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Updating firmware crash

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Well after getting my board back from warranty I go to load it up with escribe to update the firmware. Escribe crashed during the upload and now my board will not come on. I have tried to do so manually in ecribe and I get a no device connected when i try now. I have searched for a while and I haven't had any luck finding a solution. I've tried 5 different data cables, even ones that have worked before with no luck. Any suggestions? ?

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That is dated August of last year... you can go to post 1 in this thread to load the latest test version or the recommended version below it......after loading the one you want you might see if it works for you... if not try this:

Click on Tools/update firmware... open the dna200 folder... click on the latest file and click open.... forces an update which may help.

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Just to chime in, this was likely caused by windows update driver search. I have noticed on a few select machine that the device will connect, the board shows up in Device Manager, but it doesn't become "available" to connect to EScribe as the driver search sometimes takes 5-10 minutes. Not sure exactly why it works so fast on some machine, and takes forever on others but I've had to turn this off under advanced system options in a few cases, such as on my laptop. We looked into this a bit but it seems to be related to how windows handle drivers and not something we are doing.

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  • 3 months later...

i am having the exact same issue. i have no clue what is going on. I installed escribe and updated my device only a week into having the device (lavabox). I am using the cable that came with the lavabox. I attempted to update and then the device shut off and will not turn back on. I have tried all of the troubleshooting tips listed previously and nothing. help?

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I've occasionally had these same issues and it has always been a windows problem with respect to how USB drivers/devices are detected.

My solution so far is to shut down the machine with the DNA device connected and reboot. Proper detection of all USB drivers and devices sometimes seems to take a long time so I pour a cup of coffee and chill or do some useful work elsewhere.

So far this simple solution has not failed me.  It's an inconvenience but apparently one just has to let Windows be Windows.  :)

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I did this, and still no luck. I really don't want to say it's the mod. I absolutely love the thing. I'm using an old gateway that's like 6 years old. I've always had problems with it. But surely there's nothing I did that would have fried the chip or anything inside right? I am going to connect it to a friends MacBook later today. He uses escribe as well and we will see if we can get it up and running again

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