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✪ Hyperion - Odin Mini - Paranormal and others - Replay Ready - English & Italian ✪ 2.8.9

   (41 reviews)

2 Screenshots

About This File

Last Version Rev 2.8.9 - August 2021

Full options theme with Replay. Rev 2.8.8 - March 2019


Edited by Frank65

What's New in Version 2.8.9   See changelog



This is going to be last version of my theme(s) , unfortunately I have very short free time to work on it.

I've tested this for the whole last year , anyway If you find any bugs and\or misalignment I'm sorry.

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· Edited by rubassdj

is the most complete theme, could have color option, 
black and white example, and temperature and power facings could display
 the evolution at the time of the shot, it is only displaying the chosen value, 
type 250c and 50w, could show the evolution of temperature until arriving at the chosen final value, 
some themes have this function. Thank you in advance, it was only a suggestion.
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I love the theme and use it on my Paranormal and Mirage DNA mods. I'm fairly new here but not sure how I would know or find out if you updated your theme. It's a pleasure to use and works great. Thank you.

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There is an error in the numbers of active batteries. This is the best topic.

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Hi Frank,

thank you for your very nice theme. I love it!

I found one little issue and I can't find a way to change it. In the device monitor, the color of Voltage-Graph is the same as the color of the Power-Graph (red). It should be a nuance of blue. I can't find a way to change that in Escribe. Can you tell us

a way to change that?


Best regards


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Great theme, looks awesome, works well. A few bugs though, such as the date seems to change in a weird way? Doesn’t seem to go day by day but instead jumps a few days here jumps back a few days etc etc even resets sometimes. Also, I’m not really understanding stealth mode.. 1 and 2 seem to be exactly the same, about a 10 sec delay before going to black screen. I figure they should be different somehow but are exactly the same.... otherwise I don’t think there’s any other problems! Maybe one other small bug somewhere that I can’t think of. But yeah great UI works great looks awesome highly recommend!! Just hope the creator is staying up to date and fixing these little bugs!

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This is definitely the best mod I've tried on the Paranormal 250C, and I have tried far, far too many. I like it so much that I'd like to donate to the creator just to guilt them into making newer versions quicker.

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· Edited by Topcat1519


Im a newbie, yet i had no problems installing the file, i really like it, kudos to the creator, much appreciated... paranormal 250C  now looks amazing, and everythings accessible

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· Edited by Gregmaan


This is one of the best themes avaliable for DNA.

But there is a bug in the Preheat section in2.8.7:

I enabled temperature preheat via escribe. On the device It is visible as punch in watt mode.

I am using the DNA75C version which has the latest firmware.

Response from the author:

Thanks for the input , I will check this asap.

Checked. Unfixable since some preheat parameters from escribe are not accesible from theme editor.

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Ciao, ottimo tema, mi sembra però che manchi una pagina per il "no coil", infatti se un atom non viene letto o non è montato non mi viene fuori nessun messaggio che me lo dice e rimane la pagina della modalità scelta così non si riesce a capire se c'è un problema di contatti a livello del pin.
Spero riuscirai a implementarla.
5 stelle meritate comunque.

Response from the author:

Ciao e grazie.

Non sono sicuro se è quello che intendi , ma se premi fire senza atom esce un messaggio in rosso "controlla atom" o "check atty".

Giusto .. ?

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Ciao Frank,

grazie per il bellissimo e funzionale tema. Vorrei solo farti una domanda. Non capisco bene come funziona la funzione replay sulla tua mod. Accedendo al profilo "replay" vedo un tasto verde con scritto pronto ma non è editabile. Potrei avere maggiori dettagli?

Ad ogni modo ancora grazie per la mod. davvero comoda e bella. 

A presto


Response from the author:


Per utilizzare la funzione replay (oltre ad avere una coil che puo' funzionare in TC) , dal menu replay (dove vedi la scritta PRONTO) , fai un tiro.

A questo punto PRONTO se tutto va bene diventerà SALVA. Cliccando su salva puoi salvare il tiro , e partirà la funzione replay che cercherà di ripetere lo stesso tiro all'infinito ( a meno che non fai STOP ).

In pratica passi da PRONTO->(tiro)->SALVA-> (replay in funzione)-> STOP(se vuoi)-> PRONTO etc

Sono sicuro di essere stato poco chiaro ma spero di esserti stato di aiuto 😁

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Perfect theme! Has all that I need without going back to my PC.. Looks good too.. Thanks!

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Xebas Cortes


hello Frank! Thanks for this great Job, im enyoing the color screen at 100% now with this version!!! AMAZING JOB!!!

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