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Spector NS5 RD

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Everything posted by Spector NS5 RD

  1. welcome to the forum Kudzako. you can try hard and soft reboot from escribe and also try re-flashing the firmware. the reason the device will not stay on is because it's not reading one of the cells, more of a symptom than a cause. you either have a bad/broken connection regarding the battery to the board or the board has failed. you're 100% positive BOTH cells are fully charged and balanced? if you are, then you need to return the device. just last week, my VS Vaporflask 133 displayed the same problem as you're describing. i had to send it back to VS for a new DNA 200 board.
  2. Volcano probably used a different battery for the test. if they did you the same battery that you used for the test, they could of ran it at a lower wattage squeezing out a little more or better bin (bin=quality / volcano might of had an A bin battery where yours might of been B or C bin) battery than yours. BA's results will never be exactly the same even with similar batteries. .9 wh's isn't that big of diff between your results and theirs.
  3. if you screw on an atomizer and go into escribe, open "atomizer analyzer", what is the resistance reading? use a known working atty for atomizer analyzer.
  4. you can use any usb to micro usb cable for charging. just know some usb cables are better at carrying the voltage/current than others. for a dna 200 you need a 1-2 amp usb wall charger. as for voltage going up and down in escribe, this normal. the best/fastest way to charge is from a wall usb charger with a usb cable that is capable of charge and data (data is needed for use with escribe). here are some good examples of good usb cables and chargers........ https://www.amazon.com/PortaPow-Android-Qualcomm-Quickcharge-Compatible/dp/B00RL6DHPQ/ref=sr_1_sc_14?ie=UTF8&qid=1476392421&sr=8-14-spell&keywords=porta+pow+usb+cables https://www.amazon.com/AUKEY-Dual-Travel-Charger-Adapter/dp/B00Q873I3K/ref=sr_1_15?ie=UTF8&qid=1476392494&sr=8-15&keywords=usb+wall
  5. if push came to shove i am almost positive evolv would help you out if your opus needed repairs. let's just hope it doesn't come to that.
  6. Welcome to the forum HaileStorm. The only option i see readily available is for your second question regarding a custom logo. you upload any image you want as long as it's 128X32 pixels. as for your other feature requests, escribe is constantly being improved and new features added so keep your eyes peeled for new updates. To help you get started making custom screens for your new DNA 75 i provided a link to a page that has a custom image generator you can download. i use it to make some custom screens. it works very well and is very handy....... /topic/65710-topic/
  7. welcome to the forum KonzKamz. i don't trust AWT's rating of 3400mah at 35A. this is most certainly FALSE and are not 35A, most likely 15A-20A. i would get better batteries, Sony VTC4, VTC5, VTC5A VTC6 / LG HD2, H2DC / Samsung 25R, 30Q - these are examples of proven batteries that work well at high wattage vaping in the DNA 75. also keep in mind the board generates a lot of heat when vaping above 60 watts. you can see this in Escribe's Device Monitor by watching the "Board Temp". Take a look at these recommended batteries from Battery Mooch....
  8. i wondered this too. i checked opus's site a couple weeks ago just for fun and noticed nothing was in stock with no updates of restocking or anything on the website. i wonder if they went the way of Hana Modz. i'm not even really sure of what happened to Hana, come to think of it. You need warranty work or something?
  9. the minimum voltage the dna 75 will operate at is 2.5v. i'm almost positive this is hardware limitation. isn't 2.5v the lowest you can safely take a lifepo4 battery anyways?
  10. if it's saying check battery, most likely one of the cells is sagging more than the others. this is my experience at least. open escribe's device monitor and watch what each of the 3 cells are doing while firing the device at 200 watts. if one is sagging more than the other you either have a bad battery (defective and/or insufficient CDR) or connection. you're SURE all 3 18650's are fully charged and balanced?
