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Everything posted by giz_60

  1. Wh=29.44 Cell Soft Cutoff=2.75 Sony_VTC6 (3)_18650_3000 mah_29.435 Wh.csv
  2. Can you post a screenshot of the 'Mod' tab in Escribe?
  3. Give this a try...in Device Monitor, bottom right corner, click on 'Diagnostics>Reset USB Current Limit'
  4. All your settings look ok but seeing the 4.91v on cell #2 is a good indication that there is a problem with the device...if it is still in warranty, you might contact the vendor you bought it from or email Hcigar at...service@hcigar.com
  5. Can you post a screen shot of the 'Mod' tab in Escribe & one of the 'Device Monitor' too...
  6. Fakes would be ones that someone has re-wrapped a cheaper battery, but is selling as a name brand...they may work ok, but the ones on Mooch's list have been tested & those are the ones that are recommended for our purposes...I personally use LG HG2, VTC5, VTC5a, VTC6, 30q....If you find them really, really cheap...then they are probably fake..buy from a reputable supplier! A couple of extra dollars will go a long way!!!
  7. Yup...looks good...like I said, if the problems come back, it's probably because of the batteries...the ones you have are probably what are referred to a re-wraps...a battery that has been wrapped with a different cover...no telling what is underneath...
  8. Shouldn't matter, but you should always use the batteries as a married set....charge together...discharge together... The charger should be fine, but would recommend batteries that are on Mooch's list....and make sure you get them from a reputable source..lots of fakes out there
  9. If it's working normally now, then it should be fine...if there was a problem with device, then after installing fully charged batteries, the problem would still exist. If those are some older batteries & you start having problems again, then the batteries may be getting weak & you might want to consider purchasing some new ones...Glad to hear it's working now...
  10. Sometimes, what seems to be a good idea, turns out to be a nightmare... Good to hear you figured it out! Happy Vaping Not sure if you are aware, but there is a tool available for installing 510's...510 Install Tool 510 Installation Tool Two-part design so that it won't get stuck after tightening. Compatible with all 510 connectors with a threaded body. 4mm key hole for tighter install. Can also be used on the V5s to extend the solder tail while soldering.
  11. A side note about shorting the two terminals on the board...on the 250, it the resistance of whatever you are shorting it with is below .007?, then you are going to get the '?' when running the Atomizer Analyzer...same as an open circuit which gives a 'Check Atomizer' message with an atty attached...
  12. I have seen the scrambled numbers before & it was because of wonky resistance issue with SS...You can always save your current settings to reload later by going to File>Save As...and of course, the Restore Defaults in Escribe will reset all the settings back to the Evolv defaults for the board....also, if you were to screw an atty onto the 510 & then check for resistance at the same spots DW is referring to, that should give you an indication if there is continuity through the 510 or not...just a thought...
  13. Cool...even though I haven't been having any issues with my Nano, I opened it up today & found 2 of 3 screws loose...perhaps the assemblers need some torque screwdrivers... Very easy mod to access the board though...
  14. Here too for the Triade....https://www.wnyvapes.com/products/lost-vape-triade-door And for the Therion's...https://www.wnyvapes.com/products/lost-vape-therion-battery-door-black-frame
  15. There is an interactive tutorial by Evolv on the Escribe software here...Escribe Interactive Training Course
  16. The voltage for cell 2 is all over the place, even when not firing, if you look at cell 1, it stays fairly even both when firing & when not firing...you either have a weak cell...battery contacts in the device need to be cleaned (with iso alcohol) or there is a connection issue between the battery sled & the board...
  17. Won't know for sure till you try with properly charged batteries....let us know what you find out...
  18. Have you tried charging your batteries in an external charger...even if the batteries are new, if they are both not fully charged or at least evenly charged, you are going to have issues with the device...
  19. On one picture, Cell 1 is .01v & on the other, 2.4v...looks like you have a battery connection issue...have you checked the battery compartment to make sure no juice has leaked in....you might try cleaning the battery contacts with some iso alcohol...
  20. Can you post a screen shot of the 'Mod' tab in Escribe & a screen shot of Device Monitor...
  21. In the past, there was a 'Weak Battery' message, but Evolv changed it to the blinking battery indicator so as not to be so annoying...the 'Check Battery' message will appear if there is a problem with a cell, usually low voltage...
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