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Problem with ecig-file

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Ari from sweetspot vapours has been kind and created a proper calibration file for the HCigar VT200. But I can't get it to load. I am getting "Unsupported file format" when trying to open it. Others have reported it working, and the response to people who have had the problem has been given the advice to install the latest version of escribe, but I already have the latest. What am I doing wrong? I am trying to open it with FILE-OPEN.

Edit. Not entirely sure but it looks like the reference by Ari for "the latest" escribe is actually the second to latest escribe.

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James said:

Could you give a link to this calibration file?
If it is a .CSV file, go to Material and choose Custom, then click Load CSV on the Material Profile.
If it is a .ecigprofile file, click Load Profile on one of your profiles.

Actually it's none of the above. It's a *.ecig file, the filetype escribe defaults to when trying to open it with FILE-OPEN. I was under the impression thats the way to import the settings. I have tried to open it with file-open and load profile. It's supposed to contain a complete calibration of all settings, including battery analysis/battery discharge/cell soft cutoff/mod resistance/case analysis/wire profiles etc etc.

I got the file from a closed facebook group, and I am not sure whether Ari agrees to making it public. I will send it to you in a PM James.
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bingbling said:

Is there any way to debug why I can't load the ecig settings file? Perhaps a way to log whats happening in the background to see why and what makes it fail? It seems I am the only one who can't open the file. Its really weird.

Have you tried from a different computer?

Send the file to me in a message and I will try it, if you want to let me have a go at it?

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dc601 said:

[QUOTE=bingbling]Is there any way to debug why I can't load the ecig settings file? Perhaps a way to log whats happening in the background to see why and what makes it fail? It seems I am the only one who can't open the file. Its really weird.

Have you tried from a different computer?

Send the file to me in a message and I will try it, if you want to let me have a go at it?


No I have not tried it in a different computer yet. I only have access to one PC and one Macbook at home. And its too much of a hazzle to get escribe running on a Mac. I will however try the file at my work computer monday morning.

I can send the file to you if you want, even tough I know for certain there is nothing wrong with the file. James the admin here has confirmed it working, and so has countless other people from the closed facebook group I got it from.

The file throwing "Unsupported file format" error for me simply makes ZERO sense. We all have the exact same version of escribe and the exakt same version of the ecig file. I can't for my life figure out what is wrong. And even if I were daft beyond belief there simply is not much that could possibly go wrong opening the file ;)

I alos tried uninstalling and reinstalling escribe, same problem. I ran it as admin and normal user, no difference. I am on a Windows 8.1 Pro x64 machine, eng version with swedish keyboard layout if that could possibly be a factor.

I saved my own custom escribe settings file earlier, just to try it out. And that one loads just fine, not that it does me any good though lol ;)
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bingbling said:

[QUOTE=dc601][QUOTE=bingbling]Is there any way to debug why I can't load the ecig settings file? Perhaps a way to log whats happening in the background to see why and what makes it fail? It seems I am the only one who can't open the file. Its really weird.

Have you tried from a different computer?

Send the file to me in a message and I will try it, if you want to let me have a go at it?


No I have not tried it in a different computer yet. I only have access to one PC and one Macbook at home. And its too much of a hazzle to get escribe running on a Mac. I will however try the file at my work computer monday morning.

I can send the file to you if you want, even tough I know for certain there is nothing wrong with the file. James the admin here has confirmed it working, and so has countless other people from the closed facebook group I got it from.

The file throwing "Unsupported file format" error for me simply makes ZERO sense. We all have the exact same version of escribe and the exakt same version of the ecig file. I can't for my life figure out what is wrong. And even if I were daft beyond belief there simply is not much that could possibly go wrong opening the file ;)

I alos tried uninstalling and reinstalling escribe, same problem. I ran it as admin and normal user, no difference. I am on a Windows 8.1 Pro x64 machine, eng version with swedish keyboard layout if that could possibly be a factor.

