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A new DNA user with a few questions


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I recently received my first DNA mod - the SDNA75 - and I have been loving it for the last few days. All my previous devices were in the lower price range - VTC Mini, Cuboid, RX200, and one iPv4 which I modded to have no balance board. 

The only thing that comes close to the TC performance of this DNA chip was the iPv4, which I am not a huge fan of anymore due to the noticeable pulse modulation, size, extremely inferior battery door, and the fact that it just doesn't provide rich functionality and customization.

The Escribe software was a joy to explore and tweak, and I read most of the manual which is well-written. The mod itself feels wonderful and seems to be well-designed. I love that the battery is upside down, having the positive cap exactly next to the venting holes. Cannot speak about longevity and quality of the finish yet, but I have a good feeling about it so far. :)

So, my questions are these:

- When I select "Current" to be displayed on the standard screen, I usually see the correct number according to my calculations, but then the number drops during the rest of the pull. For example, I set the wattage to 55W and pre-heat to 65W. 55W + 15% / 3.7 volts (my current cell voltage) gave me about 17A in my calculations, and that is the number that I see at the start of the draw. It then drops to 13-14A during the drag. But my preheat is 65W and the initial second should definitely be higher than 17A. Does this mean that the numbers shown on the screen do not take these 15% of inefficiency into the calculations?

- I read that the DNA chip has a smart way of detecting the coil's resistance, and that it should only be locked in extreme cases of unstable connections. The manual also states to install an atomizer on the mod at room temp. So, I did this with one of my atties, which is usually at about 0.20 ohms. I did not lock the resistance and it was read as 0.20 ohms as expected. A few hours later, though, I could see that the shown resistance is now 0.21 ohms. My question is if this is expected and normal, or should be keeping the coil locked at 0.20 at all times? Additionally, I have set the temp to 290C, but now I can see that it goes to about 250C. My guess is that locking it is what I should be doing here.

- I am using the Early Escribe Suite soft (SP3) and I am having trouble finding the atomizer analyzer. Any suggestions? 

Well, this was a long wall of text and I thank anyone that went through it. :)

On the bright side, the early Escribe version with the early DNA75 Firmware seems to be working great! I immediately understood what people meant by the "weak battery" problem that is so overspread. My experience was no different, as I vape at the 50-60W range. The new Firmware seems to have completely solved the problem. I can feel little difference even when my cells are reaching 10-20% capacity. Thanks, Evolv!

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The preheat is temp limited so you will not always get the current you expect, this is so you get a consistent vape no matter if the coil was cold or warm to begin with.  Preheat will fire at the preheat watts until the preheat time has elapsed or you get close to the temp.  How close is what preheat punch sets, 11 would mean preheat works until you get to 10 F below temp, 0 would be 160 F below temp.

They refine the resistance reading by tracking the coils and room temp as it cools so the resistance changing a little is probably just it getting a more accurate reading.  I would not lock the res unless it is always changing.

I not sure about the temp changing from 290 C to 250 C, I have not come across that or do you mean that it stays set at 290, but the coils only reaches 250 which would be fine as long as you like the vape.

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Current displayed on the screen is the output current to the atomizer not from the battery. 65w and 17 amps comes out to about 0.225?, sounds about right if you are using a SS coil.

The dna will read the resistance down to three decimal places. The screen only displays down to two decimal places. So if the last digit is near a 5, it wouldn't be to uncommon to see the last digit rock back and forth due to rounding off the last digit. Normally the resistance should go down after refinement.

I wouldn't lock the resistance. Just set it down for about 20 minutes with the usb unplugged, then reset the temperature. 

Atomizer Analyzer is under the mod tab. It may be hidden. Options> User Interface> Manufacturer

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Thanks for the replies!

