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Discharge profiles for WisMec ReuLeaux


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  WickedTLC said:

Under Mod section for LG HG2 battery users, use Watt-Hour Calculator, I just input 3000mah and 10.8v(3.6 times 3). It will come out to be 32.4wh. I've also selected Charging Mode into Maximize Recharges. For discharge profile and more accurate reading of battery life display I've posted a picture.

100% - 4.2v
95% - 4.15v
90% - 4.10v
85% - 4.05v
80% - 4.00v
75% - 3.95v
70% - 3.90v
65% - 3.85v
60% - 3.80v
55% - 3.75v
50% - 3.70v
45% - 3.65v
40% - 3.60v
35% - 3.55v
30% - 3.50v
25% - 3.45v
20% - 3.40v
15% - 3.35v
10% - 3.30v
5% - 3.25v
0% - 3.20v

I've set Cell Soft Cutoff to 3.2v. With this discharge profile my battery goes down by 1 tiny little square boxes at a time on the Wismec Reuleaux display, and if I wanted to or choose to recharge them at the safest volt 3.5-3.6 for max battery life cycle, I would take them out around 1/3 of battery life being displayed. With this, I would have a choice to know when its going to hit under 3.5v and that I am making a small sacrifice in in terms of max life cycle of my LG HG2 battery.

Please correct me if i've made an mistake with this set up. Thank you guys.

Edit: good info under Reuleaux Mod Resistance Thread on lowering the soft cut off also max recharges stops charge at 4.19v and max puffs I believe 4.20v
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  WickedTLC said:

Under Mod section for LG HG2 battery users, use Watt-Hour Calculator, I just input 3000mah and 10.8v(3.6 times 3). It will come out to be 32.4wh. I've also selected Charging Mode into Maximize Recharges. For discharge profile and more accurate reading of battery life display I've posted a picture.

100% - 4.2v
95% - 4.15v
90% - 4.10v
85% - 4.05v
80% - 4.00v
75% - 3.95v
70% - 3.90v
65% - 3.85v
60% - 3.80v
55% - 3.75v
50% - 3.70v
45% - 3.65v
40% - 3.60v
35% - 3.55v
30% - 3.50v
25% - 3.45v
20% - 3.40v
15% - 3.35v
10% - 3.30v
5% - 3.25v
0% - 3.20v

I've set Cell Soft Cutoff to 3.2v. With this discharge profile my battery goes down by 1 tiny little square boxes at a time on the Wismec Reuleaux display, and if I wanted to or choose to recharge them at the safest volt 3.5-3.6 for max battery life cycle, I would take them out around 1/3 of battery life being displayed. With this, I would have a choice to know when its going to hit under 3.5v and that I am making a small sacrifice in in terms of max life cycle of my LG HG2 battery.

Please correct me if i've made an mistake with this set up. Thank you guys.

Looks like you just did math to get this discharge curve? Did you go look at an entire discharge test on battery bro, kidney punch or any of the battery test sites? They don't usually seem to discharge in such a straight line and 10.8 doesn't sound right for voltage o think it should be 11.1. I could be way off here but I'm trying to help someone input the curve for these same batteries and your info just isn't looking quite right compared to other discharge curves I've seen. Like I said, I could way wrong and this is perfect.
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They've posted the correct settings for Wismec Reuleaux along with an firmware update. However, for LG HG2 batteries, if you google the spec it will show 3.6v as nominal volt, but most stickers on them show 3.7v 3000mAh, I don't think it matters with such tiny difference, when it's really a 3.6v 2960mAh battery. You can just put 3000mAh and 11.1v or 2960mAh 10.8v in the Watt-Hour calculator.

It appears that they've made the standard cutoff at 2.8v in the downloaded settings, I just changed it to 3.0v-3.1v. You can see the factory discharge profile setting is a little identical with what I did at 65.1%, 57.6%, and 46.4%. 

