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Everything posted by SirTimmyTimbit

  1. Hey I made Gauges. Honestly there is no reason why a theme should affect why and how often a status message gets displayed. Those messages get triggered by the system and the theme just changes how and where it's shown on the screen. Only reason I can think of why you saw it on Gauges and not on any other theme is the stutter that used to be in the theme. There used to be a lot of "update while firing" fields on the theme, and that would cause a brief stutter and visible screen refresh whenever you started/stopped firing. That's gone now (1.5.0+). I'd love it if you gave it another chance and report back to see if that still persists. If you're already using 1.5.0 and you still see that please let me now as well.
  2. Hallo! I'm glad you found out how to do it! I love that DNA chips let you adjust the steps. Many people, myself included, can't really tell the difference less than 1 watt apart so I figured that's what I'd set the steps at. Plus it's quicker to adjust wattage this way too
  3. Ahh I see what you mean. When you're in a replay profile with a temp controlled material, it'll display the temp right next to the resistance on the main screen until you hit "save". From then on it'll display the wattage. I'll change it so it doesn't display the temp. Even if you adjust the temp it doesn't affect your vape, so it's kind of useless to display temp there for replay profiles. I'll also gray out temp stuff from the atomizer profile screens in replay profiles in the next update. By the way you can have replay in any profile, it doesn't have to be #8. Thanks for pointing this out, it totally flew by me
  4. You can check the "About" screen for the version number of the theme. The version number is also on the filename. I'm not sure how to add comments in the Theme Designer. Only place I can see is the credits tab.
  5. Aw thanks guys @Vapin @freshdachs83 @BlindBuck @Mjag @auzideals it really means a lot. You guys make working on these themes fun! Yeah you'd just show text when it's necessary (display wattage), and hide it in all other scenarios. Set up icons to display at appropriate stages of replay. My other two themes, Material-ish Fire and Material-ish Ocean does replay a little differently when this one is pretty much a re-skin of evolv's layout.
  6. DNA75c now supports replay. There's only one theme file now that can be flashed on both chips. Enjoy replay Should be fixed now
  7. Hey @ShowerHead just pushed an update. It should gray out the Power Bank link in DNA75c. It has a few other tweaks to replay as well. I'd recommend everyone to update to this version.
  8. Yeah no powerbank for us . I'll update the material themes tonight to hide powerbank among other fixes. Just updated Gauges.
  9. Looks like you can just flash the DNA250c version of the theme on a DNA75c with the new 1.1 SP33.2 INT firmware. That is just fantastic! I don't need to maintain two versions of every theme anymore I'll remove the DNA75c versions tonight, and tweak the few minor things I had planned.
  10. @Yorkyboy @kai0303 @rask116 Hey guys I think the screen lock issue is now fixed. I just noticed it happening to my DNA75c recently. I think the problem was there were too many things on the main screen that were updating and toggling their visibility while firing. That caused a lag and I think that lag caused some of the clicks to not register. I drastically cut that number down the number of fields that update while firing. The issue seems to be fixed on my DNA75c now. Please let me know if it's fixed for you in version 1.4.2 Thanks for all the feedback
  11. Sorry I have a DNA board on the way. As soon as I put it together I'll have a better understanding of how replay works. In the meantime I'll watch some videos and try to fix it. I'll push an update tomorrow hopefully.
  12. Aw man thanks! That's a huge complement It should display the voltage if not in a TC profile, even under replay. Are you using 1.0.2?
  13. Thank you so much man! I didn't change the toggle in the 75c version so I didn't get that error. I really appreciate you letting me know and providing me with a fixed version
  14. Done! Version 1.4.0. All three themes now have the same features and customization options.
  15. No it'll give you an error if you try to flash it. Nick is using an unreleased, possibly beta firmware on his DNA75c. By the way thank you so much for the review man, I really appreciate it
  16. D'oh it was on the to-do list that went past me. Thanks for bringing it up! That's a fantastic idea! Thanks! Will change both of those things in 1.0.2 tonight. Edit: Pushed 1.0.2 that incorporates those changes. Thank you so much for the idea Vapin!
  17. Nice an unreleased firmware I'm a web designer/developer so most of my experience is on designing menus and navigation systems. A few times I had to dive deeper into UX/UI design when designing backend interfaces and and for web apps like The Gamer's Post. I quite like designing interfaces
  18. Thanks man! Highlight color in this theme is a little faint and that doesn't help with images. I left 1px blank space around the replay button but I probably need to leave more. I don't have a 250c so this didn't get caught testing. I just added an image with an action and tested on the preview panel on the theme designer. You're right it's very hard to notice. I'll push an update tonight. Thanks for pointing it out!
  19. Version 2.0.0


    Strongly recommend updating to this new version 2.0.0 as it adds new features. A material colored theme for DNA75c and DNA250c. Customization options far beyond what's featured in the default Evolv theme. Notes: You can press the fire button to exit out of a screen that doesn't have a back button. LED colors styled to the theme. When you change the material of a profile (eg. from Watts to SS316L) you won't have the appropriate toggles (eg. Temp Control, Replay) activated right away. You need to back out of the Atomizer Profile screen, fire the mod and go back into the Atomizer Profile screen. This is an Evolv/Theme Designer issue. If you have temp control enabled, you can switch positions of the power and temperature field on the main screen by enabling "Big Temp" in Menu -> Settings In the Atomizer Profile screen you can adjust the Pre-heat temperature either via a Punch gauge or via a Temperature field. You can switch between them with the new toggle next to the Pre-heat label. I made this version with the new DNA250c Paranormals in mind. I think it would look good on the darker ones especially. I'd love to see some handchecks if you're using it on a Paranormal! Also check out the other version of this theme
  20. Version 2.0.0


    Strongly recommend updating to this new version 2.0.0 as it adds new features. A material colored theme for DNA75c and DNA250c. Customization options far beyond what's featured in the default Evolv theme. Notes: You can press the fire button to exit out of a screen that doesn't have a back button. LED colors styled to the theme. When you change the material of a profile (eg. from Watts to SS316L) you won't have the appropriate toggles (eg. Temp Control, Replay) activated right away. You need to back out of the Atomizer Profile screen, fire the mod and go back into the Atomizer Profile screen. This is an Evolv/Theme Designer issue. If you have temp control enabled, you can switch positions of the power and temperature field on the main screen by enabling "Big Temp" in Menu -> Settings In the Atomizer Profile screen you can adjust the Pre-heat temperature either via a Punch gauge or via a Temperature field. You can switch between them with the new toggle next to the Pre-heat label. Also check out the other version of this theme
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