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White Screen!


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One of my 250c's, got a white screen yesterday, just out of the blue.

I tried to rewrite the firmware , didn't work. I tried disconnecting & reconnecting the battery, didn't work. I tried rewriting the theme, didn't work.

I tried a Hard Reboot & the screen came back :)  But It did it 2 more times today :(  The Hard reboot still worked  :)

How ever it is getting annoying now to have to do a Hard Reboot to get my screen back.


Is this a  known issue?  Can I do some thing to Stop This from happening?


BTW the Chip still works Fine, when this happens, just a White Screen




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  On 5/30/2018 at 6:28 PM, VapingBad said:

I had it with fixed battery when connecting the screen after connecting the battery, disconnecting the battery and reconnecting solved it.


Thanks for the reply :)  The lipo has a XT30, I tried disconnecting the battery & no Go :(

It seems the only thing that works is Hard Reboot.

Also the screen isn't working perfectly either, The fonts  get a bit distorted (pixelated) , the firing word on the bottom is missing letters, or don't work at all.

Right after the hard Reboot the screen appears normal, until I hit the fire button, them the screen isn't normal any more :(

It has done it, several times now over the past few days :(

I fear the screen may not be making perfect contact at the Zif?  I found they were harder to insert with the colour screen.

It still works for now, this weekend I will open it up & investigate.

Thanks again for the reply :)

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  On 6/8/2018 at 5:43 AM, ruckus said:

@steamer861 did you ever manage to fix this issue ? Just started happening to me few minutes ago.


Yes, the mod has been working fine for several days now. It was the screen. 

When I opened the mod. I was expecting, some thing obvious? A bad kink in the lead?  a juice soaked screen? a loose Zif?

None of that :( Every thing looked perfect! I guess the screen just went out.

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  On 6/8/2018 at 9:47 AM, steamer861 said:

Yes, the mod has been working fine for several days now. It was the screen. 

When I opened the mod. I was expecting, some thing obvious? A bad kink in the lead?  a juice soaked screen? a loose Zif?

None of that :( Every thing looked perfect! I guess the screen just went out.


Ah that's a shame, same thing with mine.. nothing visibility wrong.

I ended up ordering a new screen, will see how we go!


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It looks like I've joined the "white screen club" only mine is on a 75C.  I had been using the mod for a while, put it down for a few minutes, picked it up and got a blank white screen.  I removed the batteries, dual 20700s, put them back in and all was fine again.  I did notice a few extra characters down in the lower right coner of the display that looked like "gs" or "6s", couldn't really tell.  Now the background has gone white.  I'm using the default Evolv theme and that has a black fading to blue at the bottom background normally.  Maybe time for a new screen, groan!  The board sled is epoxied into the mod 😕

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  On 6/17/2018 at 7:29 PM, awsum140 said:

It looks like I've joined the "white screen club" only mine is on a 75C.  I had been using the mod for a while, put it down for a few minutes, picked it up and got a blank white screen.  I removed the batteries, dual 20700s, put them back in and all was fine again.  I did notice a few extra characters down in the lower right coner of the display that looked like "gs" or "6s", couldn't really tell.  Now the background has gone white.  I'm using the default Evolv theme and that has a black fading to blue at the bottom background normally.  Maybe time for a new screen, groan!  The board sled is epoxied into the mod 😕


That makes it a bit worse :( 

Mine did exactly the same, on the bottom part of the screen. 

Good news is over 10 days later, My mod's new screen still working fine :)


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  On 6/17/2018 at 7:29 PM, awsum140 said:

It looks like I've joined the "white screen club" only mine is on a 75C.  I had been using the mod for a while, put it down for a few minutes, picked it up and got a blank white screen.  I removed the batteries, dual 20700s, put them back in and all was fine again.  I did notice a few extra characters down in the lower right coner of the display that looked like "gs" or "6s", couldn't really tell.  Now the background has gone white.  I'm using the default Evolv theme and that has a black fading to blue at the bottom background normally.  Maybe time for a new screen, groan!  The board sled is epoxied into the mod 😕


That's going to be a little tricky to get out haha.. I would try unscrew the board and remove the screen before trying to pry it out.

I'm hoping to receive my replacement screen today.. looking forward to getting my 250C back into my rotation.

