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DNA60 Wiring USB module


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Hi, and thank u for the previous answers.
This is the final scheme before I get to work on the box, is it ok, or ma I missing something.

Wiring DNA60.jpg 
The numbers on near the wire is of course in AWG.
Thanks a lot this is my first box bf home made!

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I've got a question, the mod I'm looking to build with a 60, it doesn't have room for the charge board, I don't care about charging but I'll need to connect to escribe. So the plan is to use a small connector and make a patch cable, wire one side to the charger and one to the board so I can plug it in and connect the charge board to the 60 when I need to use escribe. The main 60 board will not be powered by the battery when connected to escribe, I'll have to pull the battery from the mod when plugging in my patch cable, so in this case, do I need to wire all five pinouts, number's 11-15 or can I get away with just 13-15? I'm trying to use the smallest connector I can find, one half of the patch cable, the side wire to the 60 board, will have to tuck inside the mod when the battery is put back in, space is very limited, a three wire connector would really help if I can get by with it. Thanks!




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hum..... I've made a few "stealthy" super small mods over the years with charge boards and flat cell li-po's.... what battery are you using in this one?  I'm thinking of a "stealthy" with parallel flat cells and the charger board standing up in the very corner. Uses very little space when standing in the corner.  Mind if I ask the physical size of your project? 

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  On 6/4/2017 at 9:07 PM, retird said:

hum..... I've made a few "stealthy" super small mods over the years with charge boards and flat cell li-po's.... what battery are you using in this one?  I'm thinking of a "stealthy" with parallel flat cells and the charger board standing up in the very corner. Uses very little space when standing in the corner.  Mind if I ask the physical size of your project? 


Runs of a 18650, it's not really a super small mod, just space where the board mounts is limited. I've bought four of these, put DNA 40's in them and loved them, they were a great pocket friendly mod but they won't run the .03 ohm builds I use these days so they have been shelved. The 60 should fit fine but there's no room for the charger board, I'll need to make a pigtail (maybe use a ribbon cable) with a small connector to connect the charger to the board for the escribe connection.


When the 200's came around I built a bunch of them, and a couple 75's, I use them all in rotation. The 75's I squeezed in a couple old hana dna 30 boxes and use them for my "work around the house" pocket mods but I really miss my Z's, I'd like to get them dusted off and back in use, plus they just feel good in my hand.



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  On 6/5/2017 at 10:24 AM, retird said:

Yep I see the space is limited. Any chance the usb charger board would lay flat over the display with the usb port exiting the device next to the display window (area shown in red)?



I thought about that, I really doubt there will be enough room. It would be great if it would but I think once the battery tube is in place it will hit the usb port. Hmmm..... I guess I could try to cut down the outer shell of the usb, that would gain a little clearance. I'm still going to look for small connectors to make a patch cable with so one way or the other I should be able to get the mod working. 

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retired, I think I found a solution, if my 3 AM math is correct a 4S lipo battery balance (JST XH) connector will solder right to the 60 board in holes 11-15. https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/jst-sales-america-inc/B5B-XH-A(LF)(SN)/455-2270-ND/1530483


The pins on the JST are .010 closer together then the holes on the board but that's so minor I can bend them a tad so they will align. The body of the connector will fit in the Z and I'm pretty sure it will be low enough to clear the battery tube, if not I can trim it down, heck I could remove the body and just have the pins sticking out of the board. I ordered a cable from amazon that has both the male and female connectors, male to solder to the charge and female for the board. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N1GQ8KC

Edited by Willy
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  On 6/7/2017 at 5:00 PM, eucalyptus. said:


For your information...

JST B2C Connector pitch variations.

SH : 1mm

ZH : 1.5mm

PH : 2mm

XH : 2.5mm

DNA60 USB Through-hole pitch : 0.08 in ( approx. 2mm ) = PH Connector!.


Ah damn it, so my 3 AM math was off, looks like .020 difference. I may still have a chance at making it work, bending the pins to align with the holes in the board isn't a problem, what may be a issue, the body of the JST won't sit flush with the board. I may have to go with another connector, well only one way to find out! 

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  On 6/7/2017 at 10:00 PM, Willy said:

Ah damn it, so my 3 AM math was off, looks like .020 difference. I may still have a chance at making it work, bending the pins to align with the holes in the board isn't a problem, what may be a issue, the body of the JST won't sit flush with the board. I may have to go with another connector, well only one way to find out! 


You know I love you Willy, but most of the world work in mm, so .020 without the unit specified , which we would assume is mm, seems a hell of a lot smaller than the 0.508 mm it is, though both very small.

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  On 6/7/2017 at 10:17 PM, VapingBad said:

You know I love you Willy, but most of the world work in mm, so .020 without the unit specified , which we would assume is mm, seems a hell of a lot smaller than the 0.508 mm it is, though both very small.


My bad, my world is small, I forget this internet reaches world wide. It's an amazing thing to me, at my age I would have never dreamed where we are today. Back in the day most phone lines (longggg before cell phones) were shared party lines, there would be 3 or 4 of your neighbors on the same line, you were careful what you said because any of them could listen in. We've come a long way, younger folks must laugh at our stories of how things use to be. 

VB, thank you brother. ;)

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retird, Here's what I came up with, it will get me by until I come up with a better, permanent patch cable. I used a piece of an old IDE cable and the JST battery connectors, it just fits in that void above the screen you pointed out. I can pull it out, put the battery tube back on and run the mod with a 18650 while monitoring in escribe. Now I need to know, is there a way to shut charging off in escribe with the 60? I don't see it under Device Monitor, then under the Diagnostics button like you would with a 200 connected





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