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Everything posted by retird

  1. hum, I would have thought LV would had at least ran Case Analyzer on the device and set accordingly,... oh well, not a part of this issue but just noted....
  2. Does the Therion 166 come with only the default Evolv thermal settings? See post #6 here... looks like your 166 has default Evolv thermal settings..... just wanted to mention...
  3. Do other devices charge properly using usb of the computer?
  4. Have you checked the battery sag while firing in Device Monitor?
  5. OK then they told you what you needed to do and guided you. Board has 1 year warranty. Maybe somebody you know can remove the board for you.
  6. You have this issue for 5 months now and put off sending to Evolv. Why not just contact them again and let them guide you?
  7. My last post gave you Lost Vape's procedure including what the vendor can do, and should do, for you...
  8. This may help you on the warranty procedure from Lost Vape.... might discuss this with your vendor also.... http://lostvape.mysimplestore.com/p/warranty
  9. What you are probably seeing is the fire button rubbing the ribbon or maybe a loose connection of the ribbon at the board.... at any rate what you are seeing has been seen by many and is almost always a mod makers issue... It's your decision on whether to open it up but if it is a damaged ribbon then you are going to need a new display and Evolv sells them. If it's a loose connection at the board then reseating it could fix it as long as the ribbon isn't damaged... hopefully you have the ability to take the mod apart, reposition the ribbon if not damaged, reset the ribbon at the board if needed, or replace the display, and get it back together in working order...
  10. Contact Lost Vapes next .... how did you get the vendor to answer you so quickly? Is the vendor local to you?
  11. Opening the device may void the warranty.... a pinched ribbon usually can't be fixed by "pinching it back"....what is the vendor's warranty period?
  12. Best to start with the vendor.... when one buys except from a local vendor shipping is just a part of the process...
  13. If memory serves me the device has a 6 month warranty from Lost Vape.......
  14. If the ribbon got pinched by the fire button it is the mod maker who didn't properly position the ribbon cable. The vendor should help you or give you information on contacting the mod maker... this should be the place to start... if that fails then post back here....
  15. Yep it should be OK to use it if the display going dark is the only issue....
  16. Contact the vendor you got it from.... tell them what it is doing.... they should help you on this if its a pinched ribbon....let us know.....
  17. If the ribbon gets pinched by the fire button then the display will need to be replaced.... is the device still in warranty by the mod maker?
  18. hum.... what does device monitor show when you try to fire it ? What are the Battery Settings in the Mod Tab?
  19. hum..... wondering what needs to be updated? Might be a good subject to start a new Topic (like maybe "What I'd like to see in a future Software or Firmware update").
  20. Highlight the material you want on the 133 and click export, save to your computer. Connect your 166 and import the material to the materials list. Move Material you want to the Device side of the Materials, setup your profiles and Upload to the 166.
  21. /topic/66066-topic/?do=findComment&comment=893670
  22. Since you changed a bunch of settings and feel that some of the settings were forgotten could you post a screenshot of the Mod tab settings for both devices?
  23. Here is an older tutorial but may help..... https://downloads.evolvapor.com/escribe/guide/story.html
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