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I built the mod, a GL1 from AlpineTech, and there's no way to get the screen out without pulling the board sled, not enough room the way the screen recess is made.  Worst case I'll need a new sled.  Not a biggie, just a PITA, and I will remove the board before I work on getting the sled out.

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  On 6/17/2018 at 11:56 PM, awsum140 said:

I built the mod, a GL1 from AlpineTech, and there's no way to get the screen out without pulling the board sled, not enough room the way the screen recess is made.  Worst case I'll need a new sled.  Not a biggie, just a PITA, and I will remove the board before I work on getting the sled out.



  On 6/18/2018 at 3:35 AM, steamer861 said:

The external chip mount may not look as good with the 3 screws in the face of the mod, But would have come in handy right about now.


This is precisely why I use some really good quality 3M double sided tape.. it works fantastic. I believe it's meant to be used in automotive interiors ? Couldn't tell you much more about it than that..

Hold everything in place, but is removable if need be..

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I hate screws showing on the front of a mod so I gamble the board/screen won't fail and use CA or epoxy.  I've tried various tapes but never found one thin enough or adhesive enough.  Board sleds aren't expensive in the grand scheme of things, just a little finicky getting the old one out, but heck, it's on the inside where the mistakes won't show anyway.

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Screen or board replacement is on hold.  Out of curiosity I changed the theme on the 75C that was producing the white screen occasionally.  The theme history is the original Evolv replay theme followed by the original "Materialish Fire" theme.  I updated that to the latest version, used it for a few weeks, then reverted back to the original Evolv theme.  That's when the white screen problem cropped up.


Monday evening I decided to put the Materialish them back on it, haven't seen a white screen since.  Another thing that was happening with reload of the original Evolv theme was that it was constantly asking "new coil", almost every time it sat for a half hour or more.  That "symptom" has also disappeared.  I can't help but wonder if there's a glitch, somewhere, in the original Evolv theme on a reload or if it simply just glitched on my 75C when I reloaded it.


Ah, the mysteries of modern vaping, but cudos to Sir Timmy Timbit for that theme!

Edited by awsum140
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You may have got lucky?  I wouldn't count on it! I would be expecting the inevitable :(

TBH I can't see how a theme has any thing to do with Screen failure.

My screen failure did come on in waves, at first I could Hard Reboot. That didn't last to long.

I tried different theme's but they had no affect on my situation at all. Plus my white screen was white on more than one DNA 250c.

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Well, I spoke too soon or YOU jinxed me, Steamer.  I picked up the 75C after it had sat for about a half hour and the screen is white, well not totally white it kind of looks like a vapor cloud on a white background.  It still fires normally though.  Next rainy day I'll pull the board and screen, install a new one and open a ticket.  It's only a few months old.

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I'm hoping to send them both the screen and the board.  I only hope that after they get them the problem duplicates itself so they can find out what the heck is doing it.  Being south of the borer, in this case, works to my advantage.


On another note, is there any way to entice you guys "up north" to send the cool air here in the summer rather than the winter?

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I replaced my screen yesterday, fired right back up and were back in business baby woo hoo!

My replacement screen bounced around Australia for an entire week... the ironic thing is it only took 2 days to get here from the US!

Just thought id share a quick update, cheers.

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  • 2 months later...
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  On 6/20/2018 at 3:11 PM, steamer861 said:

Well, it seems some of these screen are infact defective :(

I'm glad spares were offered in the last group buy :)       "better to have & not need" 

Even if Evolv was nice enough to replace them? shipping from Canada cost more than the screen :(


Yup, it appears too many defective screens are getting past quality control. I bought my Paranormal DNA 250C last Monday and got the white screen problem today (Saturday). It only lasted 5 days before failing. 

What assurance is there that a replacement screen will not have the same problem? 

Edited by Jim Ashby
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  On 9/22/2018 at 9:19 AM, Jim Ashby said:

Yup, it appears too many defective screens are getting past quality control. I bought my Paranormal DNA 250C last Monday and got the white screen problem today (Saturday). It only lasted 5 days before failing. 

What assurance is there that a replacement screen will not have the same problem? 


It is unfortunate that we are having these screen issues :(  I do sympathize with Evolv on this issue, I'm fairly certain they (Evolv) out source these screens?

When there is a failure, Evolv is stuck with the repercussions  :(  

Reminds me of my 1992 Sonoma, It was all ways  back at the dealership being fixed under warranty, every time it was cheep "Mexican" Part that had failed :(

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