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Everything posted by niandra3

  1. Version v2.4


    Note: The lightning bolt on the battery is only visible while charging. Replay ready! (with temp control and wattage modes available too) - See below if you are having trouble with Replay Main menu is on the top right You can hide data on main screen in Main Screen menu (resistance, voltage, etc) You can hide date/time from Lock screen in Time Config page (also can choose MM/DD or DD/MM date format) There is now a ONE WATT version for those who want one-watt increments on the main screen (regular version is 5-watt increments). Now available in BLUE, BLACK, GREEN, and RED see downloads page: Clean-Color--ONE-WATT-#_#.ecigtheme A LOT of other stuff.. check it out!' If you have requests for new colors, or other customization, let me know in the comments section and I can usually whip something up pretty quickly. -------------------------------------------------------------- Replay info: This theme works with Replay for 75c devices (250c devices work with Replay by default). BUT you need to have the International Edition of EScribe 2.0 SP15.1 or later. Your 75c needs to have the right firmware as well (at least 1.1 SP33.2 - that one works for me), once you update ESscribe and connect your device it should prompt you to update firmware. You also MUST enable Replay in your EScribe profile for it to work. Using replay: once the above has been completed, load this theme and switch to a replay-enabled profile. There should be a "NO REPLAY" button seen on the main screen. This means there aren't yet any puffs to save. So take a few puffs, until you find one you like. Then the button should change to "SAVE," and you can click that to save that latest puff. Once Saved, the button changes to "PLAYING" and you are in Replay mode. Click that if you want to end Replay. If you are having trouble, check the Replay menu because it gives you more info: Replay Available (if theme/coil supports Replay [read-only]) Replay Ready (Replay is ready to be activated [read-only]) Replay Active (you can toggle this switch to save your last puff and activate Replay). You also cannot use a plain kanthal coil for Replay. You can use any temp sensing wire, including combinations (e.g. SS wrapped with kanthal). -------------------------------------------------------------- If anyone has suggestions, improvements, bugs, or anything else, please reach out in the comments below and/or leave a review. New update coming soon!! Thanks! Here are the available color options. Let me know if you have requests for others:
  2. Thanks James.. I ended up getting it working with an email from the help desk suggesting a different EScribe SP. I then installed a firmware upgrade for the device itself and it all works great (Mirage 75c and Finder 250c). Really loving them both. I would love to see some more documentation out there, especially for the Theme Designer... And the whole digging through forums for service packs feels a little outdated (I remember doing that for the old DNAs years ago). It's worth the effort to tweakers like me, but not everyone has the patience for that kind of stuff, as I'm sure you all know. Anyway, thanks again! I really love these boards. The new features seem like they'll be game-changers for sure. If you're still curious, I think the .ecig file I was having problems with is the one attached, though I made so many recently I can't be sure. Oh, while I've got you.. I'm putting together a theme where I want to display the current that the device is pulling from the batteries. In the Theme Designer, is that Misc > Atomizer > Current or Battery > Current? The latter seems like the max available current (according to Escribe settings?), while the former looks like it changes and more closely represents the values I would expect at my voltage/resistance. So I'm guessing that's the one I want. dna75cFirst.ecig
  3. I'm pretty new to all this DNA Color stuff (like this week), so I'm not too sure. But I think the locking is special, and maybe you can't configure that so much (other than the lock options, like on the SAFETY tab of EScribe where you configure locking sequence, etc). As for the Lock Screen, I *think* that when you unlock the device it automatically goes to the Main Screen. I don't know if you can mess around with that or not. On the Lock Screen page there are some extra options, like you can do special stuff if the UP or DOWN buttons are clicked (I think). Play around with the software.. there isn't an official guide out there so check YouTube and then just test things out.
  4. You're right, there's no replay in the theme. But it worked fine out of the box... Oh well I'll mess around with replay settings for a bit. Not that I care for the feature. Thanks
  5. It's a conditional. A little programming knowledge will probably help you. On your screenshot, it's saying if the BOARD TEMPERATURE is GREATER THAN some value (that you enter in the box), then DO SOMETHING. When you create a condition, it adds a new tab so you can set up a configuration for when that condition is true. In your second screenshot, the tab says "Board temperature <= 1". So whatever changes you make in that tab, will only occur when the board temp is less than or equal to 1 (which probably will never happen, unless it's freezing outside). Maybe you could have it say a warning like "CAUTION: Board temperature is very cold" One use for the conditionals is with USB. You can create a condition WHEN USB CONNECTED > ADD SOME TEXT TO SCREEN or something like that. edit: your best best is going to be to find a theme that you like, and edit it. I used the default theme DJLSB made for the Lost Vape Mirage and just edited the fonts/colors/menu options etc. It's not super easy to build a whole theme from the ground up.
  6. Hey everybody, I just got my first DNA color device (Lost Vape Mirage 75c) and it's incredible. But I'm trying to customize the theme but it won't let me load it back on to the device. I'm guessing there is some setting that I have checked that isn't allowed or something. Once I load my theme in EScribe (attached below), and try to upload settings to device, I get this error message: If I re-select the default theme, it lets me go ahead and load the settings, so I'm guessing it's something wrong with my theme. But to be honest, I have just tweaked DJLSB's default theme for the Mirage and change the colors, fonts, etc. Any thoughts? Thanks! Blue.ecigtheme
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