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Everything posted by giz_60

  1. I that a VT75 or VTInbox 75 that you asked for the .ecig file earlier?
  2. You might want to clean the battery cap with iso alcohol & the threads on the cap as well as the threads on the device...
  3. When you were checking the solder joints, did you happen to make sure all the board ground screws were tight?
  4. If that is a fairly new device, try taking the battery cover off & clean it with some iso alcohol, especially the battery side of the cover...also the threads on the cover & the thread on the device...may have some machining oil on there... There are only 2 wires in the Nano...Battery + and 510 + ALL grounds run through the case & if it's not getting a good ground to begin with, it will cause problems... Edit: Could you post a screenshot of the 'General' tab in Escribe showing the settings for Profile 6...
  5. Looks like power mode...no temperature set..
  6. Make sure your battery cover is on good & tight...the device gets ground through the body via the cover...
  7. Check the 510 plate on the device. Try adjusting it up or down to see if you can get a better ground to the atomizer. The 2 hole on topof the plate are not screws...I use my tweezers to adjust the plate...are you using contact or spaced coil?
  8. Need to make sure all your screws on the deck are good & tight...including the 510 pin. There have been some issues with the Nano having resistance issues due to loose ground screw on the DNA board. This device is very easy to get into...2 screws on the top & 2 on the bottom (T6's). Then gently pull the 2 parts of the mod apart. There are 3 mount screws on the board. Mine had 2 screws that were loose...
  9. What kind of atomizer/coil are you using? Can you post a screenshot of the 'Mod' tab in Escribe & one of the 'Device Monitor' while firing with the following checked...Power, Power Set, Temperature, Temperature Set, Cold Ohms, Live Ohms...
  10. LG_HG2 (2)_18650_3000 mah_18.75 Wh.csv
  11. Can you post a screenshot while firing the device & one of the 'Mod' tab...
  12. Here is the .csv for the 25r's.... Samsung_25R (2)_18650_2500 mah_16.92Wh.csv See if loading this helps you out... Edit: Make sure to set your Wh's to 16.92 or 17 then upload to device...
  13. Those values are going to be slightly different from mod to mod, especially the case thermals...would be best to run the test for YOUR mod...that way you have the correct values....
  14. If vaping in TC mode, the case thermals are quite important...
  15. Can you post a screen shot of the 'Mod' tab in Escribe & one of the 'Device Monitor' while firing with the following boxes checked...Power, Power Set, Temperature, Temperature Set, Cold Ohms & Live Ohms....
  16. Understand that these settings are only going to help the battery indicator on the device to be a bit more accurate...has no effect on the battery life or run time. Again, depending on circumstance, you will probably never find any 2 Wh's generated with the battery analyzer exactly the same...use what works for you! 2.75 is a safe value for the cell soft cutoff for the 18650's, but if you feel 2.8 is safer, then by all means...this is only a cell SOFT cutoff value, where the board will throttle back the wattage & you will get the Weak Battery message(flashing battery indicator)...IIRC, for safety reasons, the board will shut down at 2.5v & you will get the Check Battery message...The higher you set the cell soft cutoff value for, the sooner the board will start throttling back the wattage...
  17. Those are the Evolv generic defaults...unless the case analyzer has been run or the manufacturer changed the values, those are the settings you will see. Edit: In other words, they are not the correct values for your Therion
  18. I have never smelled 'electronic' smells coming from my Therion...if you are even questionable about your batteries, you might want to consider some new ones...just a thought
  19. It doesn't take any special tools, just have to make sure your batteries are at least 50% drained...it does take awhile for the analysis to run...but here is a screenshot of the case thermals off of my Therion
  20. Sounds you are talking about 'Case Analyzer' for the case thermal values...The mod resistance is a different calibration process...
  21. Max Peak Input Current & Max Sustained Input Current should be 28... first time charge with USB may or may not work, depending on cell voltage & if they are close to being balanced...I wouldn't do it, but thats me...
  22. The .csv is the discharge profile. You will have to manually enter the Wh's & cell cutoff... and then be sure to upload to device...
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