Correct me if I am wrong, but I think the discharge profile lines shows on the Wismec Reuleaux Battery Display by 0.5mm(or less) tiny little square boxes if you were to click "Split" and add a few between 97.9%(4.15v) to 65.1%(3.79v). I don't want to be vaping for hours and the display still shows 90% when it is nearly half way, you get what I'm saying? All I want is the battery display to move down 1 tiny square box at a time and show the most accurate reading of how much it has left as it discharges, wouldn't you?

Please let me know if I am wrong in any way, or if there is a better way to make the battery display accurate discharge readings. Thank you.

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  sdkyron said:

In the end, does anyone have a definitive .csv file for the lg hg2 batteries ?

I am using a very old version of MS Excel and get an error message when I try to attach the actual spreadsheet here but I was able to copy and paste the data here.  Hopefully you guys can copy and paste this data into your csv file and do something with it if you want. 

Battery Charge (%)

Cell Voltage (V)























This was created inside Escribe with "battery analyzer" for the HG2's in the Reuleaux @ .24 ohm load, and @ 100 watts in non/TC mode.  The HG2's are new, married, rotated inside mod from cycle to cycle, and only have 3 normal (for me) cycles on them.  "Soft Cut-Off" was set to default (3.09v) for this test.  The watt hours for my setup at .24 ohms and 100 watts worked out to 28.654 watt hours.

I honestly just finished this test (63 minutes to complete @ 100 watts), and have not had time to put the mod through a complete cycle to see how accurate the battery bar and percent of charge numbers are at the bottom of the cycle but the top 36 % looks good to me.

I plan on raising the "soft cut-off" to 3.2 volts and running this again soon.

I will post an updated csv reflecting the higher (3.2v) SC when I do that.

Here is what I came up with for my Reuleaux, LG HG2's, @100w - .24 ohm and the "soft cut-off" set to 3.2v


Battery Charge (%)

Cell Voltage (V)























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I've changed my soft cell cut off to 2.8V. The battery level indicator will show ZERO when my batteries are still at 3.55V. It is still firing fine.
I'm waiting for my batteries to get to 2.8V to see if the soft cell cut off (weak battery) will prevent it from firing. 
It seems to me the indicator won't be correct until Evolv properly programs for 18650s. 

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You have to find the right soft cutoff for your particular batteries so that when it is tripped your batteries are at the resting voltage you desire. I used a set of 30q batteries worth wismec factory cutoff of 2.8. My batteries were around 3.2 when I removed them for external charging and the soft cutoff had still no tripped and displayed wEak battery yet. So I upped my cutoff to 3.0v and I'm going to see how that plays out. It's a bit of work but I want my meter to be accurate for the 3000mah cells and a little bit of tweaking isn't a huge issue. I want my cells around 3.4 resting voltage and I'll post the cutoff and watt hour input once I get it dialed in tight.

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Have you plugged into escribe and watched the stats on the monitor panel while this happened? I'm wondering if you are getting good connection on all 3 cells. There have been some units that are having connection problems because the plastic ring is a little high or the batteries are a little old and worn.

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  Jvape78 said:

Have you plugged into escribe and watched the stats on the monitor panel while this happened? I'm wondering if you are getting good connection on all 3 cells. There have been some units that are having connection problems because the plastic ring is a little high or the batteries are a little old and worn.


unfortunately at home i've only mac, i'll try to have teh same problem whan i'll be at work and i'll check. Anyway thanks for the info i'll try to check the connection.

Thanks for your help!!!!!
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  dedone said:

[QUOTE=Jvape78]Have you plugged into escribe and watched the stats on the monitor panel while this happened? I'm wondering if you are getting good connection on all 3 cells. There have been some units that are having connection problems because the plastic ring is a little high or the batteries are a little old and worn.


unfortunately at home i've only mac, i'll try to have teh same problem whan i'll be at work and i'll check. Anyway thanks for the info i'll try to check the connection.

