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Anyone else really disappointed with the 250C?


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Looks like the batteries are being charged at a high rate looking at your screen shot....  usually as the batteries get close to full charge the charging circuit current reduces and charges at a slower rate thus the last few % points may take a bit longer.....

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@DJT It appears from your screenshot that your batteries aren't balancing. If those cells truly are fully charged, "fresh off an external charger", then they are not matched very well. The voltages vary too much. The DNA board will show 100% once ALL batteries balance.

Out of curiosity, what batteries are you using? I have found that "cheap" (Usually more expensive) re-wrapped cells sold at local vape shops tend to have quite a bit of variance. The quality control just doesn't seem to be as high as quality branded batteries. (ie. LG, Sony, Samsung) In fact, many re-wrapped batteries are actually cast-offs from such branded companies; cells that did not perform to specifications and quality requirements demanded by the company.

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@Ak89 Now that's interesting. Those are original LG HG2's from Grey Haze in the UK, a reputable company, I've also tried Vapcell rewrapped Sony VTC5D's from Fogstar, another trusted dealer as well. both packs bought just over a month ago when I got the Finder 250C as an 'upgrade' to my Triade 250. Same deal. Hmmmm. I'm going to charge up an older pack that I've still got kicking about here somewhere and try those, I'll report back tomorrow. Thanks!

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@Ak89 Y'know, I have a feeling it is. Even though it's a real Nitecore CS4, which should be doing a great job of managing the batteries all the way to a full 4.2v...... maybe it's stopping a little early. Thinking about it a little more.... what if the Nitecore is charging to just below 4.2v, doing it's top up charge up to a 'safe' maximum. Then the 250C is reading them far more accurately than my 250 did. That would make sense I guess. Yes? No? 😉 

EDIT: I have three HG2's charging now, one just flicked to full, 4.2v so I took it out straight away, I'm waiting for the other two now and I'll do the same, I'm wondering if it's discharging them slightly whilst waiting for the others to charge? Hmm.


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@DJT All possibilities. I have had a couple chargers that acted strange. Not Nitecore though. One (Efest, I think) seemed to stop charging almost randomly, sometimes going beyond 4.2v. Another that routinely stopped at 4.15v. Coughed up for an Opus BT-C3100 and never looked back: it consistently charged to a perfect 4.2v.

I don't use 18650s in my mod anymore, but I still use my Opus to charge flashlight and other batteries. (As well as capacity and health testing...)

If you have a multimeter, check voltage of the cells once the charger says they are full. That should give you a good idea of where it is stopping.

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  On 7/31/2018 at 8:56 AM, DJT said:

Anyone else really disappointed with the 250C?


I certainly was until I switched back to TC mode.

I purchased my DNA250c devices specifically after watching an interview with Brandon where he described Replay and mentioned that he had switched to using it exclusively.

But several weeks of using Replay on two devices from different vendors, resulted in frustration  from all manner of weird behavior and error messages. Some of those have been reported to Evolv.

After switching back to TC, I'm a happy camper. Great vape, no problems whatsoever.

IMHO, Replay is a great idea that still needs a lot of work.

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@DJT my nitecore sc4 was charging to 4.21V when I first got it, now 6+ months later it seems to like to stop at 4.18V. I tried new VTC6 batteries too a couple months back thinking maybe my batteries were just aging, and nope still 4.18V on the nose. I really wish nitecore had gotten back to me sooner, I would have returned it to the store I got it from if I had known that if I set all 4 slots to 1A, it effectively charges them in the same time as 1 or 2 batteries set to 0.5A because it switches between pairs instead of just charging all 4 in parallel. Ah well, it works well enough for now and I'm almost to the point I can ignore that awful noise it makes when it's not charging.

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@joeblowma So it's a combination of me getting the 250C at the same time as the SC4 but the looks of things!! Wow. I've ordered a Xtar VP4 now. Apparently it's very accurate at charging to 4.2 precisely according to those very geeky torch battery forums! Now we just need an update from Evolv to fix the annoying little Reply oddities and I think I'll be happy, ha! Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this thread, I really appreciate all your help.

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  • 3 months later...
  On 7/31/2018 at 8:56 AM, DJT said:


I had a 250 in my Lost Vape Triade, worked brilliantly. I've had my Think Vape Finder 250C for a month or so now... and I'm getting more despondent with it as time goes on! 

I've read many threads here about the battery display never showing the correct percentage. I have this issue as well. I've tried brand new battery packs as well as older ones, never shows more than 98%. This is by charging them in a Nitecore SC and also on the unit itself via USB. Now, if I put the same packs into my old 250, it shows the correct 100%! I've tried csv files that have been posted here for 3x LG HG2 and also VTC5D's. Same thing.

Escribe did update the 250C the first time I connected it, I'm wondering if this updated service pack has caused this issue, I guess you can't downgrade it either would that be right?

I don't have the parts required to do the battery analyser myself I'm afraid.

Will Evolv be bringing out an update to fix these issues I keep reading about on here or shall I just write it off as a bad investment and go back to my trusty 250?




Where are the VTC5D CSV files you applied, I can't find them. Thank you in advance.

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I had this issue with the Therion, battery percentage showing 98 percent at end of charge. 

I suspected something with too thin wires from the battery cradle to the board, or some other reasons for that voltage drop - amounting at the end, to few milli Volts. 

My solution has been very simple, a workaround I would say. In the battery curve, I brought down the 100% point to 4.16 Volt, and the 90% to 4.03. 

It doesn't affect the true charge endpoint, just the percentage monitor. And it works wonder! 

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