  11. if you know the size you could try digi-key.com or mouser.com http://www.digikey.com/product-search/en/hardware-fasteners-accessories/screws-bolts/2097339
  12. if you screw on an atomizer and go into escribe, open "atomizer analyzer", what is the resistance reading? can you also post a couple pictures of the wiring (soldering) to the dna 200 board, 510 and battery connections. :^)
  13. AMD.... at 2.5v set for your cell soft cutoff, have you noticed any strange behavior when the battery is low and you're actually hitting that 2.5v limit cutoff? when i tried a CSC of 2.5v the dna 75 didn't like it, spitting out shorted and other errors when the sag reached that voltage. the hard cutoff is 2.5v so there is no wiggle room left for the board. the dna 75 will not operate below 2.5v and setting my CSC that low caused the board to intermittently reset when trying to vape with a low battery. curious as to your findings when your new lifepo gets seriously low in voltage.
  14. hi daddi89. strange, you were having trouble with the SP3 update. i currently run that FW version on all of my dna 200's. haven't had any issues with TC after the update. have you tried reflashing the SP3 update or the new SP4 update? maybe give the new SP4 escribe a shot.
  15. welcome to forum Bloppyboy. you need to set the capacity of your batteries into escribe. there is a watt hour calculator you can use to get the calculated capacity of your batts. go into escribe, under the "Mod" tab you'll see these fields...(my screenshot is set up for 2S (just an example) in your situation it would need to be set to "3 cell" for your reuleaux) let's say you're using 3 18650's at 3000mah a piece (3000mah*11.1v/1000=33.3wh's). your watt hours would be 33.3, you would input that value for the "capacity" this should make your battery meter more accurate. the most accurate way is to run "battery analyzer" to acquire the actual usable capacity but using the calculated value is fine.
  16. that's just a window saying the soft reboot command was sent. this is normal. if you watch the screen (screen on the mod) you'll see it reset. that should bring back/correct your battery meter. may take more than one try tho.
  17. i will agree that the DNA 75 is power hungry. just know, the way Hcigar implemented the connection from the battery to the board in the VT75 is less than ideal, IMO. as i said, my SMY DNA 75 performs just fine with no "weak battery" messages until the 20%-15% mark, this is when vaping at 65w with a 2 second 75w preheat, punch set to 11. instead of trashing your VT75, PM me.
  18. welcome to forum Kratos. most likely you're running the latest firmware (SP3 or SP4)? these versions sometimes temporarily "erase" your battery capacity (watt hours) when uploading new settings to your dna 200. the mod will still vape just fine (as long as your batteries have a usable charge). a simple solution is to either perform a "soft reboot" from escribe in the "tools" drop down menu or just take a battery out and put it back in. just know it may take more than one attempt with either of my suggestions. you could also let the mod go to sleep and the capacity should reset/readjust itself to read the correct capacity left in your batts. it's not your Lg's that are causing the problem.
  19. this is all dependent on the type of battery you use. 26650, 18650, mah, cdr. If you cannot provide the necessary current the board requires you will get the weak battery message. I use LG HD2C batteries. They work fantastic for the DNA 75, at high wattages. No premature errors.
  20. I wouldn't worry about the scratch. As long as it's not tearing the battery wrap, you should be fine.
  21. Hi joeong..... this csv file will give you preheat in wattage/kanthal mode. /topic/65540-topic/?do=findComment&comment=884720
  22. the calculated wh value is always too high. you need to run battery analyzer for an ACTUAL WH capacity or find a csv battery curve for 2 HG2's. for example. 7.4v at 3000mah = 22.2 WH's (calculated) when in reality it's closer to 17-18 WH's the dna 133/200 actually can use. cell soft cutoff is also a determining factor on how much capacity (WH) you can get out of your batteries. maximum charge voltage is also dependent on whether you choose "max puffs" or "max recharges" (4.20 and 4.10 respectively) basically, too high of a WH and the battery gauge will never show full (%100)
  23. better to be safe than sorry. no point in breaking the sled or whatever is stuck and giving you a problem getting the device apart and voiding your warranty. from the time you send it in the mail it'll take about 2 weeks, give or take a few days, to receive the device back. that has been my experience. perfect time to show some unused/forgotten mods some love!
  24. can't say for sure but VS has been known for using double sided tape when holding things together. my VS rDNA 40 has some and it's holds like cement. i would just contact VS customer service. just explain the screen acting up, nothing more. is your device still within the 4 month warranty? either way their CS is top notch and most likely will cover any problems. they have been nothing but helpful when my VS DNA 200 had to be sent in twice.
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