My question about the resistance was based on the fact that when I install my tank and it reads at 0.20 ohms, and I have set the temp to 290C - it actually reaches exactly 290, or 1-2 degs below it as I vape. When the tank starts being read as 0.21 ohms after I used it actively for a while, the temp now reaches 250C when I vape, but I still have it set to 290C. So I was not sure if the device is "adapting" in a way to the 0.21 res, or it was just reading it wrong and giving me less vape production. I presumed it's the second option as I could feel the vape being a bit weaker than before. It doesn't fluctuate like crazy but the Escribe analyzer shows fluctuations between 0.207 - 0.208 - 0.209. It seems to go to one of these numbers after each second and this is constantly happening when I check it (at room temp). Spirometry said it's common, but as I understood it the fluctuations should stop at one point? Would you say this makes it unstable and lock-worthy, or is this type of small fluctuation acceptable (even if it constantly occurs and at some point the coil is read as 0.22 by the mod during usage)? Oh, and Cheers - I found the Advanced setting. Should have looked harder at the drop down menus. :)

Thanks, everyone. You are a helpful community :)EDIT: I forgot to mention something important to the ohm question I had. Actually, last night the change of the atty being read from 0.20 to 0.21 happened after I swapped out a cell.

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brokz said:

 the change of the atty being read from 0.20 to 0.21 happened after I swapped out a cell.

I am not sure if new firmware changed that, but in my Efusion, when i did change batteries, he did reset the ohms, so it was equivalent to put new atty (but without asking if it was new coil)
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Yeah, yoseff, I think that's what's happening. It definitely seems to read it as a fresh tank and it forgets the original cold ohms. This would not happen with a Lipo pack, where you have the cell constantly connected to the chip, but in the case with external battery - I suppose locking it is a must? Correct me if I am wrong, please. 

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I can definitely say that swapping your battery out deletes the memory of the coil as it kept happening to me in the last couple of days and it was always consistent. 

Isn't there a way to store the coil into the chip's memory even when it is not locked? My VTC Mini did not forget coils when swapping cells, even the ones I did not lock, as it also has some form of auto-memory for TC coils. 

Actually, what is the point of never locking a coil in any DNA mod with removable battery if it will read it as a new coil every time? I do feel the quality of the vape changing both ways, which is why this has been a hard thing to tackle. Even if I lock it and swap out cells, I know that the coil changes the nominal ohms over time as you use it more and more, so my guess is that when it's locked - it's not as precise as it could be, or rather it has no flexibility whatsoever. If I don't lock the coil, it works very well but as soon as I swap the battery (if I used the mod recently) I can feel a difference in the vapor, and I can see the temp reading instantly drop to about 30C lower than what I have set it to be (which makes sense as the coil is read with 0.01 ohm difference).

Oh, and I just wanted to clarify that my overall vape experience is actually very good. Even with small fluctuations of numbers, the vapor is consistent most of the time and I can actually feel the temperature staying at one place during puffs. Regardless, I am still new to this and just want to find out the best possible way to make my vape consistent all the time, rather than almost all of the time. 

Thanks for all your help!

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So, now that the DNA chip is popularly used with removable batteries, maybe it's possible to make an update that doesn't delete the coil if you swap out a cell? It just seems weird to me that the Joyetech chip does this particular thing better than the DNA75 chip. (although the JT chips have problems with coil erasing. They downright cannot be used with TC unless you mod them to have manual coil delete. So it's not objectively better than the DNA in any case, except the one where it remembers non-locked coils without a battery)

Other than that, I can always charge it with USB when close to a PC, but sadly in many cases you do not have a USB slot around you and you have to swap cells on the run.

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Yes it is pretty annoying to wait for your coils to cool down if it wasn't resistance locked beforehand. Although I have been known to set my temperature about 200ºF lower and adjust from there if I don't want to wait. Of course the temperature will change whenever the coils cools down and then the temperature will be too cool.

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That was something I noticed last night, that the coil's reading actually corrected itself after I left the device down for 20-30 minutes. That was pretty cool to see. :) 

I can live with this issue, definitely. The compromises I had to do with some of my cheaper devices are much more annoying. 

Regardless, I would suggest to the Evolv team to add this little functionality, if possible - for the chip to remember coils after swapping batteries, even if the coils were not locked beforehand. This little change would go a LONG way with any DNA user that has external batteries. :)

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