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DNA60 Evolv USB charger

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I did search on forum but I didn't find information I was looking for so...

Where to heck could I buy Evolv USB charger for DNA60?

I do have 1A ones, but those are only charging boards and I need new one with EScribe compatibility.
And I cannot find them anywhere :(

Any sugestions? And I am looking for Evolv one because it will go into vaporshark vaporflask and easiest to do it is with original one


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  retird said:

Protovapor ships with USPS.  How are items ships from your country?  How much does it cost to ship something from your country to Hawaii, USA?  


They have always been ultra expensive to the UK as they only offer the fully insured USPS parcel service, I have looked at buying from them several times and could never get the numbers to work.
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  Rain said:

I did search on forum but I didn't find information I was looking for so...

Where to heck could I buy Evolv USB charger for DNA60?

I do have 1A ones, but those are only charging boards and I need new one with EScribe compatibility.
And I cannot find them anywhere :(

Any sugestions? And I am looking for Evolv one because it will go into vaporshark vaporflask and easiest to do it is with original one


there are ways around having to use evolv's charging/data board. it's not an absolute must have. you can use the USB that is already inside the VS Vaporflask. the data pins might not be connected, but i guarantee you they are there. it all depends on your soldering skills and if you want to take the time to do it.
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  VapingBad said:

They have always been ultra expensive to the UK as they only offer the fully insured USPS parcel service, I have looked at buying from them several times and could never get the numbers to work.


Yes I know about the high cost.... was wondering the costs I asked about to see if there may be a way to get it shipped cheaper by using shipper from his/her country???  Maybe you guys can get more of your vendors to stock some Evolv stuff...and maybe a repair center... Alot of Evolv devices are sold outside the US now days...
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  retird said:

Protovapor ships with USPS.  How are items ships from your country?  How much does it cost to ship something from your country to Hawaii, USA?  


8$ tracked and ensured shipment to USA

Or, another example, shipping from modcrate is 15$ for their Silo950 which is about 30 times heavier then usb board and they are using USPS as well

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  ChunkyButt200 said:

there are ways around having to use evolv's charging/data board. it's not an absolute must have. you can use the USB that is already inside the VS Vaporflask. the data pins might not be connected, but i guarantee you they are there. it all depends on your soldering skills and if you want to take the time to do it.



I was taking a quick look to that today, original VF is using two boards, I am guessing one is for charging and another for protection, but I don't see any pins on boards for data transfer. I will try to find out tomorrow which boards are those exactly and how to solve data transfer via them

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  Rain said:



I was taking a quick look to that today, original VF is using two boards, I am guessing one is for charging and another for protection, but I don't see any pins on boards for data transfer. I will try to find out tomorrow which boards are those exactly and how to solve data transfer via them

most likely one is the charging board, and one for the buzzer (does it have a RBP / buzzer?) and the other is the DNA 40 board. you'll have to most likely do what i did and solder small enamel coated wire directly to the USB pinouts.
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  Rain said:

This is how charger board in VF looks like. To be honest I don't have a clue where to look for USB  pins

one board has the RBP buzzer and one of the two charging IC's. the other board, on top of that board, has the second charging IC and the battery leads soldered to it. you would need to de-solder these two boards from each other and take a look at the USB pin out. you're going to have to do what i did when i decided to keep my VS DNA 40 daughter board. here's a photo of what i had to do to the USB (your USB socket will look similar to mine, our daughter boards are different but that is irrelevant). i will also personally help you through this if you decide to go this route. 

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  ChunkyButt200 said:

one board has the RBP buzzer and one of the two charging IC's. the other board, on top of that board, has the second charging IC and the battery leads soldered to it. you would need to de-solder these two boards from each other and take a look at the USB pin out. you're going to have to do what i did when i decided to keep my VS DNA 40 daughter board. here's a photo of what i had to do to the USB (your USB socket will look similar to mine, our daughter boards are different but that is irrelevant). i will also personally help you through this if you decide to go this route. 


I will manage to do it in the same way that you did.
Did you use 10k ohm resistor?
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  Rain said:

I will manage to do it in the same way that you did.
Did you use 10k ohm resistor?

i did, i routed around my old circuit board collection and found one. they're a fairly common value resistor. the 10k res gets connected from #15 on the DNA 60 to the incoming 5v USB. so anywhere you can find 5v USB on either of your sandwhiched daughter boards.  20161208_220515.jpg  20161208_220537.jpg
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  Rain said:

great, this is much appreciated :) I will work some more on in in next few days when I grab some time for it :)
And, hopefully, my VF will have dna60 heart after this experiment

if i had to guess, i would say the hardest part of your build is going to be the soldering of tiny enamel coated wires to the USB data -/+ pinouts of the micro USB socket. hard but def doable. if you have any problems, just post em or shoot me a PM. Good Luck!
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  Rain said:

I did manage to solder it today. Board was recognized in escribe, battery charging working as far as I can tell.

But, when assembling VF I did manage to brake screen :D

Ordered new one, when it arrives this will be finally done.

it's a right of passage to break at least one Evolv DNA screen when modding :D. glad to hear it's working out for you. please be sure to post some pics in the DNA 60 thread. also mention any traps for young players/first timers, so they can be avoided.
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