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Preheat in Kanthal - It Works!


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  giz_60 said:

 Your not pre-heating to a wattage, but to a temperature. The Kanthal preheat cheat is not a plug & play method, because Kanthal is NOT a TC wire...hence the cheat. You will have to play around with the settings...cold ohms, temp, etc....to figure out what works with your setup! 


i locked ohms and it works, thanks.
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  • 3 weeks later...
  yoseff said:

I saw an answer in other topic that i tried and it works!
It deserves to be seen by more people, so i took the liberty to create a new topic with it. It will be in quote, so the person who shared it, get full credit for it:

My friends: This actually is a solution, at least until implemented in firmware!
To make things easier, i share here my already modded kanthal csv file.
(Edit - Also added the ecigprofile i am using on my DNA. I think you can use it and modify to the preheat watts you want)

Thanks gorman :thumb:


why cant i download the attached files?
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  theatrain said:

Not sure if I have to make a post before being able to download these files, so here's my test (keeps saying my account isn't allowed to perform that action when I try to dl the files from OP)


and here's the message
Sorry! You don't have permission to perform this action. Please check your email for instructions on how to begin using your account. You can resend the email if you didn't receive it.
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  theatrain said:

and here's the message
[CODE] Sorry! You don't have permission to perform this action. Please check your email for instructions on how to begin using your account. You can resend the email if you didn't receive it. [/CODE]


Sorry you are getting that, but we (non Evolv forum staff) don't have any control of it, there are not settings we have access to to increase your permissions etc, I believe there is a delay between getting your account activated (when you can post) and the download permissions being applied by the forum software. 
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You will need to go back & read the thread very carefully...it's not plug & play...it's a CHEAT...the DNA devices were not designed to provide pre-heat in power mode...there is some tweaking that you MAY/WILL have to do to get it to work properly...all the info is in the thread....take your time...it does work...been proven...:thumb:

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Ooh.. See... Maybe my csv file not right(i download from other source) But i tried download csv file from this thread...but it said i still not approved... How i can access to download it? And more question, i tried use SS316L clapton coil. But why when i set with that material... Still not working... Any suggestions? Or maybe my ss wire is fake?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  dayloon said:

I can't get my finder 250 to preheat either :(


You will need to go back & read the thread very carefully...it's not plug & play...it's a CHEAT...the DNA devices were not designed to provide pre-heat in power mode...there is some tweaking that you MAY/WILL have to do to the settings to get it to work properly...all the info is in the thread....take your time...it does work...been proven...:thumb:
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