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Posts posted by dwcraig1

  1. In EScribe under the help tab you can find your version of EScribe, what version are you using and what DNA board/mod do you have?


    Also you might try a different cable and/or verify that the cable is data capable by connecting another device, a phone perhaps.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Chief Salty said:

    Hmm.  Good call.  I'll check that when I put it all back together and make sure there's not alignment issues causing poor contact due to the battery wrap.  Thanks!

    Oof.  I really wish I knew.  I'm going to take care of that when I require this thing.  It doesn't make any sense to me at all.

    I wish I knew what was going through their heads when the put these things together, and again when they "quality check" them.  "Extensively," no less.


    Make the contacts hit the cell flat like not on the peak.

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  3. 3 hours ago, Mandygurl79 said:


    Im trying to download escribe to mac and have tried these links. Takes me to pcloud and asked for password. I put in the dna200.de and it says thats wrong? What am I doing wrong? Im on an older version of ios as this is my old computer and wont let me update any further.

    I'm not sure, go here, scroll down:

    https://www.evolvapor.com/products/dna250color (SP17)

    Here is a newer version: (SP19)



  4. Well for one you need to make sure that Replay is enabled in the profile that you are using.

    Also make sure your flat wire is SS and not Kanthal or Nichrome.

    EScribe will be most helpful in resolving this, note difference between cold ohms and live ohms when firing using Device Monitor, TC wire increases resistance while Nichrome and Kanthal remain constant.

    Without a resistance change when heated Replay can not work.

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