Thanks for your help!!!!![/QUOTE]

Get Parallels or Virtualbox! Virtualbox is fee.
I personally prefere parallels. Works perfecto! ;-)
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Can anyone please help? On my reuleaux ive ran the case analyzer and batter analyzer (new-LGh2-3000mah) Why when im charging via usb, around 90% charged the charge rate drops below .2 amps (1 amp charging block)? When i take the batteries out and put on my external charger they each read 4.1v. I just want my reuleaux to be as accurate as possible.

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My stuff works and others outside of here have been using it and are happy : Here's my LG HG2 Profile and I set the cutoff to 2.5V http://www.filedropper.com/3slghg2batteryprofile Settings https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.websitetoolbox.com/186396/2512125 Here's the remaining settings that are from the manufacturer, mine are actual but close. https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.websitetoolbox.com/186396/2512411

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  Jaquith said:

My stuff works and others outside of here have been using it and are happy : Here's my LG HG2 Profile and I set the cutoff to 2.5V http://www.filedropper.com/3slghg2batteryprofile Settings https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.websitetoolbox.com/186396/2512125 Here's the remaining settings that are from the manufacturer, mine are actual but close. https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.websitetoolbox.com/186396/2512411


it looks to be solid settings - also checking your investigations and so far it looks very promising 

thanks for sharing
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  Jaquith said:

My stuff works and others outside of here have been using it and are happy : Here's my LG HG2 Profile and I set the cutoff to 2.5V http://www.filedropper.com/3slghg2batteryprofile Settings https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.websitetoolbox.com/186396/2512125 Here's the remaining settings that are from the manufacturer, mine are actual but close. https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.websitetoolbox.com/186396/2512411

I notice your soft cutoff at 2.5v . I have 2 questions. I had built a dual 18650dna a little while back and my batteries sagged a low enough to trip the weak battery at 70 percent charge so I set my soft cut to 2.9 and it seems to be prefect now but when I was researching the soft cuti was told by a few people that escribe won't recognize anything lower than 2.8v. Even though you can input a lower value. So have you watched the batteries sag on the escribe monitor to this 2.5 setting when you get a weak battery notification and know it does recognize that 2.5 as a valid setting? I am great at 2.9,just curious is all. Second question is with your settings,what is the resting voltage of your batteries when you get the weak battery notification? Thanks
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  Jvape78 said:

I notice your soft cutoff at 2.5v . I have 2 questions. I had built a dual 18650dna a little while back and my batteries sagged a low enough to trip the weak battery at 70 percent charge so I set my soft cut to 2.9 and it seems to be prefect now but when I was researching the soft cuti was told by a few people that escribe won't recognize anything lower than 2.8v. Even though you can input a lower value. So have you watched the batteries sag on the escribe monitor to this 2.5 setting when you get a weak battery notification and know it does recognize that 2.5 as a valid setting? I am great at 2.9,just curious is all. Second question is with your settings,what is the resting voltage of your batteries when you get the weak battery notification? Thanks


For 'now' its cutsoff at approximately 3.0V (under load); 2S = 6V and 3S = 9V. I inserted the actual battery specs for the LG HG2 (3.6V, 2.5V cuttoff @ 3,000 mAh). Now the sag primarily depends upon your load and obviously your battery. So the firmware, for now, ignores any input <3.0V. I assume in your dual 2S configuration, the "Kanthal Power Limit" is = 133W and not 200W AND you have a 2S not 3S Battery Profile installed onto your Mod. The one I published is for 200W, 3S and 3x18650 LG HG2's in good (new) condition.

So to answer your questions:
1. Any 'Cell' value Less than 3.0V won't 'fire.' Though I've heard (2.85V somewhere is supposedly programmed). 
2. Weak battery warning happens for a few reasons, but once I properly configure 'my Mods' the batteries are nearly depleted and <5% (fractionally above cutoff; no load) and the sag / voltage drop is hitting the, in this case 3.0V. 

