap when I built my Hana mini clone with a DNA40 lg screen board and 18650. I wasn't too happy when I ordered the logo-less box and the box I got had logo's. And the fake serial number. 666? Really?
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