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Spector NS5 RD

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Everything posted by Spector NS5 RD

  1. i cant find what you're talking about on the wismec facebook page can you screen shot it? how many people are talking about this? is this one person or many?
  2. at least 900 mah, if you want any kind of vape time and make sure it has at least a 30c min. rating.
  3. I do believe this thread, at this point, requires me to sport my new tin foil fedora. it's even got a nice saran wrap feather on the side. my new sign for my bunker and my next door neighbor. EDIT...no that's not me, i'm much uglier, and my cat is much more handsome.
  4. no that aint the latest kool aid from evolv. go to page 1 of this thread and download the latest version, something like 2015-10-21.........click that one.
  5. boost as in, yihi's soft, norm, hard setting? no the dna does not have that in non tc mode. or are you asking if it's a boost dc-dc converter? no it's a buck converter.
  6. i'm struggling to reconcile this as just normal 18650 inconsistency. i dunno here's another snap shot
  7. these vt's are really taking a dive. this cant be the only mass produced mod, that appears on this and other forums, to have a high failure rate. can it? jesus, i'm scared to take mine above 40 watts with hearing all these death stories. ive got a brand new one as back up, but damn what's causing these to go kuh-put?
  8. same here with cell one but it flip flops between draining harder and less cells two and three. second screen shot is higher wattage. edit........you know what, mine ain't so bad. no 3 cells are going to drain absolutely identical. I think I'm making a mountain out of a single cocaine line. If it gets worse i'll update.
  9. did you buy the board and make a mod or buy mod with the chip already in it? bought just the board-evolv/bought a dna200 production mod-supplier(however, if you're skilled with a soldering iron, you can, as i have done, remove the board and eliminate sending back to supplier if you believe supplier will jerk you around or take forever with a RMA).
  10. got my scopes on this thread. can't wait to c the finished prod!
  11. when the dna 200 throws up the warranty service message the board is toast, rma time. there have been more hcigars bitting the dust that any other posted device in this forum. im wondering if the high wattage, and or high preheat and or very low ohm, high mass builds are killing these dna's. im sure others with more knowledge will chime in.
  12. Ran battery analyzer on my wismec for a set of new, LG HG2's Actual Watt Hours = 28.39 (2.8v cutoff, 80 watts, .29 ohm load) Tried uploading the battery curve but it wont let me upload a csv type file and im too stupid to figure out a way around it. thanks @bmclaurin LG HG2 28.39 WH.csv.txt
  13. u sure it's the screens and not sumpin like the zif socket or a faulty board? gotta rule em out. did they work before you bent the ribbon?
  14. sounds like another case, among many, of the ribbon cable getting pinched between the fire button and actuator. this and poor 510 grounding are the main issues with the v200. it is possible to fix yourself or call hana for an rma ticket. there is a thread here dedicated to this specific issue with the hana.
  15. my hat has been re purposed as a tube mech. too much voltage drop tho, so dismantled and used pieces to cover up thanksgiving leftovers.
  16. very tasty! great job! hows the fire button in relation to firing, holding it? obviously thumb fired but is it natural, comfortable? maybe this one wont veer off the road and crash?
  17. lol I just did one to help Same as the circuit I posted and the RC site 3S circuit[/QUOTE]beautiful diagram vapinbad. super stoked to put mine through the wringer when she comes. she's coming with 3 lg he4's. part of a package deal from vapenw. but got the lg chocolates coming as well as the lg hb6's. im like a kid in a candy store when it comes to vape gear!!!
  18. i thought this dude wasnt going to post anymore in this thread after being unable to read a simple schematic? any who........ just ordered a wismec reuleaux from vapenw with the three free batt promotion. cant wait. also i'm ordering three LG HB6 18650's. to help with the voltage sag under higher loads. we'll see how it pans out. would it be beneficial to stretch those batt springs out to make for a more solid batt connection?
  19. wheres does escribe gather the pack voltage from? the balance taps then added up to equal the pack voltage or main neg and pos leads? if you blew a fuse and the pack voltage is read from the main leads, wouldnt the blown fuse create an open circuit resulting in 0 volts for pack voltage in device monitor?
  20. you got sumpin against tin foil hats!? shame on you, "temperature control guy". You'll be the first to have his brain waves scrambled by the CIA. Non believer!
  21. if you want a rock solid atty you could drop off a roof and still be accurate to the milliohm, get rid of yer 510 connection and sweat (solder) leads directly from the atty 510 pin and threads to the board. then solder yer wire, ti, ni, nife, ss, etc to the pos and neg posts of yer rda, rta etc. lol problem solved. i have a dna 40 device where i made it a solid, non spring loaded, 510 connection for added stability. connectivity and conductivity are key here. so many people think their builds are "solid" when in fact they are not. TC tips: periodically clean 510 connections, connectors with iso alc, make sure your post screws are snug; after every tank emptying if need be, also helps running spaced coils with any material; room temperature is yer friend when it comes to initial resistance readings/locking. these are most of the things i follow and worked thus far since owning a dna 40 back in oct 2014. tc aint perfect by far, but results can be repeatable if not accurate.
  22. Here's a twisted 26 gauge nife48 build on my sapor. Ohms out to .04 one nice thing about nife 48 is you can dry burn it without the harmful Ti dioxide. Vapes great
  23. bite the bullet and send it back, it'll just get worse. im sure you own more than one mod, right?
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