I saved my own custom escribe settings file earlier, just to try it out. And that one loads just fine, not that it does me any good though lol ;)[/QUOTE]

The *.ecig file you messaged to me loads just fine into EScribe here on a Win-10 laptop. I didn't upload to device but just opened EScribe with no device plugged in and it loaded all settings into EScribe.
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Ok. It took me a bit but got the file to load To do it open escribe. Click on file in the upper left corner then scroll down to open. Navigate to where your file is located and you may not see it but in the lower right corner of the dialog box is a file type drop down Menu. Change this to all files and your file will now appear. Click on it and click on open. You cannot just double click on the file in windows explorer or use any of the load buttons within escribe. You have to use the file menu at the very very top of the window

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rbeamj said:

Ok. It took me a bit but got the file to load To do it open escribe. Click on file in the upper left corner then scroll down to open. Navigate to where your file is located and you may not see it but in the lower right corner of the dialog box is a file type drop down Menu. Change this to all files and your file will now appear. Click on it and click on open. You cannot just double click on the file in windows explorer or use any of the load buttons within escribe. You have to use the file menu at the very very top of the window

Yeah I know how to open the file haha ;) I've been around computers and such for the last 20 years or so, I work in IT tech/support business reapairing/building computers. So I am fairly tech savvy ;)
The issue isnt "how" to open but to get it to open without the error. When I try opening the file, no matter which way, doubleclick or open it via the File menu, it throws the error "Cant open - Unsupported file format". Thats what baffles me since I know the file is OK, and my escribe works in any other way. But the file simply wont open. Its an enigma, and its driving me nuts! I am going to try it at work tomorrow morning.

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So I tried opening the file on my work computer, same thing :( Can't open - "Unsupported file format". Could some knowledgeable person please help me? This is looking more and more like a bug in the software, maybe due to some localization? I work in IT but I am not a programmer so I can't debug this. Maybe someone from the escribe software developer team could assist?

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File is OK, not corrupted etc. It has been confirmed by a number of people, both mine and Ari's copy of the file(s). I am going to try a few different possible solution later at home. It might have something to do with localizations within the OS. I will report back later.

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*bump* The mystery has been solved. Me and Ari have been discussing this quite a bit today. And after some experimentation we found what was causing the issue. The problem was the date/time format. I am in sweden and I run an english OS Win8.1Pro with swedish keyboard lauout and swedish date/time format. And the calibration file from Ari contains timestamps in US format which couldnt be properly handled by escribe when I was in swedish date/format in the OS.
So what I did was switch to US date/time format - started escribe - loaded the calib file - uploaded it to the device - disconnected - switched back to Swedish date/time format - started escribe and downloaded the settings and then resaved the file. Now it loads just fine for me in swedish date/time format.

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My day job is time management/planning software development, and if I can make a suggestion to Evolv's dev team:

Use the ISO 8601 format for dates whenever a date needs to be exported, stored or transfered as a string. 

This format is unambiguous, human readable, alphabetically sortable, easily parsable, all sorts of good stuff. ISO 8601 makes date format pains go away.

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Dampmaskin said:

My day job is time management/planning software development, and if I can make a suggestion to Evolv's dev team:

Use the ISO 8601 format for dates whenever a date needs to be exported, stored or transfered as a string. 

This format is unambiguous, human readable, alphabetically sortable, easily parsable, all sorts of good stuff. ISO 8601 makes date format pains go away.


Would have saved me some headache ;)
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Stevelee said:

Can I have the file also ? I am using vt200 also Million thanks Email : stevelee8217918@gmail.com

I spoke to Ari, the author of the file about sharing it, and he felt it was better you get it directly from the source so he can provide support and updates for future escribe versions. I will respect his wishes and not share it here. You are welcome to join the Facebook group "Dna200 modders", there you will easily find the posts from Ari containing the settings file and support for it.
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bingbling said:

[QUOTE=Stevelee]Can I have the file also ? I am using vt200 also Million thanks Email : stevelee8217918@gmail.com

I spoke to Ari, the author of the file about sharing it, and he felt it was better you get it directly from the source so he can provide support and updates for future escribe versions. I will respect his wishes and not share it here. You are welcome to join the Facebook group "Dna200 modders", there you will easily find the posts from Ari containing the settings file and support for it.[/QUOTE]

Why not contact Hcigar and get their file after all they made the device.  Ari's file was modified by Ari thus different than Hcigar's file.  Go to the source, or at least that is my take on it.  Good luck.
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dc601 said:

[QUOTE=bingbling][QUOTE=Stevelee]Can I have the file also ? I am using vt200 also Million thanks Email : stevelee8217918@gmail.com

I spoke to Ari, the author of the file about sharing it, and he felt it was better you get it directly from the source so he can provide support and updates for future escribe versions. I will respect his wishes and not share it here. You are welcome to join the Facebook group "Dna200 modders", there you will easily find the posts from Ari containing the settings file and support for it.[/QUOTE]

Why not contact Hcigar and get their file after all they made the device.  Ari's file was modified by Ari thus different than Hcigar's file.  Go to the source, or at least that is my take on it.  Good luck.[/QUOTE]

That would of course be the ideal solution, if HCigar had bothered with calibrating the device from the start, which they have not. They ship it with evolv defaults.
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bingbling said:

