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Firmware/Software support for 3 18650's

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As Xx3edge says it is based on the voltage of the cells in series (which is 11.1 volts) if you have 2500 batteries it should say 27.75 watt hours, or with the sony 2100mah batteries you get with the Reuleaux it should say 23.31 watt hours.  Also it's best if you load in the csv file for a 18650 battery.  All of this is for the accuracy of your battery meter by the way it does not effect how long the mod lasts for on 18650 or how it performs.

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I havent received my unit yet but I've been reading through all the posts here for information. Also reading the escribe manual and becoming familiar with all the modules. I didn't realise I needed to download the csv. for 18650's so thanks for the additional information, and will I find the csv file here on the forum for the 18650's? Lots to learn but I enjoy it.

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I struggled with setting up the battery parameters to display a correct battery life until i stumbled across a youtube video where he walks through setting up the Releaux through escribe. I left the battery type as lipo and 3 cells then just put 3000mah in using the calculator and it wound up calculating the right watt/hour which was around 33. Also need to run the case analyser but he already did that too so i used his numbers. Been using mainly temp control mode with titanium setup around 60watts,400 temp and its giving me about a solid 24 to 30 hours of battery life. I havent messed witb discharge rates, is that necessary? Also a HUGE A REQUEST for a mobile version. I have an LG tablet i take everywhere

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IT IS needed. Maybe for you it is not but for many it is. Who would ever know to do that unless someone else just tried it. This has confused many people and winds up with people saying that the board is wrong or dosnt work. It would make life A lot easier for many people. Just look right above your comment and see that people needed to see someone on you tube set it up.

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Darthtanien said:

IT IS needed. Maybe for you it is not but for many it is. Who would ever know to do that unless someone else just tried it. This has confused many people and winds up with people saying that the board is wrong or dosnt work. It would make life A lot easier for many people. Just look right above your comment and see that people needed to see someone on you tube set it up.

What 2 cell or 3 cell, is it really that hard?

The only change I can possibly see to fit in with this is to change the text LiPo to Li-Ion to broaden the scope or maybe some explanatory text. 

Sorry if that comes over a bit unsympathetic, I do not mean to be so and understand that maybe some people get anxious about it, but it defaults to the settings for 3 18650s, changing to 2 is just changing the cell count and that's it.  Either people need to change this because the mod maker has not set it correctly, which would be a problem or they made the mod themselves and then they should understand the settings, they are not there to play with.
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I see both sides of this situation. With the booming popularity of the dna 200 it would probably be wise just so people that are not versed enough to know the difference can easily check the settings of their mod.it would likely save evolv a bunch of dumb emails also. .But the argument that the dna 200 is an advanced vaping device and shouldn't really be used by the type of vapers that wouldn't know the difference could also be strongly argued.

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It is a pity that this is concerning users when it shouldn't be, maybe it is because a few manufactures didn't set the capacity that people are worried some may incorrectly set the battery chemistry and cell count, I think that is extremely unlikely to happen and have not read that it has so far. 

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Jvape78 said:

I see both sides of this situation. With the booming popularity of the dna 200 it would probably be wise just so people that are not versed enough to know the difference can easily check the settings of their mod.it would likely save evolv a bunch of dumb emails also. .But the argument that the dna 200 is an advanced vaping device and shouldn't really be used by the type of vapers that wouldn't know the difference could also be strongly argued.

That is all I was saying. Some of the manufacturers have not bothered to do any setup on these devices. I get it. I know how to set it up but many do not. Lets try as a vape community to educate and make things easier not argue and put down. The more info there is the easier it is for new people and the better it is for the whole community.
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Let me try and reassure you a bit, the important setting from a safety point of view is the battery type, this should always be LiPo unless you know you have a LiFePo and I don't think anyone is selling mode with these in.  If you choose LiFePo when it was another Lithium battery I think that it would only result in under-charging it and can't see any safety implications there, but am no expert.  The opposite would be bad, but LiFePos are lot less violent than normal Li batteries if the go bad, but as I said I don't think anyone is shipping DNA200 with LifePos fitted.  Essentially LiPos & 18650s are treated the same way & LiFePo operate a lower voltages.  The power supply setting should not be used with batteries unless you do it at your own risk as it prevents most of the battery monitoring.

I am not sure of the implications of choosing the wrong number of cells, but that setting would mainly be to turn off battery monitoring for the non-existent cell in a 2 cell set up, but I think it is very unlikely this would be set wrong.

The battery capacity and curve are ther to make the battery bar more accurate and do not affect any of the battery safety features, so getting this wrong is only a usability issue IMO.

I could be wrong on the small details, but I am pretty sure that what I have just typed is essentially correct.

You have probably the best board in the business for battery monitoring and safety.

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