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Not working...tried all that I know of to try


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I tried to do the latest firmware update, it didn't finish and now my Reuleaux won't work at all. It says couldn't find device version. I tried to force the update after rebooting my computer, it then says couldn't find the serial #. I also tried to restore to factory settings and it says the same thing. I am without my Vape now. It was an okay day that turned to crap.

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  NaeFinley said:

I tried to do the latest firmware update, it didn't finish and now my Reuleaux won't work at all. It says couldn't find device version. I tried to force the update after rebooting my computer, it then says couldn't find the serial #. I also tried to restore to factory settings and it says the same thing. I am without my Vape now. It was an okay day that turned to crap.

are running escribe through a mac by using virtual box or something similar? that has caused a lot people problems when updating their FW. if you are running it through a mac, if you can, try a FW update with an actual windows PC. other than that i'm not familiar with macs and parallels. i do know the dna 75/200 boards are un brickable.
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Thank you for the reply. I was trying to do it on Windows. I sent out a ticket so hopefully someone will get back to me? I read here that this same exact thing happened to someone else and they were able to force the update as where I cannot because it says unable to find or locate serial #.

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  NaeFinley said:

Thank you for the reply. I was trying to do it on Windows. I sent out a ticket so hopefully someone will get back to me? I read here that this same exact thing happened to someone else and they were able to force the update as where I cannot because it says unable to find or locate serial #.

here are a few members and admins you could PM about your situation: vapingbad, nick, billw50, james and dwcraig1 they should be able to help out a lot more. they are computer savvy, where i am not.
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& I don't have another computer to try it on but I did do different cables. It's just weird bc it recognizes the device and everything, the screen just won't turn on and it says it can't verify the serial # or know what version the chip is running.

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  ChunkyButt200 said:

here are a few members and admins you could PM about your situation: vapingbad, nick, billw50, james and dwcraig1 they should be able to help out a lot more. they are computer savvy, where i am not.


IMO it is  better to keep it in the threads and available for all and you will get the same help/guess/comfort from me anyway.

It could be the USB cable and unless they have another device that exchanges data with the Pc over a USB cable and have used that it is impossible to be definite, sorry.
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I am just totally at my wits end. I sure am hoping someone can direct me through some steps or I can send it in and have something done. These are the two responses I get no matter what I try to do inside Escribe: "Can't figure out the device version." "Failed to get serial number." Hard reboot command issued with a huge red X (meaning it didn't do the reboot)

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This is the first time that I recall hearing this problem when using a Windows computer. You might try uninstalling Escribe and reinstalling it, it is quick to do and can't hurt anything.
Just thinking maybe the app got corrupted, probably a long shot though. The folks at Evolv will probably not be responding till tomorrow so just be patient. 

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Ok you uninstalled EScribe and then reinstalled SetupES_2016-02-27 (v1.0.42.0).exe or 2016-02-29 right? Then connect it up to the Reuleaux DNA200 and from EScribe -> Tools -> Update firmware. Then pick the 2016-02-23.sw-update file. Will it allow you to do this? And what update did you use when it just quit?

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Yes all correct Bill. & it was the same version as you stated above. The 02-23.sw-update file that I tried to run. This particular device had never been used in escribe so it's a brand new piece. - makes me even more like, wt*? These are still the only responses that I get no matter what I do. "Can't figure out the device version" Or "Failed to get serial number"

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Okay, I can give it a shot. It's just a standard gateway computer with Windows, not 100% sure what version at the moment (currently at work). So, if I do this and it works that would be amazing. On another note if it doesn't work, does Evolv take in devices or chips to get them in running condition?

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I should have said "Basically" brand new...never had anything changed inside escribe and not used hardly at all. I don't think where I got it from would honor me sending it back because it's probably been more than 90 days (not sure atm) . Plus It's an issue with the chip due to trying to update the firmware. I'm going to have a buddy of mine check it out on my lunch break today. Stay tuned for more details. :-) (-;

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