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Everything posted by giz_60

  1. Balance charging for multi cell devices...
  2. Hate it when that happens...you have to select 'Accept' once it's done or else it won't populate the fields for ya...
  3. This is assuming you haven't changed any of the factory profile settings...hold the up & down button together for a couple of seconds...press either up or down button twice & then with either the up or down button, you can scroll through the different profiles that are are on the device. When you see 'Power Ctrl', that is the Power/Wattage profile, press the Fire button to set it. Then hold the up & down button together for a couple of seconds & you will be able to adjust your wattage up & down...Hope this is what you are looking for...
  4. On a side note...have you run the case analyzer yet? Having the proper Case Thermal values is quite important when vaping in TC mode. At the bottom of the Mod tab, if your Case Thermal values look like the following screenshot, then you have the defaults..highly recommend running the case analyzer...will take awhile (couple of hours or so)...make sure your batteries are at least 50% drained prior to running the analyzer....and I would leave the computer alone while it's running because if for some reason the connection to the USB port is disrupted, it stop & you will have to start again..take it from experience...
  5. at 20 a cell, hope that they aren't fakes...the VTC6's are the only ones that cause the Triade battery door to not fit properly...no problems with any of the other cells I own...so, I just use the VTC6's in my other devices & stick to the HG2's in the Triade...
  6. The battery door on my Triade is the same way with the VTC6's...I have run the discharge/charge test on all my cells & for the VTC6's came up with: Discharge = 3119 mah Charge = 3209 mah But, this was after they had gone through several discharge/charge cycles & had been 'woke' up..
  7. Some how, some way, you have gotten the wire profiles wonky on your device. If you had down loaded & loaded, into your device, the SS316L .csv from Steam Engine, it would be named "SS316L Elite" in the materials tab. So, you need to start from scratch. 1. In the General tab, on Profile 1, change the 'Coil Material' to anything BUT SS316L...Scroll through the rest of your Profiles to make sure SS316L is not assigned to any. If so, change them too. 2. In the Materials tab, delete everything that says SS316L (both in the 'Available Materials' box & 'Materials on Device' box) 3. Re-load the Steam Engine .csv & move it over to the device. (should be named SS316L Elite) 4. General tab...change the Coil Material to SS316L Elite 5. Upload to device Here is the SS316L .csv from Steam Engine in case you need it.... DNA200-SS_316L _Elite-SteamEngine.csv 129 Bytes 0 downloads (It doesn't matter that it says..."DNA200" in the file name) DNA200-UD-SS_316L_DJaquith_V4.csv
  8. And 1 of them has the wire profile for NI200 associated with it
  9. If you look at the last Device Monitor screen shot, the cold ohms are holding steady at .59...when you fired, they dropped & then leveled off at .601...you have a fluctuating resistance issue...if that atty is working good on the Drone, then you may have gotten some juice into the 510 connector on the BF. that is a common problem with BF devices...try cleaning it with some iso alcohol...
  10. No, you said the Drone is working...need to figure out what you have set incorrectly on the BF
  11. Can you post the Profile again...and please, the Complete Device Monitor...the whole screen!
  12. If you are using SS316L, then it's not going to work correctly if you set it for nickel..
  13. And, can you post a screen shot of the complete Device Monitor?
  14. Try changing the wire type in Profile 1 to the SS316 wire profile...the is the Evolv default & see what happens
  15. As @Spirometry stated, that is the wire profile for Nickel...not SS
  16. Can you post a screen shot of Device Monitor while firing with the following boxes checked...Power, Power Set, Temperature, Temperature Set, Cold Ohms, Live Ohms...
  17. Sorry to hear you are having issues but, you obviously don't have something set up correctly. What do you mean when you say the "wattage will not adjust for the temperature"? Not being able to see your mod, you are going to need to post some screenshots if you need help. The 75 works very well in temp mode, if everything is set up properly...
  18. No, it does not mean your capacity is greater. No matter what value you enter in the Wh setting in the mod tab, you are going to see the same behavior in Device Monitor. The value you were given was generated by running the battery analyzer on those cells. Anyways, it's not going to affect battery performance, but only aid in making the battery indicator on the device a bit more accurate. The board doesn't use that value to decide when to stop charging, but rather the actual voltage of the cells.
  19. Exactly....the 18.75 value & .csv were generated from running the battery analyzer in Escribe
  20. The 2 .csv files are similar...the other was generated with 3 cells but will work fine, just enter the correct Wh's (18.75) to help the battery indicator on the device to be a bit more accurate. IIRC, the boards hard cell cutoff is set at 2.5v. not 3.0v The 3.09v cell soft cutoff is the Evolv default, which is for lipo pack batteries. 2.75v - 2.8v is good for the 18650's. The higher the CSC, the sooner the device will give the weak battery message (flashing battery indicator on the device's screen) & start throttling back the wattage.
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