Of course I've read the "at 20% I get a Weak Battery" in redit, but those are improperly set up and poorly configured Mods for the most part. Your Load, Battery condition, Setup, etc all play a part in getting oddball problems.

If you look and compare my profiles you'll note 0% = ~3.0V. 

Here's a 0.34 Ohm (TC) with a 0.11V drop at ~11.3A with the battery under 18% of its charge: 

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Very nice. Thanks for sharing your setup versions. My dual boxer and triple reuleaux both run amazingly accurate and im getting ready to build 2 more dna mods in g plus cases. Battery meter issues seems to be one of the more common issues people are having so I like to see different perspectives on setup.

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  Murknyaz said:

Can anyone please help? On my reuleaux ive ran the case analyzer and batter analyzer (new-LGh2-3000mah) Why when im charging via usb, around 90% charged the charge rate drops below .2 amps (1 amp charging block)? When i take the batteries out and put on my external charger they each read 4.1v. I just want my reuleaux to be as accurate as possible.

A lot of the good CC/CV (Constant Current/Constant Voltage) chargers drop down to a trickle charge for the last 5-10%. The first ~90% of the charge cycle, up to ~4.1v is at a constant current with the voltage rising as the voltage of the battery rises. This is to prevent the battery voltage becoming greater than the charge voltage to prevent backflow EMF (electromotive force). The charge voltage continues to rise until voltage it gets to the "float point" (at 4.2v) then it switches to constant voltage mode, and maintains that voltage with a trickle charge; the saturation cycle. (Around 0.1C) This is to prevent the cell being charged past 4.2v. There is A LOT more to this but, if it were charged at a constant current, it has a risk of going past 4.2 volts. Also if it is charged with a constant current up to 4.2v, it may only have about 80-90% of its potential capacity since it didn't go through a saturation charge. Even though a battery reads 4.2v, it could only be charged to about 80% of its potential capacity. So, all in all, it is normal for the current to drop to ~200 mA.
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  WickedTLC said:


They've posted the correct settings for Wismec Reuleaux along with an firmware update. However, for LG HG2 batteries, if you google the spec it will show 3.6v as nominal volt, but most stickers on them show 3.7v 3000mAh, I don't think it matters with such tiny difference, when it's really a 3.6v 2960mAh battery. You can just put 3000mAh and 11.1v or 2960mAh 10.8v in the Watt-Hour calculator.

It appears that they've made the standard cutoff at 2.8v in the downloaded settings, I just changed it to 3.0v-3.1v. You can see the factory discharge profile setting is a little identical with what I did at 65.1%, 57.6%, and 46.4%. 

Correct me if I am wrong, but I think the discharge profile lines shows on the Wismec Reuleaux Battery Display by 0.5mm(or less) tiny little square boxes if you were to click "Split" and add a few between 97.9%(4.15v) to 65.1%(3.79v). I don't want to be vaping for hours and the display still shows 90% when it is nearly half way, you get what I'm saying? All I want is the battery display to move down 1 tiny square box at a time and show the most accurate reading of how much it has left as it discharges, wouldn't you?

Please let me know if I am wrong in any way, or if there is a better way to make the battery display accurate discharge readings. Thank you.

I don't believe the split points have anything to do with the increments the battery bar drops as the cells are depleted. It is just an easier way of setting data points. The actual discharge graphs are curved, not straight lines linking the data points. So if you were to input the data points to make it into a curve, you would need hundreds of data points. The "split" function is to add another data point. Different people end up with different numbers of data points when they do the physical tests with different battery analyzers. So it allows people to input as many, or as few, data points they want to. For example, if you only had 5 data points, one at (100%,4.2v) the second at (66%,4.0v), third at (33%,3.6v), fourth at (0%,3.1v), it wouldn't be like the bar showed no movement until you reached 4.0v then instantly only be showing 66% battery left. It would drop at a constant amount as the battery was depleted no matter how many data points you have or how many times you "split" them. (The amount of time it takes for the bar to drop one increment would vary.)
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