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Everything posted by txmonkey214

  1. You might also want to change the settings for wattage and temperature increments. Before this, you had to go to Celsius to get away from the standard 10 degree increments for temp. It can make a difference. I have mine set for 2 degree increments, on odd numbers. I run somewhere between 443, to 461F. Not sure if that is too high, for some purposes. But, it's low enough to prevent chemical changes to my juice.
  2. Yes, I have a DNA 200. Thank you for the clarification. I would love to have this option also available for 200's, 60's, and 250's, at some future point. I'm sure both James and Brandon could use a break, for a while.
  3. Hi, How does one access this hidden field? I've been trying to find it all day. The very bottom of my theme panel is the field to set temperature increments. Give me the cheat codes (so to speak), please!
  4. If you are very careful, you can cut a groove with a dremel cutting tool and use a regular head screwdriver. You could also try cutting 2 small grooves and using a good (example: snap-on) screwdriver that is the correct size for the screw. Using too big a screwdriver will ruin the screw head. This may have been your problem, to begin with.
  5. ni200 seems smoother, after SP3. The flavor even seems better. Is this my imagination? I have a .18 ohm build, and a .15 build, in Lemo2's.
  6. http://www.sears.com/unique-bargains-blade-200-sr-x-950mah-11.1v/p-SPM7919013723?prdNo=33&blockNo=33&blockType=G33# Here's a 950 mah battery for $4.87. Not sure how long they've been shelved.
  7. Hi, Yes, the battery goes to 0% when you load 1.2. All I had to do to restore the battery setting was a soft reset.
  8. I have a question about my battery. My cat jumped out of my lap, and knocked my mod off my desk with enough force to bend my RTA, and now the device can't read it, anymore. That's just to show impact. Here's the real problem; After this happened, I have checked my battery performance on device monitor. It now shows cell 3 lagging .01 behind cells 1&2 while charging, and up to .04 while vaping. This wasn't the case before. Should I replace the battery, or can I expect it to perform for a year, or more without any safety issues?
  9. Hi, If you look on their website, the V5's are designed for use in unregulated mods. I recently bought a 22mm V4 to build a DNA 60 mod. I have hear evolv designed one with 4 screws mounted into the mod body. But, I haven't had any luck finding them online.
  10. They don't seem to be on the scene, to say the least. I had service on 2 DNA 40's, recently. I got them back in mid-July. Try contacting them at info@hanamodz.com. Send it to both emails, at once.
  11. Thanks. But, I would rather pay the $10 for a 1 amp charger upgrade. I was planning to switch it out with a DNA 40D chip. This is a much better option. Brandon, Please let me know when and where to pay!
  12. I see that the charging port is separate. Would this fit in a Hana Modz V3 DNA 40 chassis? I will just file down the screen hole, if it requires the larger screen.
  13. Hello everyone, My name is Steven, and I live in Dallas, Tx. I am one of those DNA 40 holdouts, who did not jump on the DNA 200 bandwagon, until now. I must say that I am quite impressed with all the DNA 200 has to offer. My first stupid, newbie question has to do with custom welcome screens. Can anyone tell me where I can access some fun screens, or, better yet, how can I make my own? Do I use MS Word, or possibly, excel? Or, would I need some sort of graphics program, like adobe photoshop (which I don't currently own). Thank you in advance, S Never mind! Found a topic that covers this question. Best, S
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