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Reuleaux DNA200


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Was just wandering if anyone could give me some information. I have a reuleaux dna 200 and when go to power on it shows welcome.screen only if I'm holding fire button. Then if I keep pressing it it will show normal screen and check battery. While plugged into USB screen appears and shows no battery and no charging symbol. All this just happened when my batteries got low. It was out of the blue. No troubles before at all. Also including pics of diagnostics from escribe. Cell 1 is showing virtually 0 volts. I've tries different batteries and also checked ground. Any other suggestions or ideas?



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are you getting correct readings from the balance wires going to the board? continuity across the fuse? correct voltage after fuse? i know wismec took a short cut and bridged the gnd and 3rd cell balance tap connections to the main -/+ with 0 ohm resistors to save on wiring. maybe make sure you have correctindividual cell readings at the tap. if you do have correct readings and there's no ejuice, burnt or missing components around that area of the board i would open a ticket with the vendor. then evolv if they do nothing.

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Te black wire is ground (on one end) and the red wire (on the other end) is the total of all. Something between 9.0v to 12.60v.

Between the black wire and the one next to it should be cell 1. Next to that one and next to the red wire is cell two. Between one and two should just read cell 2 voltage. Now measure between that one and the red one and it should be cell 3. All cells should read nearly the same and probably between 3.0v to 4.20v. The exact labeling is like this:

Black = Ground
White = pin 1 (between ground and this reads cell 1)
White = pin 2 (between the first white [I think they are white or yellow] and the latter reads cell 2
Red = pin 3 Between pin 2 to red reads cell 3

If I just confused you, we will post a diagram.

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