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Everything posted by Gavnaf

  1. Попробуй на чистом field настроить сначала уже отображение, а уже затем делать "add condition" для подключения зарядки и всего такого. отпиши потом получилось или нет, мне просто лень щас свой мод гонять, если не получится, то это может быть баг самой прошивки, там еще не все моменты исправно работают.
  2. привет, я так понимаю ты русский. мог бы скинуть полный скрин экрана, чтоб я понимал в каких конкретно настройках темы ты находишься. просто там есть несколько пунктов. возможно ты выбрал как бы "условие" для обьекта. типа если батарея заряжается то делать вот это. кинешь скрин и напиши какая задача перед тобой стоит, я опишу тебе как это сделать
  3. I do not recommend using other people's profiles. You need to test your batteries for more accurate display of charge level. According to my observations, the tests only affect the display of the charge level, this does not affect the work, you can leave the default settings, or adjust the schedule itself, in manual mode.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    I created this theme inspired by the design of old mods, but added novelty to it, while maintaining the frequency of the interface. Main feature: Interface colors change depending on some settings. The interface turns red if boost is on, Green if charging is in progress. Primary color is blue.
  5. That is, other devices show 0.145 on your atomizer? or is it a calculated value? I advise you to check the connection of wires to the connector, or clean the threads of the connector and atomizer. You also need to firmly hold the screws on the atomizer; a loose connection may make amendments to the resistance. but I would refer this difference to dirty threads and a connector.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Default settings
  7. Hey. Paranormal DNA250c very accurately determines the battery charge. I can assume that your batteries have been used for a long time and have lost their initial capacity and the device has identified and shown it to you. I advise you to replace the batteries with new ones and use an external charger.
  8. Version 1.8.0


    I upgraded the theme "Evolv Default Enhansed" a bit, for my Paranormal DNA 250C. Decided to share it with you. List of Changes: Changed the illumination of the fire button while pressing, Changed the title screen, change the "Puffs Info" screen, changed the power switching step to 5w. Perhaps this theme will please you more than the original "Evolv Default Enhansed"
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