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Error press up to continue


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just got my reuleaux last night and got the same error message when writing to the device. the program date was 11/6 so i assume its the latest firmware. my lavabox updated firmware when i ran escribe the first and never seen the error message on that device. i did a hard reboot on my reuleaux and have not seen it again. im only 12 hrs into it tho so time will tell.

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  dairylandservice said:

[QUOTE=James]Has this happened to anyone who is not on 8/21?

The battery meter has changed because that message indicates it accidentally restarted without savings its settings. Most likely it indicates a firmware bug.
Do you have any special settings presently? If so, could you attach them please?

I'm getting the same "Error Press Up to Continue" and same 77% battery meter reading on fully charged batteries in 3 of my 4 Reuleauxs.

I am running firmware 2015-9-30 on all 4 and Escribe Revision

The problem is very intermittent and I have not seen this at all on either of my VT 200s.[/QUOTE]On my 4th and newest Reuleaux, the very first thing I saw on the screen (after taking it out of the packaging and installing 3 VTC5's) was "ERROR Press up to continue".  I had to press up and then I saw welcome screen for the very first time.  This was prior to changing anything from default or even screwing on an atty.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got this last night. I charged my VTC4's, brand new with the Reulaeux I got almost two weeks ago. On my Blu6, metered them at 4.2. Put them in the Reuleaux, battery percent and bar showed 84%. I have my charge fields set on this DNA 200 to display cell voltage. All were accurately reading 4.2, and it stopped charging internally. Watt hours were 18 something, in the device monitor, and I'm using a battery profile from here that the Reuleaux tested VTC4's at 21.44. That was still correct. I tried swapping to another set of batteries, same thing, married set all read 4.2 in the device and escribe, but 84%. Was late so I just pulled the batteries and went to bed. Same crap this morning. Then I put the batteries in rotated again, and got no screen, then error press up to continue. It booted all was fine, but 84% still. I ended up going into device monitor and changed my watt hours manually to 21.44, my pack was at 12.6, cells at 4.2. And uploaded, so far all is fine. I was gonna hard reboot, but I had batteries in, and it didn't seem to want to do it. I'm gonna keep monitoring the cells. I set the charge display on this guy to show the cells so I could make sure all were staying balanced without escribe. Also, I should say that live monitoring, even prior to the fix, all my batteries sagged evenly dead on. .35 atty, kanthal, authentic vector, 63 watts. Everything but the watt hours, only in live monitoring was perfect. So, I reset the watt hours when fully charged in device monitor. I've pulled and rotated the batteries since, we are good so far. After having to fix the screen ribbon a good week ago, now this, I'm concerned about this device. My Tugboat DNA 200 is over a month old, and it's been perfect. Hope this maybe helps someone.

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  • 1 month later...

Just got this message this morning while going out the door for work. I did a battery swap (LG HE4's), was opening the door to leave, fired it up, nothing. Looked at the screen to see the error. Hadn't seen this yet on my 2-Week old Reuleaux until this morning. I pressed the up and everything looked normal. I was running power mode at 50W

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  • 1 month later...

Just happened to me.  Vaping along fine for an hour or so.  Went to take a hit and nothing.  Blank screen.  While I was reaching for a cable to plug into Escribe the error message popped up.  I've had the blank screen issue a couple times over the last month or so.  I usually remove the battery due to scares of previous board failures.  Any answer yet?

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  • 5 months later...

Any more info on this error message? Just happened to me twice on a 250 board. Once after unplugging from usb wall charger and again 10 min later after uploading settings to device plugged into computer running escribe. Running 1.2 SP3 updated to that the day after I built the mod on 8/27/16. Using kanthal coil in power control mode.



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  Tread said:

Any more info on this error message? Just happened to me twice on a 250 board. Once after unplugging from usb wall charger and again 10 min later after uploading settings to device plugged into computer running escribe. Running 1.2 SP3 updated to that the day after I built the mod on 8/27/16. Using kanthal coil in power control mode.

there's this post from James....

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  Tread said:

Thanks for the fast response chunky, I'm still pretty new to the 200/250 and escribe, what does he mean by special settings? Settings on the profile I am currently using while the error is happening? UPDATE ON POST: Added pic with "My DNA" info in top left

not exactly sure tread. this wasn't a common problem with 200/250 boards. information is limited on this topic in this forum. if you really want to find out i would open a help ticket with evolv.

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  • 4 months later...

Recently started experiencing this issue on my every day carry DNA250 device. It happens randomly. Some of the time the battery charge is in the 70's range...some of the time it occurs when the battery percentage is as low as 40 percent. The only constant seems to be that it happens when the mod has been sitting for 45 minutes or more (which doesn't happen often during the day). 

So far I've checked my battery options in escribe for the turnigy 1300mAh pack I use (all correct at Lithium polymer, 14.43 Wh,, 3 cell, soft cutoff at 3.09v, and mazimize puffs) 

The only odd thing I do see in that tab is the Max Peak Input current is set to 28A, and the Max Sustained Input Current is set to 28A. I've never changed those values. 28 Amps seems completely unrealistic to me....should that be 2.8 Amps, or am I barking up the wrong tree?

Currently the mod and escribe are at Version 1.2 SP5.2

I just did a couple of soft reboots, a hard reboot, reloaded my most recent .ecig file, and removed the 3s pack and waited for a minute before re-terminating it. 

All seems good now, but only time will tell. What have the rest of you found that cured this issue?

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Guys,

Sorry to necrobump this thread. If you do get this error and your battery meter shows that its not at 100%, even though on Device Monitor it shows all cells as being at 4.20v. You can try the following, which worked for me when I ran into this error on my DNA250.

Step 1: Open the Escribe>Mod>Battery tab
Step 2: Set your "Wh" setting to "1", then upload. You should see it show 100% charged.
Step 3: Set the "Wh" to whatever it should be and upload, It should now still show 100% charged.

It might be worth noting that I reinstalled the Service Pack I was using first to try fix it to no avail, however I need to mention it in case it was a factor in resolving the issue and the above steps don't work for anyone with the same issue.

Edited by Si98justme
Extra info
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