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Is this case metal or plastic? It looks like plastic, but that damage sure looks like the input battery lead shorting to a grounded case. I haven't seen an input pad burned away that severely without other damage on the board from other things. The negative battery lead soldered on at a right angle and almost touching the USB has me a bit concerned. Do you have a "before" picture? In any case, even if this turns out to be some sort of assembly error, send it back to us and we will send you a new one if it is dead. Pre-release I would like to analyze any board failures, regardless of cause. Thanks!

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antyac2108 said:

It is both i have a hammond 1590A with a plastic lid replacement with a FDV 510. I dont have any before pictures sorry. Who do i send it to and what address

I guess you need to go here for RMA http://www.evolvapor.com/warranty.php
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My best guess from what I see is one of the three vias on board edge got soldered to the adjacent B+ pad due to the unusual edge-in soldering. They would have been directly below the b+ lead. Those three are part of the charger circuitry, so it would have worked fine until a charger was plugged in, then poof. I suspect if we get a picture of the front side of the board we will see damage to the charging electronics. But we are happy to replace the board, especially now while we look for bugs and collect information on potential trouble spots to warn against.

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Soldering these thick wires is not class 101 stuff and before you get the new board I would have a good practice soldering them to get nice shiny clean slim joints, lots of info on the web, but practice makes perfect.  We all have to start somewhere and top marks for going for it.

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First off i want to say thank you all for the help. i got the new board in and running great finished it on saturday. Yesterday (Monday) it started to continue to fire after the button was pressed and it doesn't stop unless i press the up or down buttons. It first started to do it intermittently now its doing it everytime i press the fire button. I was extra careful this time on the install and it was working fine for two days until this started happening. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.  

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Can you post a picture of how you have the board installed? Especially the connections for external buttons?

Thanks! We'll get to the bottom of it. It isn't likely to be software, because software doesn't change after a couple days. 

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