[QUOTE=dc601][QUOTE=bingbling][QUOTE=Stevelee]Can I have the file also ? I am using vt200 also Million thanks Email : stevelee8217918@gmail.com

I spoke to Ari, the author of the file about sharing it, and he felt it was better you get it directly from the source so he can provide support and updates for future escribe versions. I will respect his wishes and not share it here. You are welcome to join the Facebook group "Dna200 modders", there you will easily find the posts from Ari containing the settings file and support for it.[/QUOTE]

Why not contact Hcigar and get their file after all they made the device.  Ari's file was modified by Ari thus different than Hcigar's file.  Go to the source, or at least that is my take on it.  Good luck.[/QUOTE]

That would of course be the ideal solution, if HCigar had bothered with calibrating the device from the start, which they have not. They ship it with evolv defaults.[/QUOTE]

that is all well and good except not all vt200's are the same, each battery for instance is not identical and the import you get may not be ideal for your battery .....using evolv defaults you get the experience tuning your own device using the analyzer's in escribe and building your own profile ..... a lot quicker than waiting on someone else to do it
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Azzitude said:

[QUOTE=bingbling][QUOTE=dc601][QUOTE=bingbling][QUOTE=Stevelee]Can I have the file also ? I am using vt200 also Million thanks Email : stevelee8217918@gmail.com

I spoke to Ari, the author of the file about sharing it, and he felt it was better you get it directly from the source so he can provide support and updates for future escribe versions. I will respect his wishes and not share it here. You are welcome to join the Facebook group "Dna200 modders", there you will easily find the posts from Ari containing the settings file and support for it.[/QUOTE]

Why not contact Hcigar and get their file after all they made the device.  Ari's file was modified by Ari thus different than Hcigar's file.  Go to the source, or at least that is my take on it.  Good luck.[/QUOTE]

That would of course be the ideal solution, if HCigar had bothered with calibrating the device from the start, which they have not. They ship it with evolv defaults.[/QUOTE]

that is all well and good except not all vt200's are the same, each battery for instance is not identical and the import you get may not be ideal for your battery .....using evolv defaults you get the experience tuning your own device using the analyzer's in escribe and building your own profile ..... a lot quicker than waiting on someone else to do it[/QUOTE]

Yes, your are correct, not all VT200 are 100% identical and the battery will have minor differences. I did run the battery analyzer myself, and I measured the mod resistance. I have my own wire profiles setup etc etc. So I have gone through the process of setting things up. I wasn't looking for a "quick and easy" way to setup the VT200.
This whole thing started out with me wanting to inspect and try Ari's settings out, and see what difference it would make. Ari has made some valid arguments in the comment section of the dna200 modders group on facebook, as to why he made the settings file. I am not going to get into the technical stuff why he did it, he is a lot better at explaining that than me. Anyone interested is welcome to join dna200 modders group and read the comments or ask him.
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bingbling said:


So I tried opening the file on my work computer, same thing :( Can't open - "Unsupported file format". Could some knowledgeable person please help me? This is looking more and more like a bug in the software, maybe due to some localization? I work in IT but I am not a programmer so I can't debug this. Maybe someone from the escribe software developer team could assist?

You do not want to open the file as it is indeed of a type that has no association.  You want to go into escribe and select File and Open to open the file.
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blueridgedog said:


So I tried opening the file on my work computer, same thing :( Can't open - "Unsupported file format". Could some knowledgeable person please help me? This is looking more and more like a bug in the software, maybe due to some localization? I work in IT but I am not a programmer so I can't debug this. Maybe someone from the escribe software developer team could assist?

You do not want to open the file as it is indeed of a type that has no association.  You want to go into escribe and select File and Open to open the file.[/QUOTE]

Well, no entirely true. Both my work computer and home computer has the *.ecig file associated with escribe, and doubleckling it opens it. So both methods work. However this has been solved. I will quote myself from a few posts above.

bingbling said:

*bump* The mystery has been solved. Me and Ari have been discussing this quite a bit today. And after some experimentation we found what was causing the issue. The problem was the date/time format. I am in sweden and I run an english OS Win8.1Pro with swedish keyboard layout and swedish date/time format. And the calibration file from Ari contains timestamps in US format which couldnt be properly handled by escribe when I was in swedish date/format in the OS.
So what I did was switch to US date/time format - started escribe - loaded the calib file - uploaded it to the device - disconnected - switched back to Swedish date/time format - started escribe and downloaded the settings and then resaved the file. Now it loads just fine for me in swedish date/time format.

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